The Future of Radar Electronic Warfare: Beyond (Monostatic) Radar Applications PDF

Title The Future of Radar Electronic Warfare: Beyond (Monostatic) Radar Applications
Author Ioannis Vagias`
Pages 34
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The Future of Radar Electronic Warfare: Beyond (Monostatic) Radar Applications Sqn Ldr Ioannis VAGIAS CEng FRAeS [email protected] +44 1793 78 5907 Mar 20, 2019 Combat Air Survivability Conference Royal United Services Institute © BAE Systems Commercial Sensitive Definition An integrated capa...


The Future of Radar Electronic Warfare: Beyond (Monostatic) Radar Applications

Sqn Ldr Ioannis VAGIAS CEng FRAeS [email protected] +44 1793 78 5907

Mar 20, 2019 Combat Air Survivability Conference Royal United Services Institute © BAE Systems

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Definition An integrated capability of military action involving the use of EM and directed energy to control the EM spectrum or to attack the enemy. EW exploits the opportunities and vulnerabilities which are inherent in the physics of EM energy and includes three major subdivisions:  Electronic Support (ES)  Electronic Attack (EA)  Electronic Protection (EP)

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RADAR Spectrum RADAR Frequency Designations VHF
























Radio Frequency (GHz) A




NATO EW Frequency Designations

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ITU Frequency Designations

Air (and Space) Warfare Doctrine • Interdiction, Strike and Air Support • Air Defence  Offensive Counter Air (OCA)  Attack Operations  Fighter Sweep  Fighter Escort  Suppression/Destruction of Enemy Air Defence  Defensive Counter Air (DCA)  Air and Missile Defence  Passive Defence  ...Detection and Warning  ...Electronic Warfare  ...Signature Control • Intelligence Surveillance Targeting Acquisition Reconnaissance (ISTAR) • Air Mobility: Air Lift, Air Refuelling (AR), Special Air Operations (SF) and MedEvac Commercial Sensitive

Air Warfare Key Functions • ATTACK



 Target

 Force Direction

 Position & Synchronization

 Engage

 Information Collection and Processing

 Information Security

 Dissemination

 System & Data Management

 Assess • SURVIVAL  Detection  Targeting  Engagement

• SENSING  Search  Detect  Locate & Track

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 Man-Machine Interface

 Mission & Resource Management  War fighter Identification  Rules of Engagement  Record

Col John Richard Boyd USAF Erie PA, 23 Jan 1927 – West Palm Beach FL, 9 Mar 1997 Known for OODA loop, intellectual father of the F-15, F-16, F/A-18 and A-10 (together with Pierre Sperry, Chuck Myers, Tom Christie and Col. Everest Riccioni USAF

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The Disruption – Innovation Cone Capabilities of the enemy are known

Develop narrowband doctrine and capability Saturation


Enemy cannot counter capability. Opportunities for defence manipulation Commercial Sensitive

Innovative ideas, capabilities and doctrine

(1 Col John Boyd USAF)

Sensing and the OODA Loop1 •

Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS): domain for collection, distribution, processing and distortion of information  Information supremacy and superiority  Information congestion and contest  Defence of information; defence of decision making (cyberwarfare)

 Freedom of Manoeuvre and Operational Advantage •

Boyd’s OODA Loop is applied to Land, Sea, Air (and Space) Operations...and business

Can it be applied for sensors, information and achieving spectrum supremacy?

Beating the loop (speed) by going around the loop; understand faster and thus decide faster.

Need to complete the loop before acting effectively; this is not always the case in actual operations.

• Sometimes, slowing down produces better results Commercial Sensitive

Boyd’s Original Diagramme

• Operate inside opponent’s OODA loops to create distrupt. • Observe, orient, decide and act more inconspicuously, more quickly, and with more irregularity. • Produce a period of shock, confusion, hesitancy.

• ...until the opponent develops an understanding of what has happened. Commercial Sensitive

OODA Loop onto a Platform: Integration • Many sensors and many effectors with own OODA loop • Man-In-The-Loop • Human operator might observe the sensors’ information output • Data assessment from the network for orientation



Sensor Mission System




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Orient Phase is most important •

It is the ‘corporate culture aligned with CONOPS (concept of operation), Doctrine, Dogma and SOPs (standard operating procedures)

Also known to operators (aircrew) as Situation Awareness (SA)

It shapes the way we understand the situation and the way we react

Must be continuously updated, which relies on a learning process (Artificial Intelligence)

When all participants are aligned, we have:

