Tort Law breach seminar PDF

Title Tort Law breach seminar
Course Law of Tort
Institution Kingston University
Pages 4
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Law of Tort Seminar questions and answers...


Kacey Watson Semi nar3Br eachofdut yofcar e( 2) : Par t1:CaseAnal ysi s

Youmustr eadt hef ol l owi ngcasesi npr epar at i onf ort hi ssemi nar :

1.Lat i mervAEC [ 1953] 

hefloori nt hef act or yhadnotbeen Summar i set hef act soft hecase;t mai nt ai nedandt r eat edeffici ent l yandt heappe l l anthadsl i ppedover ont hefloorandcl ai meddamagesi nnegl i gence. Descr i bet hecr i t er i awhi cht hec our thadt akeni nt oconsi der at i onof hecour tsai dt hatt her ewas assessi ngwhe t hert her ewasabr each;t nopr ooft hatt hefloorhadn’ tbeenmai nt ai nedandt r eat edeffici ent l y andt her ef or et henegl i gencec l ai mf ai l ed. Woul di thavemadeanydi ffer encei ft hepl ai nt i ffhadbeent hesecond twoul dhavemadea andnott hefir s tper sont osl i pont hewe tfloor ?i di ffer encet ot hecasebecauset hent her ewoul dhavebeenpr ooft hat t hefloorhadn’ tbeenmai nt ai nedandt r eat edeffici ent l ybecausei t woul dhaveal r eadyhappenedt osomeonebef or e.Ther e f or e,i fi thad happenedbe f or et hent hecl ai mantwoul dhavebeenmor el i kel yt obe successf uli nhi scase.

2.Wat tvHer t f or dshi r eBC nj ur edont heway  Summar i set hef ac t soft hecase;someonewasi t r ave l l i ngt oasceneofanacci dent .Theyhadr ecei vedper sonal i nj ur i es.  Descr i bet hecr i t er i awhi cht hec our thadt akeni nt oconsi der at i onof assessi ngwhe t hert her ewasabr each.Thecour t sassessedt he fir emenwher epr epar edt ot akear i skt ot hei rl i f eandt heyknew t hi s whent heyt ooupt hej ob.However ,t hefir emenwer enotcal l edt ot ake onanyot herr i sksout si deoft hei rl i neofdut y .Ther e f or e,t he empl oyer shadnof ai l edanydut yt hatt heyowedt ot hefir emen. 3.Bol am vFr i er nHospi t al[ 1957]1WLR 582 Whatar et hef act soft hecase?somepat i entsust ai nedi nj ur i esf r om t r eat menthehadr ecei vedf r om t hedoct or /medi calpr of essi onal s.The pat i entwant edt osuef ormedi calnegl i gence.Ashewasnott ol dt hathemay sust ai ni nj ur i esf r om t het r eat menthewasr ecei vi ng.Doc t or sdi dn’ ti nf or m hi spat i entoft hepossi bi l i t yofsust ai ni ngi nj ur i esi ft her ei saver ysl i m c hanceofi thappeni ngori ft hepat i ent sdonotask. Whati st her at i ooft hecase ? hepat i enthasr ecei ved Expl ai nt hebasi cs t andar dofcar ei nt hi scaset t r eat mentandhadsust ai nedf act ur esi nhi shi pbonef r om t het r eat ment .He wasnoadvi cet hatt her ewasapossi bi l i t yofi nj uryf r om t het r eat ment .The pat i entmayhavedeci dedagai nstt het r eat menti fheknew t hatt her ewasa 1

Kacey Watson possi bi l i t yofi nj ur i es.Thedoct orshoul dhavei nf or medt hepat i ent ,he f ol l oweds t andar dpr ocedur esanddi dev er yt hi ngaccor di ngt opr act i se, howeverhef ai l edt oi nf or m hi spat i ent . Whyi st hi scasei mpor t ant ?Thi scasei si mpor t antbecauset hedoct orhas pr ac t i sedi nt hecor r ectmannerandhadn’ tact ual l yf ai l edwhenconduct i ng t het r eat ment ,buthehadf ai l edwhenIhewasmeantt oi nf or mt hepat i ent . Thepat i entdi dn’ tas ki fhewoul dsust ai nanyi nj ur i esbecausehewasi nt he sl i ght e stwayi nf or med.

4.Bol i t hovHac kneyHA [ 1998]AC 232 calnegl i gence,achi l ddi edbecauseof Whatar et hef act soft hecase?medi r es pi r at or ypr obl emswhi chr esul t edi nt hechi l dgoi ngi nt ocar di acar r est . Thedoct orwasbr oughtt ocour tbecauseofherbr eachofdut yofcar e,as shef ai l edt oat t endt hec hi l d,howeverherbr eachi nherdut yi fcar edi dn’ t r esul ti nt hedeat hoft hechi l d.Thati st hear gumenti nt hi scase . Whati st her at i ooft hecase ? hest andar dofcar ei nt hi s Expl ai nt hebasi cs t andar dofcar ei nt hi scaset casei st hatt hechi l ddi edbecauset hedoct orwasn’ tt her et osav et hechi l d. Thedoct or ,al ldoct or shav eadut yofcar ef ort hei rpat i ent sandt hi sdut yof car ef ort hec hi l dwasbr eached. Whyi st hi scasei mpor t ant ?t hi scasei si mpor t antbecauset hedoct orowed t hechi l dadut yofcar eandi twasbr eached,butal t houghi twasbr eac hed. i twasn’ tt hebr eacht hatr esul t edi nt hec hi l ddyi ng. Whati st hedi ffer encebe t weenBol am andBol i t ho?Wi t ht heBol am case,t he c l ai mantsust ai nedi nj ur i esbecauseoft het r eat menther ecei ved.Wi t ht he Bol i t hocaset hec l ai mant ’ si nj ur i eswher eal r eadyt her e,howev erbecauseof t hebr eachofdut yofcar et hec l ai mantpassedawayasar esul t .

