The word- Ethics PDF

Title The word- Ethics
Course Computer Application I
Institution Mangosuthu University of Technology
Pages 8
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Ethics The word ‘’ethics’’ comes from a Greek word ‘’ethos’’ meaning ‘’character’’ which indicates a concern for good people, reliable character and proper conduct. Ethics are a set of guiding principles or do’s and don’ts which helps people decide what action are to be taken in a situation. Ethics is not limited to the acts of a single person but also interested in the correct practices of government, corporations, professionals and many other groups. This word is normally connected with questions of correct conduct with society. Ethical questions arise most typically in cases where there is genuinely misunderstanding about what should be done in various types of situations. Challenges of ethics Ethical challenges arise from competing sets of principles, thus this can be described as a challenge that requires a choice between competing sets of principles in a given, usually undesirable situation. Conflict of interest are possibly the most example that could place public sector leaders in an ethical dilemma. Some of the challenges that the public sectors may find themselves in include; conflict between the values of Public Administration, justification for the institution, aspects of code of conduct, personal values and a supervisor or government directive. Public administration presents a widely discussed challenging problem area not only from the theoretical point of view but the aspect of the validity of ethical and moral principles and norms in the field of public administration practice. Consequently it is in the interest of the whole society how services for citizens are provided and made available given not only economic but also ethical means, the importance of articulating ethics and ethical values that define and underpin the public service cannot be undermined. Effective public administrative management necessarily needs to have an ethical orientation, if it is to be beneficial for an organization in the long term the constantly cultivated ethical context is a guarantee of professional success and survival. The ability to control and influence others create the basis for execution of power in the management of public administrative organizations when public goals should be attained.

Corruption Describing corruption can be a challenge because it takes many forms and perpetrators are skilled in developing new ways to be corrupt and cover their tracts. But it can be described as a dishonest behavior by those that are in positions of power, such managers or public officials. Corruption can include giving or accepting bribes or inappropriate gifts, double dealing under-the-table, manipulating elections, diverting funds, laundering money and defrauding investors.

What is corruption? Corruption and unethical behavor in South Africa continues to be an ongoing business concern, not only for the growth of businesses but also the economy of the country. Council for the Advancement of South African Constitution estimated that 20% of South Africa’s GDP was lost due to the ongoing of corruption. Corruption manifest differently in different areas of the public sector for example schemes patronage and bribes this could be money but also other material or immaterial valuables to secure the purchase of military from a particular company, while in the health sector it may refer to kickbacks usually this refers to a payment that patients have to pay to their doctors or abuse of healthcare funds by public officials and doctors. When people cannot get access to healthcare, safe places to live and clean water, their lives are at risk, when buildings collapse because developers have bribed their way out of adhering to health and safety standards. In the area of education it could be the misuse of the school’s funds or assets, favorism in the appointment of unqualified teachers to post and corruption also occurs when lectures demand favors from their students to pass an exam or to receive a diploma. Common corruption schemes in the police and the judiciary include the manipulation of cases and evidence by the police, court judgments given to satisfy a favored party and corruption in judicial procurement. The corruption of police officers is a problem because most incidents of corruption are never reported or recorded which spans cultures, countries and generations because it is based on human weakness and motivations because even the lowest ranking officer can exercise wide power and because there are people who want to take advantage of that power, the threat of corruption is inevitable. All these schemes lead to people’s frustration disengagement, polarization and even conflict. When these corruption occurs in the areas of public sectors that are responsible for providing justice and enforcing the law, such as the judiciary and the

police they are only offenders they also obstruct the course of justice and undermine the rule of law and human rights in the most direct and fundamental way.


Principles of managing ethics in the public sector The carries of the duties and obligation to provide people with their legal and moral rights, freedom and welfare are usually understood as the state or public sector. The state is not only in the ethical theory of positive and conventional rights the foremost provider of rights and welfare, but the state is also the main provider of rights as understood by most people and in most circumstances. In other words negative duties are an obligation for everybody, whereas positive obligation are duty of some particular group or institution usually the state. Public sector or the state is the government with all its ministries, departments, services, central/ provincial/ local administrations, parastatal business and other institutions. At the political level there are political institutions where policies are formulated and the decisions are made, and at the administrative level there is a public sector administration which is in charge of implementing these policies and decisions. The public sector range from delivering social security, administering urban planning and organizing national defence to the provision of health, schools and roads. In principle there is no limit to what the state can do, there is however much debate on how much the state should intervene like in the economic sectors and in private life’s of the citizens. Ethics is rarely a matter of concern in the discussion on actual role of the politicians and the state administration, no matter how big and what role the state is playing both politicians and public servants have discretionary powers; they make decisions that affect a lot of people therefore these decisions ought to be based on some form of ethics. The decision making process should be transparent and open to scrutiny meaning that the public has the right to know how public institutions apply the power and resources entrusted to them. Public scrutiny should be facilitated by transparent and democratic processes, oversight by the legislature and access to public information. Ethical guidance should be available to public servants, professional socialization should contribute to the development of the necessary judgement and skills enabling public servant to apply ethical principles in concrete circumstances.

Managers should demonstrate and promote ethical conduct, an organizational environment where high standards of conduct are encouraged by providing appropriate incentives for ethical behaviour, such as adequate working conditions and effective performance assessment, as a direct impact on the daily practice of public services values and ethical standards. Members of the countries need to have a point of reference when combining the elements of an effective ethics management system in line with their own political, administrative and cultural circumstances. How Ethics principles should fight corruption Human being are the product of cultures, habits, environment circumstances, religion, media influence and ethics. All these influence their behaviour and determine their attitudes to matters such as corruption. If civilized societies want to correct and control corruption that threatens to erode social fabric, perhaps all and each of these areas need to be addressed in the battle against corruption. Education in the civic and ethical fields should face up to the challenge, corruption is a manifestation of the degeneration of morality, a return to the instinct of egoism and greed Public officials shall ensure that they perform their duties and functions effectively, efficiently and with integrity in accordance with laws or administrative policies. They shall at all times seek to ensure that public resources for which they are responsible are administered in the most effective and efficient manner. The public officials shall be attentive, fair and impartial in the performance of their functions and in particular in their relation with the public There will be no official authority used for improper advancement by the public officials of their own or their family’s personal or financial interest. They shall not engage in any transaction, acquire any position or function or have any financial, commercial or other comparable interest that is incompatible with their office, functions and duties or the discharge thereof. In accordance with the public officials position and permitted or required by law and administrative policies comply with requirements to declare or to disclose personal assets and liabilities as well as if possible those of their spouse or depandents.

Conclusion Ethical dilemmas will always be there in practice since there are different views, theories, principles, opinions and policies. It is important though to ensure that the choice of course of action is not merely based on a hunch or opinions. Health workers must be guided by their ethical principles when making decision or advising patients on issues affecting them and are possible ethical dilemmas. Widespread corruption may have roots in culture and history but it is an economic and political problem.


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