Tips - SPSS program tips PDF

Title Tips - SPSS program tips
Author Ashley Athy
Course Data Analysis With Spss
Institution Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Pages 3
File Size 125.1 KB
File Type PDF
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SPSS program tips...


Tips for Note Taking 1) Write down each “point and click” step first. *Chances are Dr. Rosnick will go through an example more than once. If he doesn’t, do not be afraid to ask him to show you again, this time actually point and click along with him* Example:

Single Sample t-test Analyze o compare means  one sample t-test  bring over variable o test value is population mean

2) Copy and paste syntax into a word document and change all variable names to red and put in a “placeholder”. For example:

One Sample T-Test DATASET ACTIVATE DataSet1. T-TEST /TESTVAL= Insert test value (population mean) here /MISSING=ANALYSIS /VARIABLES= Insert variable here /CRITERIA=CI(.95).

3) Copy output charts using copy and paste or the “snipping tool” into a word document. Highlight all areas that are needed for APA write ups.

Example: One-Sample Test Test Value = 25 t


Sig. (2-tailed)

Mean Difference

95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower







Upper 30.2067

4) Save ALL output & syntax.

Tips for APA style write ups *These will change according to the tests you run! Here is just an example covering what we did today* Write up steps 1. State what you did/why you did it Example: “I conducted a one sample t-test to determine the differences between neuroticism scores and the population’s level of neuroticism” 2. State the findings (using stats) “The current neuroticism mean 32.80 (SD = 8.79) was significantly lower than the population mean of 40.00, t(70) = -7.30, p < .001” * If it is not significant n.s. or p = insert non sig value here * All statistical terms are italicized (e.g. M, SD, t, p, r)

Example: A one sample t-test was conducted to determine the differences between the mean of a sample salary and the salary of the United States population. There is not a significant difference between the sample average salary $34,666.67 (SD = 16,609.60) and the mean salary of the population (M = 25,000), t(11) = 2.02, p = .07....

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