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Title 427b8060cb0d423528 d328a19bdd9fbc
Author Jhayjhay1302
Course Criminology
Institution Capitol University
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INSTITUTIONAL AND NON-INSTITUTIONALCORRECTION CORRECTION- is the branch of administration of the criminal justice system charged with the responsibility for custody, supervision and rehabilitation of the convicted offenders. PENOLOGY – study of punishment for crime or of criminal offenders PENAL MAN...


INSTITUTIONAL AND NON-INSTITUTIONAL CORRECTION 1. CORRECTION- is the branch of administration of the criminal justice system charged with the responsibility for custody, supervision and rehabilitation of the convicted offenders. 2. PENOLOGY – study of punishment for crime or of criminal offenders 3. PENAL MANAGEMENT – refers to the manner or practice of managing or controlling places of confinement as in jails or prisons. 4. CORRECTION – a branch of criminal justice system concerned with the custody, supervision and rehabilitation of criminal offenders. 5. CORRECTIONAL ADMINISTRATION – the study and practice of a systematic management of jails or prisons and other institutions. 6. Code of King Hammurabi – oldest code prescribing savage punishment 7. Twelve Tables of Wood – represented the earliest codification of Roman Law 8. Benefit of Clergy –provided exemption for clergies from severe punishment 9. Burgundian Code – specified punishment according to social class offenders 10. Securing Sanctuary – by claiming refugee in church for a period of 40 days 11. Ordeal – church’s for trial until the 13 th century. 12. Charlemagne – gave bishops the power to act as real judges 13. The Holy Inquisition – a general label of succession of Roman Catholic Tribunals charged with the detection and punishment of heresy 14. Imprisonment – incarceration; the state of being imprisoned; captivity. 15. St. Bridget’s Well – England’s first house of corrections 16. Bridewell – used to lock-up beggars, prostitutes and other misfits 17. 1556 – English parliament passed a law calling for each country to build its own Bridewell 18. 1703 – Pope Clement XI built Hospicio di San Michelle designed for incorrigible youths under 20 years of age 19. Maison de Force – was founded by Jean Jaques Phillippe Valain at Ghent Belgium 20. Transportation of Criminals – This system partially relieved the overcrowding of prisons 21. Hulks – floating hells; abandoned ships used as prisons 22. Cesare Beccaria – published his Essay Crimes and Punishment in 1764 formulating the principle of Classical School 23. Jeremy Bentham – proposed the hedonistic calculus 24. Panoptican Prison – type of prison conceived by Bentham which would consist of circular building of cast irons and glass 25. John Howard - author of the book “State of Prisons 26. William Penn – the first leader to prescribe imprisonment as a correctional facility for major offenders 27. Wallnut Street Jail – the first American Penitentiary by legislative act 28. Pennsylvania System – a type of prison system known as separate system 29. Auburn System – a type of prison system known as congregate system Cat – O’nine – tails

30. Alcatraz –opened in 1934, closed on March 21, 1963; it was closed because of costly operation. 31. James V. Bennet – director of Federal Bureau of prisons who wrote the closing of Alcatraz 32. Fred T. Wilkinson – last Warden of Alcatraz prison 33. PUNISHEMENT – the redress that the State takes against an offender. 34. PENALTY it is the suffering that is inflicted by the State for the transgression of the law 35. Retribution – individual vengeance 36. Expiation or Atonement – group vengeance 37. Deterrence and Exemplarity – to prevent further violation and repetition 38. Protection – security of the society 39. Reformation – to reform the criminal behavior and promote improvements thereto 40. DIVERSION- A method of halting or suspending formal criminal proceeding against a person who has violated a statute, in favor of processing through non – original disposition 41. JAILS – comes from the Latin word jaulo or hawla 42. Lock – up – those who are detained awaiting final disposition of their case usually up to 3 yrs. 43. Ordinary Jail – jail for those detained therein who serve imprisonment up to 3 yrs. 44. Workhouse, Jail farm or Camp – houses – jails which are labor and work oriented 45. MITTIMUS or Commitment order – it is a warrant issued by a court bearing its seal and the signature of a judge, directing the jail or prison authorities to receive the convicted offender for the service of sentence prison imposed therein. 46. SECURITY GROUP- Provides the system of sound custody, security and control of inmates and their movements. It enforces and maintains inmate discipline. 47. CAPITAL OFFENSE – is an offense which under the law existing at the time of its commission and at the time of the application to be admitted to bail may be punished by death. 48. Sentenced Prisoners – are persons who are convicted by final judgment of the crime charged against them. 49. Detention Prisoners – are persons who are detained for the violation of law or ordinance and has not yet been convicted. 50. Persons held for investigation or Safekeeping– is the temporary custody of a person or the detention of person for his own protection or care to secure from liability to harm, injury or danger. 51. Diversification – is an administrative device or correctional institution of providing varied and flexible types of physical plants for the more effective control of the treatment programs of its diversified population. 52. Maximum Security Prisoners ( orange color in uniform)- Offenders whose minimum sentence is 20 years or more 53. Medium Security offenders (blue color in uniform)- Offenders whose 54. minimum sentences are less than 20 years

