The Merging and Acquisition of Banco De Oro and Equitable PCI Bank PDF

Title The Merging and Acquisition of Banco De Oro and Equitable PCI Bank
Author Pamela Morte
Course Management Accounting
Institution Notre Dame of Marbel University
Pages 3
File Size 61.9 KB
File Type PDF
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Download The Merging and Acquisition of Banco De Oro and Equitable PCI Bank PDF


TheMer gi ngandAcqui si t i onofBancoDeOr oandEqui t abl ePCIBank 

BDO,knownasAc meSavi ngsBank ,wasacqui r edbyt heSM Gr oupi n1976.Unt i l 5Augus t 1996,wheni twasgr ant edf ul luni v er s al banks t at us ,t heBank ’ smai nbus i nes swaspr ov i di ng t r adi t i onal l oananddeposi tbank i ngs er v i c est ot hemi ddl emar k etsegment ,i nc l udi ng cor por at esuppl i er sofSM.

BDO l i st edi t sshar esi nt hePhi l i ppi neSt ockEx change( PSE)on21May2002.

OnJ une15,2001,BDO mer gedwi t hDaoHengBank' sPhi l i ppi nes ubs i di ar y ,wi t hBDO as t hesur vi vi ngent i t y . DaoHengBank

Asof29December2005,BancodeOr or ank ed5t hi nt er msofr esour cesandl oans ,6t h i nt er msof depos i t s ,and8t hi nt er msofcapi t alamongt he41commer c i al bank si nt he i ndust r y .

Equi t abl ePCIBanki sacommer ci albankwi t hanex pandedbanki ngl i cense.

I ti st het hi r dl ar ges tpr i v at edomest i cbanki nt hecount r yi nt er msofr esour c es ,capi t al , deposi t s ,andl oans .Offer i ngt r adi t i onal andi nnov at i v edepos i tpr oduct sands er v i c es ,cas h management ,i nt er nat i onal bank i ng,commer ci al andcor por at ebanki ng,moneymar k et ,t r us t andt r easur ys er vi ces ,t heBankcat er st ot heneedsofcor por at e,mi ddl emar k et ,andr et ai l c l i ent s.

6 Combi ni ngt hei ndi v i dual st r engt hsofEqui t abl eBankandPCIBank ,t hemer geri n1999c r eat ed as t r ongpr esenc ei nsi gni fic antmar k etsegment spar t i c ul ar l yt hec or por at eandFi l i pi noChi nes e mi ddl emar k et . Mor eov er ,Equi t abl ePCIBank’ sext ens i v edi st r i but i onnet wor kpr ovi dest hec r i t i cal masst of ur t herf or t i f yt heBank ’ spos i t i oni nt hecons umer / r et ai ls ec t orasi tpr esent si ncr eased oppor t uni t i esf orc r oss sel l i ngot herr et ai l pr oduc t s .

7 Equi t abl ePCIBankenj oy smanyadv ant agesast het hi r dl ar ges tpr i v at edomes t i cbanki nt he Phi l i ppi nes . TheBankhashadal onghi s t or yoffinanci al s t r engt hands t abi l i t yandhol dsl eadi ng posi t i onsi nk eybusi nesss egment s . I thasast r ongpos i t i oni nt hemi ddl emar k etandi nt he cor por at emar k et .I tenj oy sal ar gepr esence,wi dec us t omerbase,andex t ensi v edi s t r i but i on net wor k .TheBankhasabaseofdi v er si fiedwel l es t abl i shedfi nanci al ser v i c esbus i ness es ,whi ch f ur t herbol st eri t spos i t i on

8 I nc r edi tcar ds ,Equi t abl eCar dNet wor kdomi nat est hel ocalc r edi tcar di ndus t r yasmer c hant acqui r er ,andt hi r dpar t ypr ocessor . Thi spr ov i desgoods copef ort heBankt oi ncr easei t sr et ai l l endi ng. PCILeasi ngandFi nancei soneoft hemostpr ofi t abl efinanc ecompani eswi t hahi gh c api t albaseandwi der eac h.

