The Hangover Rewrite - Adam Dewan PDF

Title The Hangover Rewrite - Adam Dewan
Author Renee Woll
Course Clinical Psychopharmacology
Institution Florida State University
Pages 3
File Size 93.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 41
Total Views 146


Adam Dewan...


Alexa Woll The Hangover Re-write Plot: After a successful bachelor party and wedding (barely,) Stu ended up getting engaged only a couple months after. He was thinking for days and days about what could top Dougs bachelor party, then it came to him… go to Burning Man. So he unknowingly planned a trip to the craziest music festival to ever exist for him and his friends: Doug, Phil, and Alan. Scene 1: “I can’t believe you’re making us do this,” says Doug reluctantly getting out of the Uber. “Oh come on you know I had to somehow top your bachelor party and Burning Man is the only way,” Stu replies as the rest of the crew gathers their belongings and eventually heads toward the building they pulled up to. “Uhh Stu, this isn’t an airport…” Alan says as he reads the sign “Skydiving Adventures.” “You’re right. I ended up not being able to afford the tickets with the wedding coming up and all so I figured out if you skydive into the festival you get in for free…” Everyones faces immediately dropped with fear. “Don’t worry! I knew you guys were going to be nervous so I bought us a bunch of Xanax to calm us down because there’s no way this isn’t happening.” “How many are we supposed to take?” asks Phil. “I think he said 4 would be good?” Stu says sounding a little reluctant. They all accept, cheers them, and down 4 each with water before walking into the skydiving building. *2 hours later* The plane takes off with all 4 of them strapped into gear and ready to drop into the festival. “Hey Stu I’m feelin’ a bit woozy” Doug says as the plane gets higher and higher into the sky. Everyone is looking super tired, their bodies feeling lighter and lighter by the minute with their anxiety (and any other feeling really) washing away, while Phil is in the corner almost asleep. All the sudden a strong voice yells “GO GO GO!” and a door flys open and the whole plane is filled with gusty wind. The 4 basically get shoved out of the plane in a frantic mess, and they start barreling towards the ground, the festival below them. “I CAN’T FEEL MY BODY!” screams Alan while Stu comes to the fact that they all definitely took too much. “OH MY GOD PHIL’S ASLEEP WE HAVE TO WAKE HIM UP!” Doug screams as they’re still barreling towards the ground. Luckily Stu happened to be skilled in skydiving, so he maneuvered himself to Phil and started slapping him in the face. “PHIL YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP, WE HAVE TO PULL OUR SHOOTS SOON!” screams Stu, with no response from Phil. He looks down noticing they have to pull their shoots now or it’ll be too late. “Well here goes nothing,” he says to himself as he motions for everyone to pull their shoots, while he pulls Phils then his own. The air catches them and they’re slowly descending to Burning Man, Phils unresponsive body slowly following behind. “Hey Stu I think we too..a lil…muh…” Doug mumbles unable to form complete words as they float down. They finally reach the ground with a rough landing, Phil laying out completely face down with a slight moan. Phil slowly lifts his head, “What happened? We’re here already? I don’t remember anything...” With a couple difficulties communicating and lifting their heavy gear, they get out of their parachutes, grab their bags and head into the festival, stumbling along. Drug Background: Xanax (Alprazolam, or 8-Chloro-1-methyl-6-phenyl-4H-s-triazolo benzodiazepine). It is manufactured pharmaceutically as it is synthetic. Depressant.

