Things to print for Gary PDF

Title Things to print for Gary
Course Writing For Journalism
Institution University of Roehampton
Pages 5
File Size 113 KB
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ABOUT KAITLIN OLIVIA RITCHIE. Kaitlin Olivia Ritchie, 19, was born and raised in seaside town Swanage, Dorset. She attended Swanage Primary, Wareham Middle and then Purbeck school; where she obtained 11 GCSE’s and 1 AS level in Religious studies, as well as 3 A levels in English Language, English Literature and Sociology. During her two years in Sixth Form studies, she also worked as ‘Social and Charity prefect’, where she and her partner raised £4,000 for various charities by hosting events such as Macmillan coffee mornings and fancy-dress days. From the age of 15, she’s worked as a seasonal teaching assistant and cover teacher in a school which boards and teaches foreign children how to speak English. As of right now, she’s studying Journalism BA hons at the University of Roehampton. In the future, she’s intends to enter into a job surrounding radio and begin her career as a journalist by branching into multimedia and broadcast.

Tess of the D’Urbervilles – Thomas Hardy. The book and our love-hate relationship. My A level English Literature began with my teacher Mr Knight handing me a book and telling me to read it. He started with giving us advice that “you’ll hate it before you love it”, and me being the book worm that I am, I left feeling very confused with the philosophy that you either love or hate a book. 7 pages in, I took this philosophy and decided that I hated this book. The language was difficult and with it being set so far in the past, it was hard to understand what the narrator was talking about. After chatting to classmates, I realised that this was the general consensus on the ‘first phase’ of the book. Once we began reading the book together in class, I would tolerate the book but only because Mr Knight would explain anything we didn’t understand – but I still couldn’t wait to be done with it. We finished the book with time to spare before the exam, the ending left the whole class in silence. The bell went off, and we were all left feeling rather confused. This book that I’d despised for so long was over, all I had to do was revise and for some reason, I felt sad. Not because I could truly relate to the book or any of the characters, and not because I think I even particularly enjoyed the book – but as a female, it affected me. Seeing how far women come and knowing how far we still

had to go left me with a mixture of emotions, and though this is the book I’ve enjoyed the least – it’s an important read.

The Keepers – An original Netflix show. When I began watching Ryan White’s show “The Keepers’” on Netflix, I thought it was one of those mindless programmes you have on while you do your work. It was in the ‘recently added’ section, I hadn’t heard anyone talk about it much, so I presumed that it wasn’t going to be any good. By the end of the first night, I had watched 3 episodes. I messaged my friend about this new programme I was hooked on, she came over and I had to re-watch the first three episodes – at this point, it was 2am. For the next 5 consecutive nights, she came over and we watched as many episodes as we could fit in before we reluctantly calling it a night because of work the next day. The show is about the murder of a Nun called Cathy Cesnik, each episode introduces a new suspect, more background surrounding the murder, and we were desperate to know who the killer was. I’d even googled it and couldn’t find anything. One night as we watched another episode, the sudden realisation hit that we were on the final one. We were finally going to know who did it. We sat down with our snacks, and these snacks remained untouched as my hands covered my mouth consistently for the

next 60 minutes. The end screen played, and we sat in silence for at least 10 minutes. The first and last thing we said about this final episode was “you have got to be kidding me”.

COMPARE AND CONTRAST Kaitlin Olivia Ritchie – March 13th 2018.

_________________________________ Introduction Write a paragraph of around 50 words that introduces your subject.

Similarities Write around 100 words about similarities. Begin by listing them. Don’t list too many: aim for three.

Differences The main part of your article should focus on the differences. This should be 200 to 250 words. Begin by listing them. Aim for five.

Conclusion End your article with a paragraph of about 100 words to round off your article. This should include a qualitative assessment.

500 words


Issue Position Publication

LEADER. Introduction Write around 50 words that introduces the issue and states your publication’s position.

Argument The core of your article should be around 200 words. You have very limited words to play with, so you need to condense your argument into a few, well-chosen and powerfullyargued points. You should aim to put forward your position and destroy the opposing position in the process.

Conclusion End your article with around 50 words. These should state the publication’s position with conviction while also giving advice to the government.

(300 words)...

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