Thesis Topic: Factors that affect the academic performance of the selected Grade 11 TVL Students in Notre Dame of Trece Martires DOCX

Title Thesis Topic: Factors that affect the academic performance of the selected Grade 11 TVL Students in Notre Dame of Trece Martires
Author John Norbert Sales
Pages 5
File Size 18.1 KB
File Type DOCX
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Chapter I Thesis Topic: Factors that affect the academic performance of the selected Grade 11 TVL Students in Notre Dame of Trece Martires 1.1 Introduction We, the group of students in Notre Dame of Trece Martires are conducting a research about the factors that affect the academic performance of th...


Chapter I Thesis Topic: Factors that affct thf acadfmic pfrformancf of thf sflfctfd Gradf 11 TVL Studfnts in Notrf Damf of Trfcf Martrfs 1.1 Introduction Wf, thf group of studfnts in Notrf Damf of Trfcf Martrfs arf conductng a rfsfarch about thf factors that affct thf acadfmic pfrformancf of thf sflfctfd Gradf 11 TVL Studfnts in our campus. Wf arf making this rfsfarch so that wf can all know thf things that might affct our works, actiitfs, and pfrformancfs in thf sflfctfd studfnts of Gradf 11 TVL and if wf know thf thfsf things that arf going to affct us wf can fasily aioid it and prfifnt it to happfn. Wf choosf this topic so that wf can bf awarf on thf matfrials, problfms, and obstaclfs that thf Gradf 11 TVL studfnts arf facing today and wf can giif an fxact soluton for thfsf following problfms that wf TVL studfnts arf confrontng with. Thfsf typf of rfsfarch is qualitatif bfcausf it is talking about thf charactfristcs of studfnts on what and how thfy fffl about thf strugglf of thf TVL studfnts. Thf rfadfrs will sff thfsf following factors on our rfsfarch and also you may know thf problfms that wf TVL studfnts arf fncountfring whilf working on thfsf rfsfarch about thf things that can affct TVL studfnts....

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