Title THE MOON OF India 1&2
Course Literature In English 1
Institution Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Pages 2
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THE MOON OF India 1&2...


THE MOON OF INDIA EPISODE 1 It is April 17th. Alexander Gray, the director of the City Museum, is talking to newspaper reporters. - This is a terrible loss for the museum. The Moon of India is a very important necklace. - How much is it worth? - More than 4 million dollars. - Mr. Gray, are there any suspects? - Not yet. But the police are working on it day and night. - Do you think the thief is somebody from the museum? - The police are looking at all the information we have. That’s all. Thank you. A man is walking along a street at night. He is worried and looks behind him. He goes into a phone booth and calls the police. Officer Casey answers the phone and hears something very strange. - I know about The Moon of India. - The Moon of India? Really? - The necklace from the museum. Please, I don’t have much time! - OK, what’s your name? - Richardson. Paul Richardson. - OK. What do you know about the necklace? - My partner and I took it. But now he’s gone. - Where is he? (BANG!) - Agh! Aaagh!... Venice!... The Princess!... - Venice? Princess? What about them?... Richardson! Richardson, are you there?! Officer Casey is reporting to Police Lieutenant Washington. - One suspect: Paul Richardson, 48, he’s dead. His partner is gone. - Maybe his partner took the necklace and then killed Richardson. - Maybe. What about Richardson’s last words? Venice... Princess? What do they mean? - The partner is going to Venice with a princess? Or a princess is in Venice? Is there a Princess Hotel in Venice? - Maybe it’s a ship! Lieutenant Washington looks in the newspaper at ship schedules and sees that a ship called The Princess leaves Venice on April 21st. - OK. Get a list of the people on The Princess. We’re gonna put a police officer on that ship.

EPISODE 2 It is April 21st. In Venice, passengers are boarding The Princess. People are carrying flowers and luggage. A man in a white uniform, the purser, is giving directions and information. - I’m Christina Jordan. And this is my aunt, Agatha Jordan. - Welcome aboard! Jordan... Yes, here you are. Cabin 30. That’s on B Deck. There’s an elevator over there. - Thank you. The Princess is leaving Venice. People are calling out, “Goodbye! Bon voyage! Have a good trip!” and taking photographs. Christina is taking a photograph of Venice and a man walks in front of her camera. She photographs him by mistake. - I’m very sorry, excuse me. I didn’t see you. - Don’t worry, please. I have lots of film. - Are you a photographer? - Oh, no, it’s only a hobby. I work for a museum in New York. My specialty is Egyptian art. - Really?! I like Egyptian art very much! Especially the jewelry. - And you? What do you do? - Me? A little of this and a little of that. I’m Frank Adams. Glad to meet you. - My name’s Christina Jordan. How do you do. (DING DONG) - It’s time for lunch. I’m hungry. Where’s your table? - We’re at table 5. - Oh! You and your husband? - No, I’m with my aunt. - Really?! I’m at table 5, too! After you, Miss Jordan. - Please call me Christina. After lunch, Christina returns to her cabin, where her aunt is resting. - How are you feeling, Aunt Agatha? - Just fine, dear. Now where are my glasses? - You’re wearing them, Aunt Agatha. - Oh, yes, I am. I’m so forgetful. Did you have lunch? - Yes, it’s 2:30. - Are there any interesting people at our table, Christina dear? - Well, yes, there are. There’s Frank Adams. He’s the one who walked in front of my camera today. He’s really very nice. There’s Robert Grant. He’s very handsome. And there’s Lucy Cardozo. She´s from New York. - Well, dear, I think dinner at table 5 is going to be very interesting....

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