Tina jones comprehensive questions to ask PDF

Title Tina jones comprehensive questions to ask
Author Anonymous User
Course Advanced Health Assessment
Institution Walden University
Pages 69
File Size 1.2 MB
File Type PDF
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Subjective Data Collection: 50 of 50 (100.0%) Hover To Reveal... Hov erov ert hePat i entDat ai t emsbel owt or ev eali mpor t anti nf or mat i on,i ncl udi ngPr o Ti psandExampl eQuest i ons.  Found: I ndi c at esani t em t haty ouf ound.  Av ai l abl e: I ndi c at esani t em t hati sav ai l abl et obef ound.

Category Scored Items Ex per t ssel ect edt hes et opi c sases s ent i alc omponent sofas t r ong,t hor oughi nt er v i ewwi t ht hi s pat i ent .

Patient Data Not Scored Acombi nat i onofopenandc l osedques t i onswi l l y i el dbet t erpat i entdat a.Thef ol l owi ngdet ai l sar e f act soft hepat i ent ' sc ase .

Current Health Status 

Finding: Confi r medr eas onf orv i s i t 

Finding: Repor t sneedi ngapr eempl oy mentphy s i cal

(Found) Pr oTi p:I ni t i al l yes t abl i shi ngac hi efc ompl ai ntal l owst hepat i entt oex pr es st hei rr eas on f orseek i ngcar e,pr i mar yc onc er ns ,orcondi t i ont heyar epr es ent i ngwi t h.

Example Question: CanIc onfi r mt haty ouar eher ef oraphy s i cal ? 

Finding: Repor t snocur r entacut eheal t hpr obl ems

(Found) Pr oTi p:I ni t i al l yes t abl i shi ngac hi efc ompl ai ntal l owst hepat i entt oex pr esst hei rr eas on f orseek i ngcar e,pr i mar yc onc er ns ,orcondi t i ont heyar epr es ent i ngwi t h.

Example Question: Doy ouhav eanyc ur r entheal t hpr obl ems ? 

Finding: As k edaboutl as tv i s i tt oaheal t hc ar epr ov i der 

Finding: Las tvi s i tt oaheal t hc ar epr ov i derwas4mont hsago

(Found) Pr oTi p:Es t abl i s hi ngat i mel i nef orwhi chheal t hc ar epr ov i der sTi nahass eenwi l lal l ow y out odev el opac ompr ehens i v eheal t hhi s t or y .

Example Question: Whendi dy ouseeaheal t hcar epr ov i der ? 

Finding: Reasonf orl as tvi s i twasannual gy nec ol ogi cal ex am

(Found) Pr oTi p:Es t abl i s hi ngat i mel i nef orwhi chheal t hc ar epr ov i der sTi nahass eenwi l lal l ow y out odev el opac ompr ehens i v eheal t hhi s t or y .As k i ngTi nawhys hes awaheal t hc ar e pr ov i dermi ghti ndi c at eanyr ecentheal t hc onc er nsorpr obl ems .

Example Question: Whydi dy ouseeaheal t hc ar epr ov i der ? 

Finding: Las tgener al phy s i cal ex ami nat i onwas5mont hsagowhenshewaspr es c r i bed met f or mi nanddai l yi nhal er

(Found) Pr oTi p:Es t abl i s hi ngat i mel i nef orwhi chheal t hc ar epr ov i der sTi nahass eenwi l lal l ow y out odev el opac ompr ehens i v eheal t hhi s t or y .

Example Question: Whenwasy ourl astphy s i c al ex am? 

Finding: As k edaboutcur r entpr esc r i pt i onmedi c at i ons 

Finding: Repor t st aki ngdi abet esmedi c at i on

(Found) Pr oTi p:Themedi cat i onst hatapat i entt ak esi ndi cat et hei rheal t hc onc er nsorpr obl ems , heal t hl i t er acy ,andc ur r entt r eat mentpl ans .As ki ngTi nai fs hehasbeent aki ng medi c at i onf orherdi abet eswi l l i ndi c at ehert r eat mentpl anandt hedegr eet owhi c hs he i sf ol l owi ngi t .