9 PCICapi t alCor por at i oni swel lr ecogni z edf orbei ngadomi nantpl ay eri ni nv es t mentbanki ng Capi t al i z i ngoni t ssi z eandl ar gecus t omerbas e,t heBankal s ocont i nuest oi nv esti nt echnol ogyand i sabl et ot ak eadv ant ageofec onomi esofscal e. 10 EPCIBEFOREMERGI NG =0. 179150%  BDO BEFOREMERGI NG =1. 088067%  BDO AFTERMERGI NG =0. 707700%

11 ( EPCIASOF2005)=0. 8183%  ( BDO ASOF2005)=2. 9273%  ( BDO ASOF2009)= 3. 5496%

12 Apl anbyt heSM Gr oupofCompani esandBancodeOr oUni v er s al Bankt omer gewi t h Equi t abl ePCIBank Las tNov ember2006t hei rr espect i v eBoar dofDi r ec t or spass edr esol ut i ons appr ovi ngapl ant omer get het woc ompani es

13 Toser v ei t scus t omer sbet t erandmor eeffic i ent l yt hanei t heri nst i t ut i onal one Toi nv es ti nt he mostupt odat et ec hnol ogyanddev el opmor ei nnov at i v epr oduct swhi c hwi l lbenefi tbot hr et ai land cor por at ecust omer s Wi l l bebet t erabl et oupgr adei t sr i skmanagementandI Ts y s t emsi nor dert o addr essBasel I Ir equi r ement s .

14 Amer gerwi t hEPCIwoul dt r ans f or m BDO i nt oadomi nanti ndus t r ypl ay er ,pos sessi ngmar k et l eader s hi pandoper at i onals cal ewhi l eenhanci ngshar ehol derv al uet hr oughapot ent i alr e-r at i ngi n t heshar epr i ceandr educedf undi ngc os t .

16 Osmenav.Soci alSecur i t yCommi ss i on,G. R.No.165272,Sept ember13,2007 OnAugust5, 2005,BancodeOr oandSM I nv est ment sCor por at i on,anot hermemberoft heSM Gr oup,ac qui r ed 24. 76% ofEqui t abl ePCIshar esf r om t heGof ami l y ,t hef ami l yt hatf oundedEqui t abl ePCI .SM I nv es t ment sCor por at i on

17 OnJanuar y6,2006,Banc odeOr ooffer edt obuyt her es tofEqui t abl ePCIf or41. 3bi l l i on pes ost hr oughas har es wapopt i on,wi t hBancodeOr oast hesur v i vi ngent i t y .Undert hedeal ,ev er y oneEqui t abl ePCIshar ewoul dbes wappedf or1. 6BancodeOr os har esor ,i nasecondopt i on,an i ndependentaccount i ngcompanywoul ddet er mi net hes wapr at i oont hebookv al uesofbot hbank s underI nt er nat i onalAccount i ngSt andar ds . swapr at i oI nt er nat i onalAccount i ngSt andar ds 18 OnNovember6,t her espect i v eboar dsofBancodeOr oandEqui t abl ePCIBankagr eedt ot he mer gerofbot hbankst hr oughamodi fi eds t oc ks wapdeal .I ns t eadoft heor i gi nal 1. 6s har esBanc o deOr owoul dswapf or ,i twoul dswap1. 8s har esf orev er yEqui t abl ePCIshar e OnDecember27, 2006,BancodeOr oshar ehol der sappr ov edt hemer gerwi t hEqui t abl ePCIBank .Equi t abl ePCI Banks har ehol der sal soappr ov edt hemer gert hes ameday .I nor derf ort hemer gert ot ak eeffect , appr ov al f r om bot ht heBangk oSent r al andt heSecur i t i esandEx changeCommi ssi oni sr equi r ed, whi chwasobt ai nedi near l y2007.

19 Regul at or yappr ov al f r om t heBangk oSent r alwasgr ant edonApr i l 25,2007. OnMay31, 2007,t r adi ngofBancodeOr oandEqui t abl ePCIBankshar eswer esus pended,wi t hEqui t abl ePCI Banks har esbei ngdel i s t edf r om t hePSE Equi t abl ePCIBankbr anc hesar ei nt hepr oces sof becomi ngBancodeOr obr anc hes .Thel egal nameoft hebankr emai nedBancodeOr oEPCI ,I nc . unt i lFebr uar y2008,wheni twasfi nal l ynamedBanc odeOr oUni bank,I nc . 20 PROS-BancodeOr owoul dmov eupi nt ol ar gec api t al i z edc ompanyst at us ,definedasa companywhosecapi t al s t andsatami ni mum of$700mi l l i on.Themer gerofbot hbank swoul dr esul t i nt hemer gedcompanyhav i ngamar k etcapi t al i z at i onoft wobi l l i ondol l ar s . $-ThenewBancode Or owoul dhav eat ot al of685br anc hesandawi der eachi ngATM net wor k .Thus ,awi der conv eni encet obot hBDOandEqui t abl ecus t omer s.

