Training and development in employee performance Project Work PDF

Title Training and development in employee performance Project Work
Author Jeffrey Gabriel
Course Project management
Institution University of Benin
Pages 50
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the impact of training and development and how it relates to staff/emplyee efficiency...




Over the years, training and development has been a peculiar issue on the efficiency of staff in an organization. This is because, lack of ability, requisite skills and knowledge of the employees will reduce organizational performance and therefore production may fail below standard or expectation. However most organization undergo training and development because they see it as unnecessary cost which may reduce the profitability of the organization, the fear that employees being trained may leave the organization and the fact that the labour market is never dry due to the unemployment rate in the country. Nevertheless, some organizations have seen the advantages of training and development on staff and in return how it increases productivity and goodwill of the organization. An organization may have employees of ability and determination with appropriate equipment and managerial support yet productivity fails below expected standard because of lack of adequate skills and knowledge which can only be acquired through training and development. In recent times, stiff competition among various organizations has made management of corporations to strategically align their human resource to achieve organizational goals.


Achievement of objectives and good returns on investment could only be attained if human resources aspects of the organization are properly develop through training and manpower development. Armstrong (2009) clearly stated in his book that organizations could benefit from training and development, through winning the “heart and minds” of their employees to get them to identify with their organization, to exert themselves more on its behalf and to remain with the organization. Employee training and development has become one of the key aspects in improving employee performance in organizations, thus leading to improved organizational performance and growth. Training and development describes the formal, ongoing efforts that are made within organizations to improve the performance and self fulfillment of their employees through a variety of educational methods and programs. Training and development are often used together to describe the overall improvement and education of an organizations employee. In today’s competitive environment, these efforts have taken on a broad range of applications from instruction in highly specific job skills to long term professional development.


Staff efficiency is the time it is taken an employee to finish task that was appointed to him/her. Efficient employees and managers complete tasks in the least amount of time with the least amount of resources possible by utilizing certain time-saving strategies, just as there are efficient employees and managers so are there also inefficient employees and managers who take the long road. Efficiency and effectiveness are mutually exclusive, in order words a manager or employee can be efficient but not effective and vice versa. Efficiency increases productivity and saves both time and money.



It is well known that training and development enhances staff efficiency and organizational productivity (Cole, 2002). High labour turnover damages the organization through increased costs of recruitment and selection, delayed service delivery and low morale amongst employees. Some categories of workers have not qualified for any form of training nor is there any systematic process of staff development in place for example accounts clerks, computer operators etc.


There is also an inability to retain the right quality of employees. Some reports show that management see the cost incurred in the acquisition and maintenance of plant and equipment as more relevant than that expense on training and development of its staff. 1.3


The main objective of the study is to critically examine or assess the impact of training and development on staff efficiency. Specific objectives of the study are: 1.

To identify the impact of training and development and how it relates with staff efficiency.


To identify the major purposes of training and development


To find out if training and development has a positive effect on staff efficiency.


To find out the challenges facing Mouka Limited in respect of training and development.


RESEARCH QUESTION 1. What training programs does Mouka Foam Limited have? 2. Are the training programs in Mouka Foam Limited Effective? 3. What impact do training and development have on employee performance? 4. Are there challenges associated with training and development programs in Mouka Foam Limited? 4




There is no significant relationship between training and development and staff efficiency.



The study will help firms understand the importance of training and development programs. It is also to help develop and maintain a quality work life which will provide an opportunity for employees’ job satisfaction and self actualization. There is the need to have and retain well trained and motivated employees. If labour is the need to have and retain well trained and motivated employees. If labour is efficient it will help improve the performance of the company. The study will also be of great benefit to student researchers who wish to explore more into the impact training and development has had on the overall performance of employees in various organizations. 1.7


The study is limited to the role and impact that training and development have on the efficiency of staff of Mouka Foam Limited using their office in Benin, Edo State as focal point.




Training and Development: This describes the functions or set of functions associated with a firm actively targeted at improving the performance of individual and group on the job in the firm or organization.

Staff Efficiency: This is the ability to act or produce effectively with a minimum of waste, expenditure or unnecessary effort with focus on the resources and speed with which organizational goals are achieved.