Example Question: Hav ey oubeent ak i ngmedi cat i onf ory ourdi abet es ? 

Finding: Repor t sus i ngadai l yi nhal er

(Found) Pr oTi p:Themedi cat i onst hatapat i entt ak esi ndi cat et hei rheal t hc onc er nsorpr obl ems , heal t hl i t er acy ,andc ur r entt r eat mentpl ans .As ki ngTi nai fs hes t i l l hasheri nhal erwi l l i ndi cat ehert r eat mentpl anandt hedegr eet owhi c hs hei sf ol l owi ngi t .

Example Question: Doy ouus eadai l yi nhal er ? 

Finding: Repor t st aki ngpr es c r i pt i onbi r t hc ont r ol pi l l s

(Found) Pr oTi p:Themedi cat i onst hatapat i entt ak esi ndi cat et hei rheal t hc onc er nsorpr obl ems , heal t hl i t er acy ,andc ur r entt r eat mentpl ans .

Example Question: Ar ey out aki nganyf or m ofbi r t hc ont r ol ? 

Finding: Fol l owedupaboutdi abet esmedi c at i on 

Finding: Medi cat i oni smet f or mi n

(Found) Pr oTi p:Fol l owupques t i onsaboutTi na' smedi c at i onhi s t or ywi l lhel py out ounder s t and hert r eat mentpl anandr ecentheal t hhi s t or y .

Example Question: Whati st henameofy ourdi abet esmedi c at i on? 

Finding: St ar t edt aki ngmet f or mi n5mont hsago

(Found) Pr oTi p:Fol l owupques t i onsaboutTi na' smedi c at i onhi s t or yandt i mel i newi l lhel py out o under s t andhert r eat mentpl anandr ecentheal t hhi s t or y .

Example Question: Howl onghav ey oubeent ak i ngmet f or mi n? 

Finding: Repor t st hateat i ngpr obi ot i cy ogur thel pswi t hs i deeffec t sandt heyhav eabat edov er t i me

(Found) Pr oTi p:Fol l owupques t i onsaboutTi na' smedi c at i onhi s t or yandt i mel i newi l lhel py out o under s t andhert r eat mentpl anandr ecentheal t hhi s t or y .

Example Question: Hav ey ounot i cedanysi deeffec t sf r om t hemet f or mi n? 

Finding: Fol l oweduponmet f or mi nf r equenc yanddos e 

Finding: Repor t st aki ngmet f or mi nt wi cedai l y

(Found) Pr oTi p:Fol l owupques t i onsaboutTi na' smedi c at i onhi s t or yandt i mel i newi l lhel py out o under s t andhert r eat mentpl anandr ecentheal t hhi s t or y .

Example Question: Howmanyt i mesadaydoy out ak emet f or mi n? 

Finding: Met f or mi ndos ei s850mg

(Found) Pr oTi p:Fol l owupques t i onsaboutTi na' smedi c at i onhi s t or yandt i mel i newi l lhel py out o under s t andhert r eat mentpl anandr ecentheal t hhi s t or y .

Example Question: Whati st hedos eofy ourmet f or mi n? 

Finding: As k edaboutas t hmamedi cat i on 

Finding: Repor t sus i ngFl ov enti nhal ert wi cedai l y

(Found) Pr oTi p:As t hmaex acer bat i oncanr esul ti ni nc r easedwheez i ng,shor t nes sofbr eat h,and c hes tt i ght ness .As k i ngi fTi na' sbeenus i ngheri nhal ermor ef r equent l ysi nc e ex acer bat i onc ani ndi c at ehows he' sbeent r eat i nghers y mpt omss i nceex acer bat i on.

Example Question: Howof t endoy ouus ey ourdai l yi nhal er ? 

Finding: HasaPr ov ent i lr es c uei nhal er

(Found) Pr oTi p:Themedi cat i ont hatapat i entt ak esr ev eal sac ur r entt r eat mentpl anand heal t hc ar eacc ess .As ki ngTi nai fs hehasar esc uei nhal erf orheras t hmawi l li ndi c at e hert r eat mentpl anandt hedegr eet owhi c hs hecompl i eswi t hi t .