Pharmacokinetics: It is taken orally. Binds to plasma proteins and several sites across the CNS so it can cross the blood brain barrier. Typically absorbed in 1-2 hours and lasts about 8-10 hours. Pharmacodynamics: Binds to several sites across the CNS (highly concentrated in the cortex). They act by facilitating the binding of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA at various GABA receptors, causing less excitability in neurons and in turn “calming” the brain. Causes behavioral disinhibition, drowsiness, violence, and memory loss at high doses. Scene 2: *cut to day 2 of the festival, 7am* “RISE AND SHINE EVERYONE we got a big day ahead of us!” Phil yells while running back into camp wearing a tutu and unicorn mask, holding some dried up looking stuff in his hands. Alan is inside the tent just waking up and drinking a beer, Doug is passed out in a lawn chair while Stu is face down in the middle of camp, everyone covered in Burning Man dirt and looking like they just fought in one of the World Wars. After finally getting everyone awake, Phil says “Look what I traded my phone to some random wook for!” and opens his hands revealing quite a large amount of magic mushrooms. “You traded your phone…? For mushrooms?” Asks Stu, and Phil just shrugs it off as they’re at Burning Man and have no real responsibilities and starts eating the shrooms and washing them down with water, without portioning it out. The whole group looks at each other, shrugs, and follows suit. *Cut to 3 hours later at a very strange ambient set from CharlestheFirst* “Hey guys I think we took a little bit too much nothing is reality right now…I’m really sweaty and nauseous” Doug says oddly calmly, looking down at his hands as if they were not his. Phil is in his own world, standing near with eyes shut, soft smile and slowly swaying to the music with happy tears trailing down his face. Stu is sitting on the ground, playing with the sand letting it fall through his fingers rambling “I feel so…connected to the Earth guys, you know? Like we should definitely be here at this very moment. This is what the universe wanted us to do…” Alan was a couple of feet away, seeming very interested in some harmless looking hippy girl with dreads giving a class on how to recharge your crystals in the moonlight, holding a couple in his hands and “feeling the energy”. For hours the 4 stayed at that set, wandering around the small area awe at the art and how it resonated in their bodies. After about a total of 6 hours they started to come down off of their peak. Stu says “Okay I’m starting to feel a little bit more like myself…that was some crazy stuff! I’ve never seen or felt anything like it. If you guys are up for it lets go see Claude Vonstroke.” Phil and Doug say they’re also becoming more sober and want to explore more as well. That’s when they noticed Alan was gone. “Uhh…where’s Alan?” Doug says as the 3 frantically look around the area as they were so messed up they physically weren’t able to wander off. “Oh my god… he must’ve been taken somewhere by the crystal lady.” They all made eye contact, and simultaneously starting sprinting back to camp in effort to find their missing friend. Background: Magic Mushrooms (Teonanacatl or Psilocybine (dihydrogen phosphate)) They occur naturally and are a hallucinogen. Pharmacokinetics: They are taken orally either by eating them or making them into a tea. It is metabolized mostly in the liver, stomach and intestine, does undergo a first pass effect and also crosses the blood brain barrier. Can feel effects from 30 min-1hr from ingestion and can last 3-6 hours. Pharmacodynamics: Effects the dopaminergic system. Acts as an agonist for several serotonin receptors, with high affinity in the 5-HT receptors and also indirectly increases the concentration of dopamine (high concentration in basal ganglia and cortex). Causes users to experience a slow of time, hallucinations, euphoria, and feeling connected to others/nature and heightened emotions. Scene 3: *cut to the last night of the festival, at the finale.* What a crazy time that was. Somehow, the 4 friends managed to keep track of each other and be together for the finale of

the festival, The Burning of the Man, where a huge wooden sculpture in the middle of the festival is put into flames. Tens of thousands of weirdos are surrounding them, and they’re happily sitting reminiscing on the whole trip. They’re covered in dirt from head to toe, a couple of them are missing articles of clothing while a couple of them are wearing articles of clothing that they had no idea where they came from. As the sunset they noticed the group next to them had a huge silver scuba looking tank in the middle of them, but nobody questioned it as they’ve seen a lot weirder things this weekend. Suddenly, a loud *hssss* noise comes from the group and almost everyone around them turned their heads toward it. The group noticed the 4 friends looking, held up a blown up balloon and asked if they wanted some. “Some what? That’s just a balloon.” Says Stu. The group laughs and the person holding the balloon goes “no it’s not just a balloon, it’s a whippet.” The 4 friends look at each other confused, get up and walk over to the group sitting down and joining them. “Uh what’s a whippet exactly?” Doug asks. One from the random group explains “It’s just nitrous oxide. It basically cuts off the oxygen supply to your brain for a little…I think? I’m not too sure but it sure makes you feel cool. You get all dizzy and your hearing starts almost…womping out, sometimes you pass out. You wanna try one? Here, just inhale it and hold it as long as you can.” The 4 look at each other a little weary, shrug, then decide why not, we’re at Burning Man. The randoms fill up 4 balloons of whippets and gift them to the 4. As soon as they start inhaling The Man was lit and went up in flames, everyone cheering loudly. Within about 30 seconds everyone’s hearing started going in and out, Phil and Stu laid flat down on their backs from the dizziness. After only 2 minutes everyone was back sober and looked at the random group in shock. “THAT WAS SO COOL,” Stu said ecstatically to the one who gifted them to gas. Everyone ended up bonding with each other, watching The Man burn, and finishing off the tank of nitrous. End plot: The 4 end up making it back just in time for the wedding, once again looking pretty rough. Only difference is, instead of everyone being hungover from Dougs Vegas trip bachelor party, everyones moody because of the imbalance of neurotransmitters in their brains from the copious amount of varied drugs they tried over the weekend. Background: Whippets or Whips (nitrous oxide or Dinitrogen monoxide). It is produced synthetically on an industrial scale. It is considered a dissociative. Pharmacokinetics: It is inhaled either straight from a tank from a balloon or out of a whipped cream dispenser. It does cross the blood brain barrier. Effects can be felt immediately (within 30 seconds from consumption) and last a small amount of time (1-2 minutes). Pharmacodynamics: Effects the central nervous system. Modulates a wide range of ligand gated ion channels. Inhibits GABA, 5-HT, and NMDA receptors yet also activates k+ channels. Causes a pause in oxygen supply to the brain. This causes effects like euphoria, spatial disorientation, hearing loss, and uncontrolled vocalizations. Sources: 1.,021434s006lbl .pdf 2. 3. 4. Textbook and notes....

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