Par t2:Keyl ear ni ngout come 5.Answert hef ol l owi ngquest i onwi t hr ef er encet ocasel aw. Whatf ac t or sar er e l e v antt oanass ess me ntast owhe t herade f e ndant ’c onduc t hadf al l e nbe l ow as t andar dofcar e ?Wi t hbot hoft hecase s,Bol am andBol i t ho bot hs t andar dsofc ar ehadf al l e nwhi c hr es ul t e di ni nj ur i est obot hc l ai mant s . Bot hde f e ndant sl ac kofs t andar dofc ar ehadr es ul t e di ni nj ur edpar t i es .

Par t3: Pr epar at i onf orPr obl emquest i ons .


Kacey Watson

1.Has san,aj uni ordoc t or ,wi t ness edacarac ci dentandr ushe dt ohe l p.He mov edBen,t hevi c t i mt oanupr i g htposi t i oni nat t empt i ngt oadmi ni s t er fir s tai dbutHas sanhadnotnot i cedal ar gepi ec eoff r agme nt edme t ali n Ben’ sbac k.Theme t alc ausedse v er ebl eedi ngwhenBe nwasmov ed.Be n woul dhav es ur vi v edi fhi sposi t i onhadnotbe enmov e dbuthedi e df r om t he i nj ur i e sr es ul t i ngf r om Hassan’ si nt er v ent i on. Theambul anc et ookAl ,as ec ondvi c t i m,whohadonl ys uffer edmi nor i nj ur i e st ohos pi t alf orapr ecaut i onar yhe al t hc hec k.Alr e f usedt oweart he s af e t ybe l tpr ovi de di nt heambul anc ebutbec aus eoft heshoc kt hatAlhad s uffer edi nt heac ci dentt heambul anc es t affdeci dednott oi nsi s tonhi m wear i ngi t( al t hought hi swasi nbr eac hoft hei ri nst r uc t i onsf r om t heHe al t h Aut hor i t y) .Afir eengi ner ushi ngt ot hesc eneofanacc i dents pedt hr ougha r e dl i ghtandcr ashedi nt ot heambul ance .Alwasse r i ousl yi nj ur e di nt he ac ci dent .

Di sc us st hepossi bl er i ght sandl i abi l i t i e soft hepar t i es( i fany)i ne ac hoft he abov esi t uat i ons . Thej uni ordoc t orwast r yi ngt ohe l pt hesi t uat i onbyhe l pi ngBen,howe v eri t i saknownf actt hati fyouar enotf ul l yqual i fiedy ous houl dnotmovet he vi c t i m becauseofpos si bl ef ur t heri nj ur i es .Asbenwasmov edi tr es ul t e di n hi ml osi nghi sl i f eandHassani sr es ponsi bl ef ort hi s .Ar e pr ese nt at i v eofBen c oul dsuef orne gl i ge nc ebec aus eHassanwasn’ tf ul l yqual i fied.Hassani s l i abl ef ort hedeat hofben.I tc oul dbear guedt hatHassanwasj us tt r yi ngt o he l pandhi si nt ent i onswe r et ohe l pt hevi c t i m.Sohemaynotbel i abl e . Thepar ame di cscoul dbehe l pr es pons i bl ef orAl ’ si nj ur i esasi ti sa pr oc edur et hatt hevi c t i msmus twe arase at be l tt opr ev entf ur t heri nj ur i e s. Howev er ,Alr e f usedt owe aras eat be l tsoi twashedec i s i on,howev e ri ti st he medi cals t aff’ sj obst ohe l pvi c t i msandt oge tt hem t os t aysaf e .Themedi cal s t affcoul dbehe l pr es pons i bl e ,butal li nal li twasAl ’ sdeci si onnott oput t heseat be l ton.


Kacey Watson How t oappr oacht hepr obl em-ques t i on: 1.I dent i f yt hecl i ent( t hecl ai mant ) ,def endant ( s) ,i fappr opr i at e, t or t f eas or ( s) ,andl oss/har m caus edt ot hecl ai mant . Fore xampl e Thec l ai mant :Anne Thede f endant :Bi l l ,har m –br okenl egs 2.I dent i f yt heappr opr i at ecauseofact i on: Fore xampl enegl i ge nc e 3.Cl ai m:i dent i f yanyvi abl et or tcl ai ms. Fore xampl e ,i nnegl i gence ,anyi ss uesr e l at i ngt o( i )dut yofc ar e;( i i )br eac h; ( i i i )causat i on;( i v)r emot eness . 4I dent i f yanyofavai l abl edef ences Di sc us sanyde f enc est hede f e ndantmi ghthav e,f ore xampl e ,c ont r i but or y negl i gence ,v ol ent i ,ext ur picausa. 5.Remedi es Whatdoesyourc l i ent /cl ai mantwant ?Damage s ?Ani nj unc t i on? 6.Concl usi on St at eyourc onc l us i onsast ot heov e r al lvi abi l i t yoft hec l ai msag ai ns tt he de f endant .


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