Example Question: Doy ouhav ear esc uei nhal er ? 

Finding: Las tus eofPr ov ent i l i nhal erwast hr eemont hsago

(Available) Pr oTi p:Sol i c i t i ngas hal l owhi s t or yofapat i ent ' smedi cat i onhi s t or yc anr ev eal r ecent ex acer bat i on.As ki ngTi nawhens hel as tus edheri nhal erwi l li ndi cat ewhenher s y mpt omsmos tr ec ent l yr equi r edmedi c alt r eat ment .

Example Question: Whendi dy oul as tus ey ourr es cuei nhal er ? 

Finding: Hasus edPr ov ent i l i nhal ert wi cei nt hel as ty ear

(Found) Pr oTi p:As t hmaex acer bat i oncanr esul ti ni nc r easedwheez i ng,shor t nes sofbr eat h,and c hes tt i ght ness .As k i ngi fTi na' sbeenus i ngheri nhal ermor ef r equent l ysi nc e ex acer bat i onc ani ndi c at ehows he' sbeent r eat i nghers y mpt omss i nceex acer bat i on.

Example Question: Howof t endoy ouus ey ourr es cuei nhal er ? 

Finding: Fol l owedupaboutbi r t hcont r olpr es cr i pt i on 

Finding: St ar t edt aki ngbi r t hc ont r ol 4mont hsago

(Found) Pr oTi p:Themedi cat i onapat i entt ak esi ndi cat est hei rheal t hl i t er acy ,t r eat mentpl an,and acc es st oheal t hcar e.As ki ngTi nahowl ongagos hes t ar t edt aki ngbi r t hc ont r ol es t abl i shesat i mel i neofherc ur r entt r eat mentpl an.

Example Question: Howl ongagodi dy ous t ar tt ak i ngbi r t hcont r ol ? 

Finding: Reasonf orbi r t hc ont r ol wast omanagePCOSs y mpt oms

(Found) Pr oTi p:Themedi cat i onapat i entt ak esi ndi cat est hei rheal t hl i t er acy ,t r eat mentpl an,and acc es st oheal t hcar e.As ki ngTi nawhys hes t ar t edt ak i ngbi r t hcont r olwi l lal l owTi nat o ex pr es sanyc onc er nsorpr obl emsi nherownwor ds .

Example Question: Whydi dy oudec i det os t ar tt ak i ngbi r t hcont r ol ? 

Finding: Bi r t hcont r ol t ypei sYaz( dr ospi r enoneandet hi ny l es t r adi ol )

(Found) Pr oTi p:Themedi cat i onapat i entt ak esi ndi cat est hei rheal t hl i t er acy ,t r eat mentpl an,and acc es st oheal t hcar e.Confir mi ngt henameofTi na' sbi r t hc ont r ol pi l l wi l l s ol i c i t i nf or mat i onaboutherheal t hhi s t or yandc ur r entt r eat mentpl an.

Example Question: Whatt y peofbi r t hc ont r ol doy ouus e ? 

Finding: T ak esbi r t hc ont r ol pi l l dai l y

(Found) Pr oTi p:Fol l owupques t i onsaboutTi na' sbi r t hc ont r ol pr es c r i pt i oncanhel py out o under s t andhoweffect i v el yshec ompl i eswi t hhert r eat mentpl an.

Example Question: Howof t endoy out ak ey ourbi r t hcont r ol pi l l ? 

Finding: T ak esbi r t hc ont r ol pi l l att hes amet i meev er yday

(Found) Pr oTi p:Fol l owupques t i onsaboutTi na' sbi r t hc ont r ol pr es c r i pt i oncanhel py out o under s t andhoweffect i v el yshec ompl i eswi t hhert r eat mentpl an.

Example Question: Doy out ak ey ourpi l l att hes amet i meev er yday ? 