55. Minimum security offenders - are those who can be reasonably trusted to serve their sentence under “open Conditions”. (brown color in uniform) 56. The Reception and Diagnostic Center (RDC)- This is a special unit of prison where new prisoner undergoes diagnostic examination, study and observation for the purpose of determining the program of treatment and training best suited to their needs and institution to which they should be transferred 57. Quarantine Unit – is a place where the prisoner is given throughout physical Examination 58. Purpose of Quarantine – to insure that the prisoner is not suffering from any contagious disease 59. Admission Summary – are the written reports submitted by the center’s staff regarding their findings on the prisoner and becomes the nucleus of the cumulative case history 60. Classification Committee – carries out the treatment program of the prisoner 61. Importance of Pre-release treatment – To give the prisoner an opportunity to adjust himself from the regimented group life in prison to the normal, independent life of a free individual. 62. DIAGNOSIS – the prisoner’s case history is taken and has personally studied. Through extermination and observation, the RESEPTION AND DIAGNOSYTIC CENTERS staff determines the nature and extent of the persons criminality and the extent to which they may be rehabilitated. 63. TREATMENT - this also performed by the centers staff consist in the formulation of a tentative treatment program best studied to the need and interest of an individual prisoner, based on their findings. Both diagnosis and treatment planning take place in the reception center. 64. EXECUTION OF TREATMENT PROGRAM – this consist in the application of the treatment program and policies by classification committee. 65. RE- CLASSIFICATION – the classification program is kept current with the intimates changing needs and with the new analysis, based on any information not available at the time of the first classification until the intimate is released. 66. STAFF INTERVIEW- Since each staff of the RDC has known phase study and responsibility, it is necessary that each of them should plan his interview in every inmate on whom he is required to report, so that this questions are pointed out toward securing the information, which will help him analyze the phase of study for which he is responsible. 67. STAFF CONFERENCE- This is also the guidance or case conference where the prisoners after undergoing all the test, interviews and examination appeared before the Center Staff Conference to plan out which his tentative program of treatment and training. After every member of the staff has given the report body votes on what the program of activities the prisoners should undergo including institution training, recreational program, religious program, medical etc. 68. ADMISSION SUMMARY- The written report submitted by the center’s staff regarding their findings on the prisoners are accompanied and form the admission summary, which becomes the nucleus of the cumulative case history of the prisoners.