Employee Turnover: This can be seen as the number, percentage or rate at which employees leave an organization and are replaced by new ones.

Employee Retention: This is the ability of an organization to retain its employees over a period of time.

Employee Performance: This can be seen as related activities expected of an employee and how well those activities were executed.


CHAPTER TWO INTRODUCTION In order to evaluate and clarify the related works of other scholars in our field of study, especially as relates to this work and also to establish a fundamental basis for this research work, the related literatures will be reviewed under the following sub-themes:

The concept of Training

Development as a concept

Stages/steps in organizing Employee training and development programme.

Designing structure for effective training and development

Importance of Employee Training and Development in Organizations

Effect of training and development on employees performance

Factors affecting training and development

Ways of enhancing the effectiveness of employee training and development programme in organizations.

 2.1

Relationship between training , development and efficiency THE CONCEPT OF TRAINING

The concept of both training and development is that work environments has become so fickle and capricious that is work environment is changing; all jobs are unpredictable by reason of change so workers must be change responsive. 7

Training is a process of learning how to do the job in a better way, knowing is not the main reason of the learning process but the ability to do. Staff training and development can occur simultaneously or complementarily but the two do not necessarily have direct relations to each other. They should in fact be separated in concept”. As quoted by Onah (2008:129-130): “Staff training and development come under the purview of personnel functions in most organizations, especially public organizations. The importance of staff training and development in any organization is clear, if we recognize the fact that the structure that sustains it depends on the individual that operate the structure. Salvi (2012) Training is an educational process. People can learn new information retain and reinforce existing knowledge and skills, and most importantly have time to think and consider what new options can help them improve their effectiveness at work. Chukwuemeka (2015:4) Training is one of the most important ways to develop employees. Training is organizational activities intended to improve the performances of individuals and groups in organizational settings. According to Njoku (2007:10) manager through training ensures that organization members’ skills and abilities are retained for development of their jobs effectively in the present and in the future. 8

Armstrong (2003) posits that training is the formal and systematic modification of behavior through learning which occurs as a result of education instruction, development and planned experience. Training as cited by Onah (2008:135) is defined as an organized and coordinated development of knowledge, skills and attitudes needed by an individual to master a given situation or perform a certain task within an organizational setting. To Obiajulu, and Obi, (2004:280), after the selection process has been completed, the new employees need some form of training for them to adapt to the organizational methods and systems. Training to them is referred to as teaching operational or technical employees how to do the job for which they were hired. Jones, George and Hill (2000) in ( believe that “training” primarily focuses on teaching Organizational members how to perform their current jobs and helping them acquire the knowledge and skills they need to be effective performers. “Development” on the other hand focuses on building the knowledge and skills of Organizational members so that they will be prepared to take on new responsibilities and challenges. Consequently, analyzing the above definitions, one can say that both training and development result in creating a change in an individual. Thus, there is a kind of similarity between training and development because both concepts are aimed at creating


a favorable change in the individual. However, the frontiers of development extend further to measure how effectively the favorable change in behavior has improved job performance. In this research work, we will study the two concepts together because they produce the same effect on the staff, which is the improvement of work effectiveness and efficiency. 2.2


Lots of time training is confused with development, both are different in certain respects yet components of the same system. Development is concerned about improving employee’s performance in their present roles and preparing them for greater responsibilities in the future, development processes may be anticipatory, reactive or motivational. Development focuses on building the knowledge and skills of organizational members so that they will be prepared to take on new responsibilities and challenges. Development is a process of change according to Encarta dictionary. It is a process of changing and becoming better, stronger, more impressive, successful or advanced. Development implies opportunities created to help employees grow. It is more of long term or futuristic in nature as opposed to training, which focus on the current job. It also


is not limited to the job avenues in the current organization but may focus on other development aspects also. Development according to Ezeuwa (2009) can be seen as the use of human resources to quantitatively change man’s physical and biological environments to his benefits or ever seen as involving the introduction of new ideas into the social structure and causing alterations on the patterns of the organization and social structure. To develop staff, (Daniels, 2003) simply refers to make them grow with the company so that they can be fitted for available higher positions within their capacity. Development deals with improving human relations and interpersonal (Iwuoha, 2009). 2.3




DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME. 1. Orientation/Induction Training This is done immediately after employment to introduce the new extension staff members to their position. This is majorly concerned with acquainting new employees with the organization. This training is aimed at getting all new entrants familiarize with the organization’s goals, structure, culture, work standard and other conditions of employment.