Finding: Repor t snos k i ppedday s

(Found) Pr oTi p:Fol l owupques t i onsaboutTi na' sbi r t hc ont r ol pr es c r i pt i oncanhel py out o under s t andhoweffect i v el yshec ompl i eswi t hhert r eat mentpl an.

Example Question: Hav ey oumi s sedanyday sofy ourbi r t hcont r ol pi l l ? 

Finding: As k edaboutcur r entnonpr es cr i pt i onmedi cat i ons 

Finding: Repor t sr ar eAdvi l us ef orc r amps

(Found) Pr oTi p:Themedi cat i onapat i entt ak esi ndi cat est hei rheal t hl i t er acy ,t r eat mentpl an,and acc es st oheal t hcar e.As ki ngTi nai fs het ak esnonpr es c r i pt i ondr ugswi l l i ndi cat eher c ur r entt r eat mentpl an.

Example Question: Doy out ak eAdv i l ? 

Finding: Repor t snoOTCher bal pr oduc t s

(Found) Pr oTi p:Themedi cat i onapat i entt ak esi ndi cat est hei rheal t hl i t er acy ,t r eat mentpl an,and acc es st oheal t hcar e.As ki ngTi nai fs het ak esher bal pr oduc t swi l li ndi c at ehercur r ent t r eat mentpl an.

Example Question: Doy ouus eanyher bal pr oduc t s ? 

Finding: Repor t snoOTCv i t ami ns

(Found) Pr oTi p:Themedi cat i onapat i entt ak esi ndi cat est hei rheal t hl i t er acy ,t r eat mentpl an,and acc es st oheal t hcar e.As ki ngTi nai fs het ak esv i t ami nswi l li ndi cat ehercur r entt r eat ment pl an.

Example Question: Doy out ak eanyv i t ami ns ? 

Finding: Repor t snoOTCs uppl ement s

(Found) Pr oTi p:Themedi cat i onapat i entt ak esi ndi cat est hei rheal t hl i t er acy ,t r eat mentpl an,and acc es st oheal t hcar e.As ki ngTi nai fs het ak ess uppl ement swi l li ndi cat ehercur r ent t r eat mentpl an.

Example Question: Doy out ak eanys uppl ement s ? 

Finding: As k edaboutal l er gi es 

Finding: Confir msal l er gi es

(Found) Pr oTi p:Di s c er ni ngwhat ' smak i ngTi na' sast hmawor s ec anpoi ntt opos s i bl et r i gger s l i k eenv i r onment alf act or s ,bodi l ypos i t i ons ,al l er gi es ,ormov ementt hatmayhav ea bear i ngonTi na' sbr eat hi ng.Ask i ngTi nawhatt r i gger sheral l er gi eswi l l i ndi cat e,i npar t , Ti na' sheal t hl i t er ac y .

Example Question: Cany ouc onfi r my oural l er gi es ? 

Finding: Repor t snonewal l er gi es

(Found) Pr oTi p:Di s c er ni ngwhet herany t hi ngi smaki ngTi na' sas t hmawor s ec anpoi ntt o pos s i bl enewt r i gger sl i k eenv i r onment alf act or s ,bodi l ypos i t i ons ,ormov ement st hatmay hav eabear i ngonTi na' sbr eat hi ng.

Example Question: Hav ey ounot i cedanynewal l er gi es ? 

Finding: Fol l owedupons eas onalal l er gi es 


Repor t snor ecentseasonal al l er gys y mpt oms

(Found) Pr oTi p:Di s c er ni ngwhet herany t hi ngi smaki ngTi na' sas t hmawor s ec anpoi ntt o pos s i bl et r i gger sl i k eenvi r onment al f ac t or s ,bodi l ypos i t i ons ,ormov ement st hatmay hav eabear i ngonTi na' sbr eat hi ng.

Example Question: Hav ey oubeenhav i ngs easonal al l er gi es ? 

