The percent fraction of formed elements relative to whole blood is the PDF

Title The percent fraction of formed elements relative to whole blood is the
Author Ahljohn Francisco
Course Nursing
Institution Universidad de Manila
Pages 4
File Size 42 KB
File Type PDF
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The percent fraction of formed elements relative to whole blood is the Hematocrit Which of the following is a function of the blood? transport of nutrients and wastes, transport of body heat, transport of gases, defense against toxins and pathogens Formed elements make up about what percentage of blood? 45 percent Whole blood for testing in a clinical laboratory is usually collected from a superficial vein

When checking the efficiency of gas exchange, it may be necessary to draw a blood sample from an artery The most abundant component of plasma is water Which plasma protein transports fatty acids and some hormones? albumin Which organ secretes most of the plasma proteins? liver A plasma protein essential for body coagulation is Fibrinogen Red blood cell production is regulated by the hormone erythropoietin

Which proteins functions to store or transport iron? ferritin, hemosiderin, and transferrin

The disease sickle cell anemia is an example of what can happen if a gene for adult hemoglobin is abnormal n adults, the only site of red blood cell production, and the primary site of white blood cell formation is red bone marrow In adults, erythropoiesis exclusively takes place in red bone marrow A person's blood type is determined by presence of specific glycoproteins on the cell membrane Type AB blood the following characteristic RBCs have both A&B surface antigens and no ABO plasma antibodies Antigens of the surface of red blood cells are called____ and antibodies in the blood plasma are called _____ agglutinogens; agglutinins White blood cells that are increased in allergic individuals are the Eosinophils A hormone that stimulates production of granulocytes and monocytes is GM-CSF Eosinophils Granules stain with eosin dyes, Allergic patient have many, They have bilobed nucleus, they constitute about 2 to 4 percent of WBCs What involves a cascade of reactions leading to the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin Coagulation The extrinsic pathway of coagulation is initiated by the release of tissue factor (Factor III)

The process of fibrinolysis dissolves clots Which of the following vitamins is needed for the formation of clotting factors? Vitamin K A fibrin network that contains trapped blood cells and platelets is called blood clot What would cause stroke volume to increase? when diastolic blood pressure is decreased If the force of ventricular contraction increases, what will happen to the end-systolic volume? Decreases Drugs known as calcium channel blockers such as nifedipine can be used to decrease the face of cardiac contraction, decrease blood pressure, dilate the coronary arteries, produce a negative inotropic effect Stroke volume depends on end diastolic volume, the contractility of the ventricle, the pressure required to pump blood into the aorta, venous return of blood to the heart The following would increase heart rate A increased sympathetic stimulation of SA node, decreased parasympathetic stimulation of nodal fibers, increased levels of epinephrine, faster depolarization of the pacemaker potential

The volume of blood ejected from each ventricle during a contraction is called the

stroke volume A heart murmur might be caused by aortic valve insufficiency, mitral valve insufficiency, pulmonic valve insufficiency, swirling of blood in the ventricle The first heart sound ("lubb") is associated with closing of the atrioventricular valves...

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