The Influence of Deep Breath Relaxation Techniques and Five-Finger Hypnotic Therapy on Preoperative Patient Anxiety PDF

Title The Influence of Deep Breath Relaxation Techniques and Five-Finger Hypnotic Therapy on Preoperative Patient Anxiety
Author J. Pardede
Pages 9
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Journal of Psychiatry, 2018 Volume 3 No 1: 1-8 The Influence of Deep Breath Relaxation Techniques and Five-Finger Hypnotic Therapy on Preoperative Patient Anxiety Jek Amidos Pardede* Selamat Febry Andrea Sitepu Masri Saragih Nursing Study Program, Sari Mutiara Indonesia University Correspondence: *j...


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The Influence of Deep Breath Relaxation Techniques and FiveFinger Hypnotic Therapy on Preoperative Patient Anxiety Jek A M I D O S Pardede Journal of Psychiatry

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Journal of Psychiatry, 2018 Volume 3 No 1: 1-8

The Influence of Deep Breath Relaxation Techniques and Five-Finger Hypnotic Therapy on Preoperative Patient Anxiety Jek Amidos Pardede* Selamat Febry Andrea Sitepu Masri Saragih Nursing Study Program, Sari Mutiara Indonesia University Correspondence: *[email protected] ABSTRACT Pre operative is an early stage to prepare patients everything possible to be in operation, more than two thirds of patients waiting for surgery experience anxiety. The result of the anxiety the patient pre surgery which was great then there is a possibility the operation could not be carried out. One way to overcome anxiety is by way deep breathing relaxation techniques with five finger hypnosis. This study aims to determine the effect of deep breathing relaxation technique with five finger hypnosis therapy on the patient’s pre operative anxiety at RSUD. Dr. H. Kumpulan Pane Tebing Tinggi. This study uses quasy experiment with the design of the one group pre and post test design. Number of samples in this study were 31 respondents. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Collecting data in this study using a questionnaire. Based on the result of study respondents anxiety level prior to deep breathing relaxation techniques with hypnosis therapy five finger, mild anxiety (16,1 % ), moderate anxiety (61,3%), and severe anxiety (22,6 %). After deep breathing relaxation techniques with hypnosis therapy five fingers, mild anxiety (83, 9%), and moderate anxiety (16, 1 % ). The test used in this study by using the wilcoxon test. Wilcoxon test result with a value of z = -4. 107. There is a significant influence in breath relaxation techniques with hypnotic therapy five fingers against anxiety patients pre operative in RSUD Dr. H. Kumpulan Pane Tebing Tinggi p value = 0.000 ( p < 0,1 ). This research can be used by the patient pre operative in overcoming anxiety is experienced. Keywords: Deep breathing relaxation techniques, five finger hypnosis therapy, anxiety, preoperative

INTRODUCTION Preoperative is the initial stage to prepare the patient as much as possible so that they can be operated on properly, recover quickly, and be free from postoperative complications. The overall success of the surgery depends on this phase. Surgery is a potential or actual threat to a person's integrity that can generate physiological and psychological stress reactions. Surgery is loaded with tension. Patients who are going to undergo surgery are generally accompanied. According to Hulu & Pardede (2016). Anxiety in the preoperative period because they think surgery is a scary thing. According to Efendy (2008, in Gea 2014) in an anxious state, the body will overproduce the hormone cortisol which will result in an increase in blood pressure, chest tightness, and unstable emotions. The result of preoperative patient anxiety is very great, there is the possibility that the operation cannot be carried out, because in patients who experience anxiety before surgery, abnormalities such as increased blood pressure will appear so that if the operation is still carried out it will result in difficulty in stopping bleeding, and even after surgery it will interfere with the healing process. In 2011 there were 50 out of 700 patients who canceled surgery due to psychological factors, namely anxiety at the Central Surgical Installation, BLU Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado (Budikasi et al, 2015).

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Journal of Psychiatry, 2018 Volume 3 No 1: 1-8 More than two-thirds of patients awaiting surgery experience anxiety. The level of anxiety in each patient depends on the experience which is influenced by several factors. Some levels of anxiety occur as a natural reaction that cannot be predicted, especially in preoperative patients, especially in patients who are experiencing surgery for the first time. Excessive preoperative anxiety can cause a pathophysiological response which includes tachycardia, hypertension, arrhythmias, and severe pain that can persist until the postoperative period (Ariati, 2012). The results of research conducted by Apriansyah, et al (2014) at Muhammadiyah Palembang Hospital regarding the relationship between pre-operative patient anxiety levels and postoperative pain levels showed that pre-operative respondents who experienced moderate and severe anxiety categories were 23 respondents (50%) of the total. 46 respondents studied while respondents who experienced mild category anxiety with pain complaints totaled 10 respondents (21.7%). One way to overcome anxiety is by means of deep breath relaxation techniques and five finger hypnosis. Some of the benefits of deep breathing techniques are the psychological benefits of reducing stress, which is one way to relax the body by concentrating on breathing. Deep breathing can help reduce the severity and frequency of tension headaches associated with stress, slow heart rate, lower blood pressure, and reduce fatigue. From the data obtained from medical records, patients who underwent major surgery from January to December 2015 totaled 483 patients with the most 5 operated diseases such as uterine neoplasms, urinary tract stones, caesarian, appendicitis, and hernias. From the results of interviews conducted by the author on 10, The patient said that 6 patients said they were anxious and afraid when they faced surgery and the results of the observation of 4 patients had trembling hands, difficulty thinking and cold acral of the patient, this affected the patient who was going to face surgery. From the background description above, the authors are interested in conducting a study to determine whether there was an effect of deep breath relaxation techniques with five-finger hypnosis therapy on preoperative patient anxiety. The general objective of this study was to determine the effect of deep breath relaxation techniques with five finger hypnosis therapy on preoperative patient anxiety. The benefit of this research is expected that nurses in the surgical ward can provide deep breath relaxation techniques with five finger hypnosis therapy in pre-operative patients who experience anxiety. RESEARCH METHODS The design of this research is a quasi-experiment with pre-test and post-test with one group which aims to determine the effect of deep breath relaxation techniques and five-finger hypnosis on changes in preoperative patient anxiety. The population in this study were major preoperative patients at RSUD Dr. H. The Tebing Tinggi City Pane Collection, which is estimated to be 40 patients per month with the top 5 diseases being operated on, such as uterine neoplasms, urinary tract stones, cesarean, appendicitis, and hernias. The samples in this study were major preoperative patients. From the average number of patients who undergo surgery per month as many as 40 people, the sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling, which is a sampling method by selecting certain samples that are judged according to the research objectives in a population. The sample criteria in this study were all pre-operative patients who met the following inclusion criteria: Patients who have never had the previous surgical experience, Patients who will undergo

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Journal of Psychiatry, 2018 Volume 3 No 1: 1-8 major type surgery. Patients were able to communicate well the day before surgery. In many circumstances, investigators had anticipated the possibility of selected subjects dropping out, losing to follow-up, or being disobedient. If from the beginning it has been determined that the subject group will not be analyzed, it is necessary to correct the calculated sample size by adding the number of subjects so that the sample size is still met. The statistical test used was the Wilxocon test with a value of p...

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