Three services Veterans need to successfully return to civilian life upload docstu PDF

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Three services Veterans need to successfully return to civilian life Name Grand Canyon University UNV-104 September 2, 2021 Instructor:

Three services Veterans need to successfully return to civilian life Returning military service members and veterans face hardship when returning to civilian life. Veterans can face difficulties when adjusting to civilian employment due to their experiences in highly structured and regimented military service organizations. Soldiers recover from different experiences, and most do not recover fully back to pre-service levels (Lieberman et al., 2016). A veteran’s experiences have been linked to a number amount of post-service outcomes, and especially difficulties transitioning to civilian life (Elnitsky et al., 2017). Veterans transitioning back to civilian life after deployment and service have a variety of issues that may encounter while integrating back to civilian life like finding employment, mental health support, and finding a strong support system. Finding employment When veterans begin to transition out of the military, they are enrolled in a program called SFL-TAP. The Army Transition assistance program is a commander’s program that provides transition assistance to soldiers. During this transition, soldiers will become stressed from searching for jobs on top of continuing the current job. Basic training as a whole leads to elevated psychological stress, and many more intensive experiences (Martin et al., 2006). When transitioning out service, service members find themselves in unfamiliar jobs environments when amalgamating into civilian organizations. Well-documented difficulties adjusting to civilian life described in the literature, prior service military are likely to be in lower levels of job satisfaction (Ahern et al., 2015). Mental health support

Veterans have a difficult time finding help with the right experienced personnel to help guide them. A veteran’s mental health is crucial when transitioning to civilian life. There are a majority of veterans who transition to civilian life with no problem, but there are many more who suffer the mental concern like, addiction, anger, anxiety, and social exclusion (Fear et al., 2010) when soldiers come back from an overseas combat deployment with little to no help or treatment the long term effects take a toll on veteran’s mental health which can and will affect how a veteran can interact with regular civilians. Peer lead support is more likely to help a veteran engage in mental health support services. Peers who have shared common experiences help support the recovery while transitioning (Gillard et al., 2015). There is an increased chance that if there is a fellow service veteran who shares common experiences that a new transitioning veteran will follow. There is usually a strong bond between service members who share intensive experiences. Bonds and experiences which a regular civilian has never gone through. Strong support system There has been research showing that veterans with mental health issues have poor treatment compared to a civilian’s recovery. Understanding the difference can and will help the improvement in a veteran’s life. With evidence, there is a higher prevalence of health issues with service veterans than an average civilian with increased statistics of alcohol misuse, and smoking (Craig et al., 2015). Over time a veteran’s experiences may come back even though they could be at ease for a long time. PTSD can affect a veteran while asleep having a nightmare disorder, or during the day with certain triggers. It is now widely known that veterans struggle with mental health being deployed can trigger complex mental and behavioral health challenges (Derefinko et al., 2018) Conclusion

In conclusion, veterans face many hardships when transitioning to civilian life. Finding the right support, applying for jobs, and conquering their mental health will only reintegrate the process to a successful civilian life. When a veteran has a strong support system they can slowly feel at ease and continue the transition to full-fledged civilian life. They can learn that life doesn’t have to be difficult alone and with peers who have shared the same experiences grow closer together. Taking care of a veteran’s mental health is the main key to a successful transition along with strong support groups and great mentorship veterans will have a chance to a great transition.

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Aher nJ. ,Wor t henM. ,Mast er sJ. ,Li ppmanS.A. ,Oz erE.J. ,MoosR.( 2015) .Thec hal l engesof Af ghani s t anandI r aqv et er ans ' t r ans i t i onf r om mi l i t ar yt oci vi l i anl i f eandappr oac hest o r ec onnec t i on.PLoSONE,10,e0128599.DOI :10.1177/0091026019878210 Gi l l ar dS,Gi bs onSL,Hol l eyJ,Luc ockM.( 2015) .Dev el opi ngac hangemodelf orpeerwor k er i nt er v ent i onsi nment alheal t hs er v i ces :Aqual i t at i ver es ear chs t udy .Epi demi olPs yc hi at rSci ,24, 1080/ 09638237. 2017. 1370640 435–45DOI :10. FearNT,JonesM,Mur phyD.( 2010) .Whatar et hecons equenc esofdepl oy mentt oI r aqandAf ghani st an ont hement alheal t hoft heUKar medf or ces ?Acohor ts t udyLancet ,375,1783–97DOI : 10. 1080/ 09638237. 2017. 1370640 Cr ai gR,Ful l erE,Mi ndel lJ .( 2015) .TheHeal t hSur veyf orEngl and2014.London:TheHeal t handSoci al Car eI nf or mat i onCent r eDOI : 10. 1080/ 09638237. 2017. 1385739 Der efi nkoKJ,Hal l sel lTA,I s aacsMBetal .:Subs t anc eus eandps ychol ogi c aldi s t r essbef or eandaf t ert hemi l i t ar y t oci v i l i ant r ansi t i on.Mi lMed;2018;183:e258–65.OpenURLPl acehol derTex tWor l dCatDOI : 10. 1093/ mi l med/ us z188...

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