69. COUNSELLING- it is a relationship in which one endeavor to help another understand and solve his problem of adjustment. Counseling implies mutual consent and is used in working with offenders, encompasses the personal and group relationship undertaken by the staff. 70. CASE WORK- correctional work consist of working wit5h one individual at one time, which include professional services rendered by professionally trained personnel in the description and social treatment. 71. CLINICAL SERVICES- clinical services provide the most intensive diagnostic and treatment activities, which generally include the function of psychiatrist, psychologist, social workers, and particularly the offenders with deep-seated emotional problems. 72. CONTROL CONCEPT- CONTROL involve supervision of prisoners ensure an orderly movement to and from dormitories, place of work, charts, hospital, creation facilities, in accordance with daily schedule. 73. PRISON DISCIPLINE- In continuing state of good orders and behavior in prison it includes the maintenance of good standards of works, sanitation, safety, education, personal health and recreation. Prison discipline is conce5rned with reasonable regulation everyday institutional life so that the institution will be an orderly, self- respecting community. 74. PERVENTIVE DISCIPLINE- involves prompt correction of minor deviation before they become serious violation, which may deal with a reprimand 75. DISCIPLINARY CASES IN PRISON/ JAIL- The Deputy Superintendent for custody is responsible for disciplinary and punitive actions the chairman of disciplinary board in prison in jail the chairman of the of the disciplinary board assistant warden as the chairman he hears case of hearing inmates and recommends the corresponding disciplinary actions. 76. GOOD CONDUCT TIME ALLOWANCE is a reward for good conduct whereby a prisoner received a partial deduction of his prison sentence. Under a law a prisoner for good conduct is entitled a reduction of five (5) days each month of good behavior during the third to fifth years, ten (10) days during the sixth to tenth years, and fifteen (15) days each month during the eleventh and succeeding years of the prisoners stay in prisons. 77. AUBURN- Among its features were the confinement of the prisoners in single cells at night and congregate work in shop during the day, complete silence is enforced. Its system was considered more advantageous because it has been observed that the prisoner can finished more articles when they work in-group than working alone in their individual cells. Most American prisoner are patterned after this system. 78. PENNSYLVANIA PRISON- its features consisted in solitary confinement of the prisoners in their cells day and night were they live, received religious instruction and read the bible, and given work, silence was enforced. 79. ESCORT SECTION- Produce the inmates under proper guards, to the fiscal’s office, courts, tribunal and other judicial bodies or authority upon proper summon. It is also tasked with the transfers of prisoners to the national penitentiaries on proper court orders or authority. In certain cases, it also executes certain punishments order for the persons from court.

80. SUBPOENA SECTION- Receives, distributes, and or serves subpoenas, notices, order summon, and other court processes directed to inmates confined in jail. It also makes a completion of all subpoenas submitting them to the court section for the prompt delivery of prisoners to court. 81. SECURITY PLATOON- There are three working platoon shifts, which shall be responsible for the overall security of the jail compound 11 sees that all gates guards post and towers are properly guarded and that the inmates do not escape it is responsible for the proper system of security and court procedures of inmates in confinement and the searching of alt personnel and visitors catering the jail compound to check and prevent the smuggling of contraband. 82. Admitting and Realizing Unit- This is a part of the security platoon. It is tasked with receiving of person committed to jail and proper release of prisoners who have served prison sentence or are o orders of complaint court or authority. 83. REHABILITATION GROUP- Provide services and assistant to prisoners and their families to enable them to solve their individual needs and problems arising from the prisoner’s confinement, its primary interest is the inmate’s correction and rehabilitation. 84. Administrative Segregation – A separate, very controlled section of the prison for troublemakers. 85. Aftercare – The conditional release of a juvenile from an institution under community treatment and supervision. 86. Amnesty – A form of pardon precluding prosecution applying to a group rather than one individual. 87. Augustus, John – Considered to be the father of probation. A bootmaker by trade in Boston, Massachusetts, who voluntarily and on an informal basis aided offender released to him by the court. 88. Banishment – The exclusion of an offender from the social group. 89. Benefit of Clergy – Original practice extended to members of the clergy in which their cases were heard in church courts where punishment was less severe than in secular courts. This was considered as one of the forerunner s of probation. 90. Boot Camp – Shock incarceration units with programs patterned according to a military model. 91. Brokerage Approach – A service delivery strategy that emphasizes the role of probation officers as community-resource managers, thereby providing a link to community agencies. 92. Capital Punishment – The judicially ordered execution of a convicted criminal. 93. Casework Approach – A service delivery strategy in which the caseworker assumes major responsibility to change offender’s behavior through a close oneto-one relationship. 94. Classical View – Considers free will and choice as major determinants in criminal behavior. 95. Classification – An ongoing formal process concerned with identification, categorization, and assignment of inmates to various levels of security, programs, and work. 96. Coed Prison – Prison facilities holding both males and females. To be effective, both sexes should be managed and treated similarly, and the ration of females to