Previous Experience

Analysis and Synthesis

Cultural Traditions


 Common understanding of mission intent

 Shared Situation Awareness

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New Information

Genetic Heritage

OODA Loop is not outdated • Experienced observers know when they need more time • Experienced observers know what to look for • Taking extra time for decision making is not being passive nor giving up the initiative • Applies to sensors as well as to humans • Paradoxa:  How delaying decisions can make better cars faster” (2nd Toyota Paradoxon1)  Dress me slowly because I am in a hurry (the Pope to his aide)  Read thoroughly the exam questions (pressure of time) before you start writing the answers  Ward, Liker, Cristiano, Sobeck (1995) 1

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Experimentation using CL Decision Systems • The Implicit Loops allow us to use our ‘proven repertoire’ (memory of effectiveness)  Fastest responses and the ones we have been trained to use • The slower Explicit command and guidance loops are the way we build up the experience and knowledge that allows us to use the faster Implicit loops • The DECISION & ACTION phases in the Explicit Loops develop a ‘new repertoire’  Trials, training and computer-based scenario modelling are the way of building up a set of plausible scenarios, information and a range of ‘hypothetical responses’  This is an experimental approach, which takes time and needs data to be collected • The Decision-Action loops are the heart of Innovation

 Investigation to build capability and understanding of the possible scenarios we may face  Experimentation using the EXPLICIT loops  Developing new ideas, capabilities and doctrine Commercial Sensitive

Current EW Technology • Network Centric Enabled Warfare:  Share EW information through tactical data links CESMO, NCCT • Not-Only-RADAR Sensors:  Use powerful AESA RADARs as jammers APG-81, ES-05 • Netted RF Passive and Active Sensors:  Low frequency passive sensors to detect LO where’re getting there... targets • Stealth Coatings and Shaping:  Ferromagnetic particles and heat abductive HAVE GLASS IV, surface wave suppression materials and use CNT

• Tactical Battlefield Cyber Warfare:  Attack enemy computer networks to degrade be addressed at some point... sensors

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New Concepts • • • • • • • •

Trimmable expendable (passive or active) decoy Rechargeable expendable active decoy Loitercopter 3D arrays RCS reduction at hypersonic velocities Kinetic countermeasure Future air power (ÆTHON) Further ideas and concepts for future Radar EW applications

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New Expendable Active Formats • So fall:   55mm, 200mm length  218 (inches)  Incapable of gliding • Proposed gliders:  55 (mm)  218 (in)  118 (in)  228 (in) • Large lift-to-drag ratio • Long flight time • Fit two actuators and an IMU for trimmed flight capability • Passive (trihedrals) or active • The round format can also spin thus producing a microDoppler signature Commercial Sensitive

New Expendable Active Formats Cont’d

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Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II RCS • Suitability for LO aircraft • Combination of:

 Chaff to stealth AGC  On-board or off-board deception to steal the range/Doppler gate  Passive decoy to give the incoming missile something realistic to chase • The decoy can be: • Ejected

• Ejected and towed • Ejected, towed and released

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Advanced Passive Expendable Glide Path (6DOF model)

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Rechargeable Expendable Active Decoy • • • • • • •

Standard EAD body Decouple propelled from the body RAM air spins the propeller Induction motor (rotor-stator) produces AC current AC is converted to 28V DC DC current charges battery for high power pulse bursts Vision to irradiate for more that 1 min (depending the drop altitude) As the RF missile seeker flies towards the decoy, the decoy ERP requirement drops for a constant burn-through range

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Loitercopter • Off-board platform that can loiter and deliver effects:  Jamming and deception techniques  RGPO/VGPO  Coherent noise (narrow/wideband)  Cooperating and blink jamming  Waveform distortion:  Cross-eye (2 cartridges & laser LOS link)  Terrain-bounce  Kinetic effects  Directional warhead

 Blast & fragmentation  Kevlar net (anti-drone)  Chaff Commercial Sensitive

Loitercopter (Cont’d) • Various formats for naval, helicopter and large cargo aircraft

• Recoverable  Parachute  Floaters  Fly-back option • Air-breathing or electrical motor • Rechargeable or thermal battery • Air-breathing motor can recharge the battery • Option for LOS RF and/or SAT COM link for beyond visual range operation • To protect a ship against salvo of anti-ship missiles, typically four can be deployed to the four corners of the ship several hundreds meters away Commercial Sensitive

Loitercopter, Cooperative Jamming CASE A

Missile Miss Distance (m)






0 0








Jammer Separation Distance (m)

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• A = Reference Case; Vr=1200 m/sec, B = 12.5deg, latax 20g • B = Reference Case; but with Missile Acceleration 25g • C = Reference Case; but with Seeker B = 10deg • D=Reference Case; but with Vr=1000 m/sec

3D Antenna Array • Crow’s Nest research revisited • Tripole concept:  Set of three dipoles orthogonal to each other  Can transmit any polarization) in any direction  Can transmit and receive at co-polar or cross-polar  Vertical (VV), Horizontal (VV)  RHCP, LHCP, Slant • Ability to steer one or multiple beams spherically • Ultra fast beam steering and tracking  Several planes within the dome, generate several planar arrays  Switch from one plane to another instead of steering the beam (phase shifting the elements  Random element placement favors interferometry Commercial Sensitive