21 CONS-Tr ans i t i onc oul dmos t l yr esul twi t ht heconv er si onofATMs :Equi t abl ePCIFas t el l er s ar el i nk edt oMegaLi nkwhi l eBancodeOr oSmar t el l er sar el i nk edt oEx pr es snet .Al s o,Equi t abl ePCI ATM car dsar el i nk edt oVi saEl ect r onand/ orPLUSwhi l eBancodeOr oATM c ar dsar eei t herl ocal or ,i nt hec aseoft henewBDO I nt er nat i onalATM Car d,l i nk edt oMas t er Car d( br andedas Mast er Car dEl ect r oni c) ,Maes t r oandCi r r us . MegaLi nkExpr essnet Vi saEl ect r onPLUS Mast er Car dMaest r oCi r r us-I twoul dt r i ggerawa v eofmer ger sandacqui si t i onst hatcoul dr es ul ti nan ol i gopol y ,wi t honl yf ewcompet i t or s ol i gopol y 22 “ Thepr opos edmer gerofBDO andEPCIwi l l cr eat eabi ggerands t r ongeri ns t i t ut i onwhi chwi l l beamongt hel eader si nt hei ndus t r y .I tal soc ont i nuest hepr oc essofconsol i dat i on,whi chwe bel i ev ei sposi t i v ef ort hePhi l i ppi nebanki ngs y s t em. ”Gov er norAmandoTet angc o,Bangk oSent r al ngPi l i pi nas 23 “ Themer gerofBDO andEPCIr ai sest hebarofcompet i t i onf ort hePhi l i ppi nebanki ngi ndust r y . I ti sgoodf orfi nanci als t abi l i t yandgoodf orcus t omerser v i ce. ”Deput yGov er norNest orEs pi ni l l a, Bangk oSent r al ngPi l i pi nas

25 hasappr ov edt hemer gerofBancodeOr oUni v er salBankandEqui t abl ePCIBankwi t hBDO  r enamedasBanc odeOr oEPCI ,I nc

26 698br anches 1, 171Aut omat edT el l erMachi nes( ATMs )nat i onwi de t hi r dl ar ges ti nt he count r yi nt er msofbr anc hnet wor k . 27 I n2001,t hebankac qui r edt hePhi l i ppi nesubsi di ar yofDaoHengBank ,gr owi ngi t sbr anch net wor kby12. I nApr i l2005,t hebankf ur t herexpandedbyac qui r i ngbr anc hesofUni t edOv er s eas Bank .

28Bank( asof2005) Gr ossRev enues( Pmi l l i on)1. Met r opol i t anBank&Tr us tCo. 39, 7312.Bankof t hePhi l i ppi ne376843.Equi t abl ePCIBank ,I nc . 26, 0424.LandBankoft he24, 5655.Banc oDe Or o22, 2256.Phi l i ppi neNat i onal Bank18, 3807.Dev el opmentBankoft he18, 2718.Chi naBanki ng Cor p. 14, 4359.Ri z alCommer ci al Banki ngCor p. 14, 08610.Uni onBankoft he11, 717

291. BancodeOr o( BDO) Php634. 3bi l l i on1. Met r obankPhp585. 8bi l l i on1. Bankoft hePhi l i ppi ne ( BPI ) Php541. 2bi l l i on1. Landbankoft hePhp333. 6bi l l i on1. Phi l i ppi neNat i onalBank( PNB) Php201. 2 bi l l i on1. Ri z al Commer ci alBanki ngCor p.( RCBC) Php196. 4bi l l i on1. Chi nabank Php173. 9bi l l i on 1. Uni onBankoft hePhp162. 0bi l l i on1. Al l i edBank Php139. 8bi l l i on1. Ci t i bank Php187. 8bi l l i onAs set s

30Deposi t s1. BancodeOr o( BDO) Php808. 0bi l l i on1. Met r obank Php758. 5bi l l i on1. Bankoft he Phi l i ppi ne( BPI ) Php658. 4bi l l i on1. Landbankoft hePhp434. 0bi l l i on1. Dev el opmentBankoft he ( DBP) Php290. 9bi l l i on1. Phi l i ppi neNat i onalBank( PNB) Php276. 8bi l l i on1. Ri z alCommer ci al Banki ngCor p.( RCBC) PhP270. 2bi l l i on1. Uni onbankoft hePhp208. 2bi l l i on1. Chi nabankPhp207. 3 bi l l i on1. Ci t i bank Php187. 8bi l l i on...

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