males should be in the range of forty females to sixty males or sixty males to forty females. 97. Community Acceptance – A necessary component for successful communitybased correction efforts. 98. Community-Based Corrections – Any and all activities involving the community in efforts to reintegrate offenders. 99. Community Service – A sentencing alternative that uses a form of nonmonetary or symbolic restitution to victims or the general public. 100. Congregate System – Provided for prisoner confinement in separate cells but brought the inmates together into congregate workshops. 101. Conjugal Visits – Visits that are private and unsupervised between an inmate and spouse. 102. Contraband – Any restricted or prohibited item so designated by the correctional institution and found in the possession of an inmate or within the facility. 103. Corporal Punishment – The infliction of physical pain, and sometimes mutilation. 104. Corporate Model – Managing prison industry according to successful businesslike principles. 105. Correction – The systematic and organized efforts directed by a society that attempt to punish offenders, protect the public from offenders, change offender’s behavior, and in some cases, compensate victims. 106. Crime Control – A philosophy emphasizing punishment and incarceration rather than treatment for juveniles and adults. 107. Criminal Justice – The formal crime control apparatus comprising police, prosecution, court correction and community. 108. Custodial Model – A correction’s model emphasizing restraint and incarceration. 109. Deinstitutionalization – The process whereby large traditional institutions have been closed in favor of smaller community-based facilities. 110. Deinstitutionalized Model – Utilizing smaller community-based facilities rather than large, isolated institutions. 111. Deprivation Model – Considers the origin of a prison subculture to be from inside the prison due to negative living conditions. 112. Determinate Sentence – A sentence permitting limited discretion that includes a fixed range of prison time. 113. Determinism – Views human behavior as the product of a multitude of environmental and cultural influences. 114. Deterrence – Potential illegal behaviors prevented by a particular legal threat. 115. Detoxification – Process by which an individual who is physiologically and/or psychologically dependent upon a drug is brought to a drug-free state 116. Deviance – To depart from the normal or acceptable standard. 117. Direct Supervision – Found in third-generation jails where officers spend time in the living area actively supervising and interacting with inmates

118. Discretion – Latitude of free choice within certain legal bounds; when decisions may be made that are not generally open to reexamination by others. 119. Diversion – A process whereby an alleged offender (usually a juvenile delinquent) is “turned away” from further movement into the justice system. 120. Due Process – A fundamental idea wherein a person should not be deprived of life, liberty, or property without legal procedures that are fair and reasonable. 121. Electronic Monitoring – A newer technology to monitor and verify the whereabouts of offenders by use of electronic devices. 122. Felony – Considered to be a serious crime, such as armed robbery, assault, murder, etc. 123. Formal Reward System – A system to encourage good behavior through increasing privileges, lowering security levels, and awarding good time. 124. Free Will – Central to the classical view that emphasizes freedom of choice and the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain. 125. Funnel Effect – The decrease in volume of cases remaining at successive stages in the criminal justice process 126. Furlough Programs – Programs allowing trusted inmates visits to their home community. 127. Gaol – Old English term meaning and pronounced the same as jail. 128. Group Counseling – A planned activity in which three or more people as present for the purpose of solving personal and social problems. 129. Halfway House – A variety of community-based programs designed for a variety of offenders, including probationers and parolees. 130. Hidden Crime – Criminal behavior that is unknown to authorities. 131. Hierarchy of Needs – A theory of human motivation developed by Abraham Maslow ranking human needs from basic to self-actualizing. 132. Hustling – Illegitimate economic activities in prison. 133. Importation Model – Considers the origin of a prison subculture to come along with prisoners and their prior life experience. 134. Incapacitation – Any of society’ attempts to render a criminal incapable of further illegal acts. 135. Incarceration – Detention in a jail or prison. 136. Indeterminate Sentence – A discretionary sentence permitting a wide range of sanctions by judges and parole authorities 137. Inmate Code – A code of conduct governing relationships in prison according to inmate-general norms and values. 138. Inmate Subculture – An enduring complex of norms and values by which inmates seek to accommodate to life in prison. 139. Institutional Model – Utilizing larger, more secure, and more isolated institutions rather than smaller community-based facilities. 140. Intake – The initial point of entry into the jail and the official entry of the accused offender into the adult criminal justice system. 141. Interstate Compact – A cooperative arrangement whereby states may exchange the supervision of parolees and probationers.

142. Just Deserts – A rationale maintaining that punishment be administered in the amount deserved according to the seriousness of the offense. 143. Lex Taliones – Latin phrase that embod...

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