Topic 1 Discussion Using the Scientific Method in Your Everyday Life PDF

Title Topic 1 Discussion Using the Scientific Method in Your Everyday Life
Course Introduction to Biological Sciences
Institution University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Pages 2
File Size 32.7 KB
File Type PDF
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Using the Scientific Method in Your Everyday Life discussion...


Topi c1Di s c us si on:Us i ngt heSc i ent i ficMet hodi nYour Ev er y dayLi f e Thefir stoffici al di scus si onwi l l beonhowy ouuset hesc i ent i fi cmet hodi ny ourev er yday l i f e.Atfir s tt hi smayseem st r ange,si nceyoudon' tt hi nkt haty ouuset hesc i ent i fic met hodatal l .Butbyunder s t andi ngt het er ms( l i k ehypot hesi s,pr edi ct i on,exper i ment , v ar i abl es,cont r ol s ,dat agat her i ng,andanal y si s) ,y oushoul dbeabl et or el at et hem t o somet hi ngt hatyoudo. Forex ampl e,somest udent shav et al kedabouthowt heyfigur eoutt hequi ck estdr i v i ng r out et owor k .Theyfir s tgat herbackgr oundi nf or mat i on( maps,t al ki ngt oot her s,et c . ) , hypot hesi z ewhi c hwayshoul dbef ast est ,t ak et her out et henex tdayandt i mei t ,t r y anot herr out eadi ffer entdayandt i mei t ,seei ft her e' sadi ffer encewhent heyl eave,i fi t ' s ahol i day ,andsoon.I fy out hi nkhar dabouti t ,t her ear eal otoft hi ngst haty oudot hat y ouaskquest i onsaboutandt r yt odet er mi net hebestwayofdoi ngi t .Es sent i al l y ,t hat ' s usi ngt hesci ent i fi cmet hod!

Initial Post: Sci ent i ficmet hodi s" as y s t emat i cappr oac ht oconduc t i ngi nv es t i gat i ons "( Pg5, HOL) Ius et hesc i ent i ficmet hodwhenbak i ngcook i es !I thast ak enmanyt r i al sand er r or sf ormet ofi gur eoutex ac t l yhowl ongt obak et hec ook i esunt i lt heyhav e t hec r unc hyout si deandt hegooeymi ddl et hatIl ov es omuc h!It y pi c al l ybak e3 pansofc ooki es .Thepack agewi l l s ayt oc ookt hem t o12mi nut esunt i l t heyar e gol den.T ypi cal l y ,Il i k et hem al i t t l el es sdones oIwi l lputt hefi r stbat c hi nf or10 t os eei ft heyc omeoutasdesi r ed.I ft heyar es t i l lt odar kIwi l lt ak eami nut eoffor i ft heyar es t i l lunderc ook edIwi l l putt hem i nf oranex t r ami nut eandus et he t i met heyneededt obak ef ort henextpanofc ooki es ! Soi fIl ayi touts t epbys t epi twoul dl ookl i k et hi s : St ep1:Mak eanobs er v at i on WhenIc ookt hec ook i esf ort heamountoft i meont hepac k age,t heyar ec ook ed mor et hanmyl i ki ng. St ep2:As kaQues t i onandRes ear c h Howl ongdoIneedt oc ookt hec ook i esf ort hem t obemypr ef er r edway ?What hast obedone ? St ep3:For mul at eaHypot hes i s I fIbak eabat c hofc ooki esf or10mi nut es ,t hent heywi l l beper f ec t l yc ook ed. St ep4:Tes tt heHy pot hes i s

Thi si swhenIwoul dc ookt hefi r stpanofc ook i est os eei fIam c or r ec t . St ep5:Anal yz eDat aandDr awConc l us i ons Af t ert ak i ngt hem outIwoul dl ookt hem ov er( may beeataf ew. .f ors c i enc eof c our s e! )t os eei fi twast her i ghtamountoft i me. St ep6:PeerRev i ewVer i fi cat i on Thi si swhenIgr abmyboy f r i endandaskf orhi sopi ni ononhowt hec ooki es t ur nedout . St ep7:Communi cat er es ul t s Iwoul ddec i dewhet herornotIwassuc ces s f ul i nbak i ngt hec ooki est ohowI woul dl i k et hem andi fIneedt ot r yadi ffer entamountoft i me....

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