The Piano Symbolism essay PDF

Title The Piano Symbolism essay
Author Liberty Stinson
Course Practices of Reading and Writing
Institution University of Brighton
Pages 2
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Symbolism, narrative structure and special effects are significant features of films. Focusing on one or more of these features discuss the extent to which you agree with this view....


Symbolism, narrative structure and special effects are significant features of films. Focusing on one or more of these features discuss the extent to which you agree with this view. In the film “The Piano” directed by Jane Campion we see her use of symbolism throughout the film as a significant key feature. To a lesser extent special effects contribute to the success of the film. Campion has specific reasons for highlighting symbolism in the film like the weather, Ada’s piano the period costumes, motifs throughout and the environment. These features all contribute to our appreciation of Campions talents. Campion very deliberately sets the scene and mood with her careful choice of weather conditions. At the start of the film Ada is reasonably happy. The weather symbolically warm, the piano music in the background is joyful and upbeat and Flora is running around playing in the sun. In the next scene we see a contrast Ada has arrived in New Zealand to meet her new husband and the weather is atrocious. The wild west coast shows huge surf, grey skies and the mood is appropriately depressing. Throughout the movie Campion uses the weather symbolically to convey emotions. It helps the audience see Ada’s depression as she settles to life in the bush. The weather is overcast and rainy as Ada deals with the isolation and loveless marriage she has found herself in. This is significant throughout the movie as the weather consistently involves the audience in identifying with the feelings of the characters. Another effective use of symbolism is shown in Campions portrayal of Ada’s piano. It is significantly more than a piano. “I do not think myself silent that is because of my piano”. Ada is prepared to leave everything on the beach apart from her piano. The piano is used to show her emotions when Ada returns to the beach with Baines. Ada plays happy upbeat music while Flora runs around on the beach. Ada plays angry music after been locked up by Steward. Ada used the piano key to write a message to Baines this shows the depth of feelings fro him. Ada and Flora’s costumes in the film also symbolise aspects of their characters and personality. When Steward meets his new wife on the beach she is wearing dark clothes that restrict her movement sue to the hoops in her skirt. Campion clearly uses her clothes to symbolise the restrictions placed on women of the era and Ada’s depressed personality. Flora on the other hand is often seen wearing a set of angel wings. These are used to symbolise her role as a guardian angel for her mother. Unfortunately she commits the ultimate betrayal of her mother that ironically leads them to their new life in Nelson. One of the most powerful symbols in the film is the axe that is normally been used by Steward. The axe symbolises control. Steward uses it throughout the film chopping wood and for fencing the land. When Flora takes the piano key to Steward instead of Baines, Steward picks up his axe before running to his house. Campion symbolises the significance of the axe by using close up shots of the axe as Steward is running to Ada. Steward is trying to take control of the situation through the use of his axe. He chops off one of Adas fingers and says to Flora “take this to Baines and tell him if he tries to see her again that I’ll take off another and another”. Steward is trying to take control of Ada in much the same way that he takes control of the New Zealand Bush. Steward later says to Ada “I just clipped your wings that’s all”. This is symbolic to the setting as it reminds us of Flora’s angel wings and the birds that have been displaced by Steward clearing bush. Another feature Campion has made use of is special effects. This can be seen in the finger-cutting scene. The first special effect used is the finger been cut off this then shows the viewer a brutal

image of Adas hand/finger. After the finger has been cut off there is a moment of silence the piano is no longer playing in the background and the rain has stopped. Campion then uses a close up to show the blood getting spayed from Ada’s finger onto Flora’s face. Ada then stands up with a look of shock and tries to walk off. Campion has used slow motion while Ada tries to walk off this shows the viewer the pain and despair Ada is feeling. Steward’s voice appears to be coming from a distance Campion has done this to display the state of shock that Ada is in. After Ada collapses sounds come back, the piano is playing slowly and the rain is back. I strongly agree that symbolism and special effects are significant features of films due to the use of these features in “The Piano”. I believe these are significant features of films because of the effect they have on the viewer and how they help in the understanding of the story line of the film....

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