the lost 2nd Letter of Peter DOC

Title the lost 2nd Letter of Peter
Author Peter Thompson
File Size 31 KB
File Type DOC
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the lost 2nd Letter of Peter Probably a forgery of a original document, from maybe around the time of Dr. Luke and the hack job on the Gospels, circa AD 60-70. It appears to be edited profusely by malicious monks or Roman pharisees. First is presented a original, then the edited document. Obviously ...


the lost 2nd Letter of Peter Probably a forgery of a original document, from maybe around the time of Dr. Luke and the hack job on the Gospels, circa AD 60-70. It appears to be edited profusely by malicious monks or Roman pharisees. First is presented a original, then the edited document. Obviously a letter of Peter, it is reflected in the book of Acts, that contradicts this unusual document. It follows the Kosher rules, and there is little reason for food cleanliness laws to be altered much by Jesus, other than the incessant washing. It appears after all, that Jesus was only starting the conversation of legal reform concerning cleanliness and temple rituals. His opposition to temple rituals galore that send mixed messages and do not teach the worrd of God, that is what also got the 1844 Gate of God prophet executed, by people that didnt want legal reform either.] The Law of Meat and Herbs according to Peter the Apostle of Christ This is the law of the pure and unclean according to the new covenant. In times past it was segregation yet the Son of God has healed that separation. He showed me this. We will not call the unclean meats that God has now cleansed. However, provisions remain. When you cook in the pigs you will cook as you cook the lamb. Do not eat seldom or pay the consequences of ill health or death. All cattle can be consumed rarely heals rotten flesh for yourself. They should not indulge but do it with moderation. All predatory birds should not be eaten while in the wild yet if grown on the domestic market they can be consumed. That's for your health. Ostrich and its kind we can not eat raw (ever) yet should be cooked completely. All fish can be consumed yet with poison segments should be prepared with caution. You should use the judgment in this matter. Owl fish can eat but should be done with great care as well. It is safer to eat domestically farmed animals yet if you have to eat to survive even a rat is acceptable. Do not be ignorant. Nothing is unclean in and of itself. If I appreciate something unclean, it is unclean only to you, yet you are going to judge another in the meat....

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