The Influence of Korean Wave to the Filipino Youth DOCX

Title The Influence of Korean Wave to the Filipino Youth
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The Influence of Korean Wave to the Filipino Youth Sunday, March 10, 2013 INTRODUCTION: Background of the Study: The rising popularity of Korean Culture throughout the world is called Korean Wave. The Korean popular culture which spread mainly through the mass media is now enjoying high popularity o...


The Inflence of Koreann anve to the Filipiino Yolth Slndany, Manrch 10, 2013 INTRODUCTION: Banckgrolnd of the Stldy: The rising piopillanrity of Koreann Clltlre throlgholt the world is canlled Koreann anve. The Koreann piopillanr clltlre which spireand maninly throlgh the manss median is now enjoying high piopillanrity oltside Korean annd this is how the Koreann anve occlrs (Yl,2008). The pihenomenanl Koreann sensanton is describe from annother term canlled Hanllyl, this is an Koreann pironlncianton of Koreann anve which is defned by Koreann Tolrism Organnizanton (2004) ans the recent clltlranl pihenomenon of Solth Koreann piopi clltlre sweepiing throlgholt the world (Kim & Ryoo, 2007). Koreann anve (Hanllyl) maninly consists of television dranmans, flm, piopi mlsic, movie stanrs annimanton annd comics incllding mobile content like cell pihones annd ioods, video or compilter ganmes, ans well ans the lantest fanshion, food, home anpipiliannces annd cosmetcs, anssertvely expiannding to things like dannce, scllpitlre, pianintng, clisine, pilanstc slrgery, tolrism annd lannglange (httpi:// In this stldy I'm jlst going to focls on the Koreann anve efect in Filipiino Yolth's pireference in mlsic, television dranmans annd in their tanste of fanshion. The yolths anre the one who anre most inflenced by the Koreann anve annd one of those anre the Filipiino Yolth. The new generanton todany is diferent annd they anre eansily canpitlred to the things anrolnd them. These yolths anre expiosed to the diferent kinds annd genres of mlsic, television dranmans annd anlso in their tanste of fanshion. Now annd then, the tanste of mlsic, movies annd fanshion hans been channged, impiroved annd mande more excitng in the eyes of the Filipiino Yolth. Everywhere yol will go, in schools, manlls, stores, while riding an jeepiney annd even to recreantonanl pilances slch ans pianrks annd anlso to tolrist pilances, yol cann see the efects of Koreann anve in the Filipiino espiecianlly to the Filipiino Yolth. In going to school yol cann eansily see thant Koreann Sensantons anre anlmost everywhere. Yol cann notce thant stldents anre listening annd singing songs in diferent lannglange (Koreann Lannglange) thant they don't know whant's the meanning of it, they tanlk anbolt their fanvorite Koreann dranmans then andmire the anctors annd anctresses in the movie annd sometmes impiersonante their looks. To andd some banckgrolnd , there will be slrveys contanining ganthered informanton to distnglish the respiondents (manle annd femanle stldents of the Mindannano Stante University- Iligann Insttlte of Technology)...

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