Finding: Repor t snoc ur r entmedi cat i onf oral l er gi es

(Available) Pr oTi p:Ti na' sr espons et oaques t i onaboutmanagi ngheral l er gi eswi l lr ev eal t he s ev er i t yofhers y mpt oms ,herheal t hl i t er acy ,andt heways he' sc ompl i edwi t hpr evi ous t r eat mentpl ans .

Example Question: Ar ey out aki nganymedi cat i onf ory oural l er gi es ? 

Finding: As k edaboutdi abet es 

Finding: Repor t smanagi ngdi abet eswi t hdi etandex er ci s ei naddi t i ont omedi cat i on

(Found) Pr oTi p:Ti na' sr espons et oaques t i onaboutmanagi ngherdi abet eswi l l r ev eal t he s ev er i t yofhers y mpt oms ,herheal t hl i t er acy ,andt heways he' sc ompl i edwi t hpr evi ous t r eat mentpl ans .

Example Question:

Howar ey oumanagi ngy ourdi abet es ? 

Finding: As k edaboutbl oodgl ucosemoni t or i ng 

Finding: Repor t schec k i ngbl oods ugaronc eaday

(Found) Pr oTi p:Ti na' sr espons et oaques t i onaboutmanagi ngherdi abet eswi l l r ev eal t he s ev er i t yofhers y mpt oms ,herheal t hl i t er acy ,andt heways he' sc ompl i edwi t hpr evi ous t r eat mentpl ans .

Example Question: Howof t endoy oumoni t ory ourbl oodgl ucos e ? 

Finding: Check ss ugari nt hemor ni ng

(Found) Pr oTi p:Ti na' sr espons et oaques t i onaboutmanagi ngherdi abet eswi l l r ev eal t he s ev er i t yofhers y mpt oms ,herheal t hl i t er acy ,andt heways he' sc ompl i edwi t hpr evi ous t r eat mentpl ans .

Example Question: Whendoy ouc hec ky ourbl oodgl ucos e ? 

Finding: Bl oods ugarnumberi susual l yar ound90


Pr oTi p:Ti na' sr espons et oaques t i onaboutmanagi ngherdi abet eswi l l r ev eal t he s ev er i t yofhers y mpt oms ,herheal t hl i t er acy ,andt heways he' sc ompl i edwi t hpr evi ous t r eat mentpl ans .

Example Question: Whati sy ourav er agebl oodsugarnumber ? 

Finding: Repor t shavi ngadequat es uppl i es

(Available) Pr oTi p:Ti na' sr espons et oaques t i onaboutmanagi ngherdi abet eswi l l r ev eal t he s ev er i t yofhers y mpt oms ,herheal t hl i t er acy ,andt heways he' sc ompl i edwi t hpr evi ous t r eat mentpl ans .

Example Question: Doy ouhav eenoughsuppl i est omoni t ory ourbl oodgl uc ose ? 

Finding: As k edaboutas t hmas ympt oms 

Finding: Repor t snoc ur r entas t hmas y mpt oms

(Available) Pr oTi p:Br oad,openquest i onswi l l al l owTi nat odes cr i be,i nherownwor ds ,t hes pec i fic pai nanddi s comf or tt hats hei sex per i enc i ng.

Example Question: Doy ouhav eanydi ffic ul t ybr eat hi ng ? 

Finding: Repor t snor ecentas t hmaex ac er bat i ons

(Found) Pr oTi p:As t hmas ev er i t ymi ghtchangeov ert i mef orav ar i et yofr eas ons .As k i ngTi na aboutt her ecentsev er i t yofheras t hmawi l l al l owhert oas ses sherc ondi t i on.

Example Question: Hav ey ouhadr ec entas t hmas y mpt oms ? 

Finding: Repor t sl as tas t hmaex acer bat i onwast hr eemont hsago

(Found) Pr oTi p:Sol i c i t i ngas hal l owhi s t or yofapat i ent ' sc ondi t i onc anpr ov i deabasel i nef or c ompar i nganat t ac k,ex ac er bat i on,andmor er egul arbr eat hi ng.As ki ngaboutbr eat hi ng pr obl emscanel i c i tar es ponseaboutr ec entt r oubl es .