3D Antenna Array • Feeding network is a challenge • Element cross coupling and shadowing has proved not to be an issue • In theory can be applied to any shape • Practically however, there’s need for two topologies:  Surveillance sensors (hemispherical layout)

 Missile seekers (conical layout) • Different layouts leads to different feeding network • Each element (dipole) needs it’s own phase shifter Geodesic Radome 3D CAD

Meteor Radome 3D CAD

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RCS of Hypersonic Vehicles • Hypersonic regime M>5 • Formation of plasma (ionization of air) at M21.5 for a carbon CFRP structure • M21.5 suggest hypersonic gliders for global strike capability • A hypersonic glider can evade IADS through manoeuvring • Literature suggests that plasma absorbs RF waves  China  India  Russia  Pakistan  South Korea

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Kinetic Countermeasures against air-to-air Missiles • Northrop Grumman:  Kinetic Missile Defense System • Paradox: a more accurate missile seeker, increases the kinetic decoy effectiveness. A proximity fuses kill at a distance, renders the decoy ineffective as fragments cannot neutralize fragments  Need for directional warhead with blast fragmentation effects  Several points of initiation  Proximity sensing (radar, ESM, IR/UV or laser) • Deployment of a Kevlar net?

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"A missile defense system on an aircraft for destroying threats to the aircraft. The defense system includes at least on miniature guided missile mounted in a launch tube on the aircraft, where the guided missile includes a target acquisition and seeker system. The system also includes at least one sensor on the aircraft for acquiring a target threat, and a controller on the aircraft receiving signals from the at least one sensor. The controller generates a fire control solution that is provided to the at least one guided missile that directs the guide missile once if is fired from the launch tube towards the target threat, and the seeker system on the guided missile acquires the target once it is launched from the aircraft so as to destroy the target."

Æroplane Tenable Heuristic Omnirole Nimble (ÆTHON) • Length 24m, wingspan 14m, height 3m • OCA, SEAD, Deep Strike, Strategic ISTAR • Large combat radius (>1,500km), large ferry range (>4,500km) • Internal fuel >12,000kg • 2 turbofan engines; installed max power >400kN • Thrust-to-Weight ratio >1.25 • Autonomy: mission dependant • Service ceiling >50,000ft • Supercruise, Supermanoeuvrable • No flaperons, nor LEF, nor elevons • Non linear fluidic control for manoeuvring (leading, trailing edge and exhaust) • 2D TVC5 • Low RCS6, low IR Signature • Max 24 medium A2A7 missiles in 6 tubes • 20mm or 30mm gun • Supercruise speed >M2.0 • Max speed >M3.0 Commercial Sensitive

ÆTHON Innovative Aspects

• Non linear wing planform blowing (WPB) for aerodynamic control  A step beyond the technology behind Tempest (Manchester University) • Enhanced manoeuvrability, sensors and effectors to counter IADS • Low observability (RF & EO) • Torpedo tube like weapon bays  Lockheed managed to launch an AIM-47 from the weapon bay of the YF-12 at M3.2 Commercial Sensitive

Radar EW: Disruptive Technologies and Concepts • Pattern recognition of EM activity  Discriminate EM emitters using pattern recognition  Discriminate EM activity to guess adversary intentions (compare idle EM activity with abnormal activity)  Behavioural Learning for Adaptive Electronic Warfare; BLADE (DARPA) • Creating RF Effects with Electro-optics

 E.g.: Optical mirage in the desert is the equivalent of waveform distortion in EW  Light bending coatings → use of antennae metamaterial skin to bend RF waves  Laser applications... • Jamming and Deception of ESM

 Pretend to be somebody else (reception and processing are not susceptible to jamming/deception)  Wavefront distortion; works against interferometers (phase comparison receivers)  Receiver power saturation; works against multiport systems (amplitude comparison) Commercial Sensitive

R EW: Disruptive Technologies and Concepts (Cont’d) • Bioinspired Radar and Coatings  Echolocation in chiroptera; wideband, coherent techniques for navigation, surveillance, targeting and acquisition  Tiger moth has a primitive stealth coating to avoid being consumed by its pursuer • Waveform Diversity  Wideband transmission vs narrowband processing; degrade jammer performance

 Different waveform on each monopulse lobe; range vs velocity ambiguity • Next Generation Radar Stealth  Suppression of surface (creeping) waves  Use of metamaterials (carbon nanotubes; CNT)

 Check fibre mat; Lockheed Martin stealth coating of the F-35

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Thank you for your attention. I can now answer to your questions

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