Example Question: Whenwasy ourl astas t hmaex ac er bat i on? 

Finding: As k edaboutheadac hes y mpt oms 

Finding: Repor t snor ecentheadac he

(Found) Pr oTi p:Sol i c i t i ngas hal l owhi s t or yofapat i ent ' sc ondi t i onc anpr ov i deat i mel i nef or under s t andi ngwhenapat i entex per i enc esac ondi t i on.As k i ngTi nai fs he' shada headacher ec ent l ywi l l al l owy out oas s esst hef r equenc yofherheadac hes .

Example Question: Hav ey ouhadaheadacher ec ent l y ? 

Finding: As k edaboutvi s i on 

Finding: Repor t sopt omet r i s tv i si t

(Found) Pr oTi p:As k i ngTi nai fs hehasbeent oaney edoc t orwi l li ndi cat et hedegr eet owhi c h s he' ss eenhervi si onassomet hi ngt hathasneededmedi cal at t ent i on.

Example Question: Hav ey oubeent oaney edoct or ? 

Finding: Opt omet r i s tv i s i t3mont hsago

(Found) Pr oTi p:As k i ngTi nawhens hel as ts awaney edoc t orwi l l i ndi c at et hedegr eet owhi ch s he' ss eenhervi si onassomet hi ngt hathasneededmedi cal at t ent i on.

Example Question: Whendi dy ougot ot heey edoc t or ? 

Finding: Repor t spr es c r i pt i oney egl as s es


Pr oTi p:Fol l owupques t i onswi l l enabl eTi nat omor ef ul l yands peci fic al l ydes cr i beher c ondi t i on,ex per i ence,ors y mpt oms .

Example Question: Di dy ougetpr es c r i pt i oney egl as ses ? 

Finding: Repor t st hatgl ass esi mpr ov eov er al l vi si on

(Found) Pr oTi p:Fol l owupques t i onswi l l enabl eTi nat omor ef ul l yands peci fic al l ydes cr i beher c ondi t i on,ex per i ence,ors y mpt oms .

Example Question: Doy oul i k ey ourgl as ses ? 

Finding: Repor t sr educ t i oni nbl ur r yv i si on

(Found) Pr oTi p:Fol l owupques t i onswi l l enabl eTi nat omor ef ul l yands peci fic al l ydes cr i beher c ondi t i on,ex per i ence,ors y mpt oms .

Example Question: I sy ourv i s i onbl ur r y ? 

Finding: As k edaboutpal pi t at i ons 


Repor t snoc ur r entpal pi t at i ons

(Found) Pr oTi p:Condi t i ons ,l i k epal pi t at i ons ,mi ghtc hangeov ert i me.As ki ngTi naaboutt he f r equenc yanddur at i onofherpal pi t at i onsr ecent l ywi l l al l owy out oas s es st her ecent s ev er i t yofherc ondi t i on.

Example Question: Ar ey ouhav i nghear tpal pi t at i ons ? 

Finding: Repor t snor ecentpal pi t at i ons

(Found) Pr oTi p:Condi t i ons ,l i k epal pi t at i ons ,mi ghtc hangeov ert i me.As ki ngTi naaboutt he f r equenc yanddur at i onofherpal pi t at i onsr ecent l ywi l l al l owy out oas s es st her ecent s ev er i t yofherc ondi t i on.

Example Question: Hav ey oubeenhav i nghear tpal pi t at i onsr ecent l y ? 

Finding: As k edabouthy per t ens i ont r eat ment 

Finding: Repor t st hatbl oodpr ess ur er espondedt odi etandex er c i s ec hanges

(Found) Pr oTi p:Themedi cat i ont hatapat i entt ak esr ev eal sac ur r entt r eat mentpl anand heal t hc ar eacc ess .As ki ngTi nahowshehasbeent r eat i ngherhyper t ensi onwi l l i ndi c at e hert r eat mentpl anandt hedegr eet owhi c hs hecompl i eswi t hi t .

Example Question:

Howhav ey oubeent r eat i ngy ourhy per t ens i on? 

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