Orientation, as a method of employee development is quite indispensable because it helps in boosting the productivity of workers which is needed for competing in the global market of the 21st century. 2. On the job training On the job method is a process through which knowledge and experience are acquired over a period of time either formally or informally. Job instruction training is received directly on the job, and so it is often called "on-the job" training. It is used primarily to teach workers how to do their current jobs. A trainer, supervisor, or co-worker serves as the instructor. When it is properly planned and executed, this method includes each of the learning principles (Demetra, Lauren, John, Carolyn, O’Brien, & Kate, 2008). This process involves the following: i.

Coaching: This is a process of on the job training and development in which a young employee is attached to a senior employee with the purpose of acquiring knowledge and experience needed for the performance of tasks. (Yalokwu 2000).


Job Rotation: This process either involves the movement of an employee from one official assignment or department to the other, in order for the employee to be acquainted with the different aspects of the work process or through job enlargement. That is given additional responsibility to an employee who has been


uplifted as a result of the acquisition of additional skill or knowledge (Lawal, 2006). iii.

In House Training: This involves a formal process of on the job training in which skills and knowledge are acquired by employees through internally organized seminars and workshops geared toward updating the workers with new techniques or skills associated with the performance of their jobs. (Lawal, 2006).


In Service Training: This process involves training outside the organization or workplace in higher institution of learning or vocational centres under the sponsorship of the organization or on terms that may be agreed upon between the organization and the worker (Lawal, 2006). 3. Off the job training:

Training can be off the job away from the real work situation, through lecturing and discussions, coaching, case study methods and conference training using techniques and tools to instill in the employee the skills needed to handle real job situation. This takes place in a cool environment, mostly the training centres of some organizations if the organizations want to hold same using their facilities. It can equally hold at designated centres run by consultants; in this case it may hold outside the organization’s premises. To an extent, developmental skill is to be inculcated in the middle level and upper management cadre hence decision making is reserved for this class of employees (Njoku, 2007).


4. Committee/Work Group Method: This method entails employee training and development through the involvement of employees in meetings, committees and work group discussion geared towards injecting inputs in form of decision making as regard solving organizational problem. This method is quite indispensable, especially in the aspect of training employees for managerial functions or heading organizational units. 5. Vestibule Training Method: This is a method of employee training and development through the acquisition of skills in a related working environment (Nongo, 2005). Under this method the trainee practices his skill with identical equipment that he uses or he is expected to use in his actual place of work. This method is most suitable for sensitive operations where maximal perfection is expected. The purpose is therefore to enable perfection at work place. 6. Apprenticeship Method: This method of employee training and development involves the acquisition of skill through extensive practice for over a period of time by the trainee. This type of employee training and development device could either be formal or informal. In the informal environments the trainee is attached to the trainer, and he/she is expected to pay for an agreed period of apprenticeship (Nongo 2005). In the formal environment on the other


hand, an employee of an organization could be placed under apprenticeship in the organization with pay. 2.4


The training design process refers to the systematic approach for developing training program; Utmost care should be taken while designing training programme and direct same towards the realization of the organizational goals; in this research work the 7 step model will be adopted from an online literature titled “introduction to employee training and development”. Step 1 is to conduct a needs assessment, which is necessary to identify if training is needed. Step 2 is to ensure that employees have the motivation and basic skills necessary to master training content. Step 3 is to create a learning environment that has the features necessary in order for learning to occur. Step 4 is to ensure that trainees apply the training content to their jobs. This step involves having the trainee understand how to manage skill improvement as well as getting coworker and manager support.


Step 6 is to choose the training method based on the learning objectives and learning environment. This step may include a traditional training method of face-to-face interaction with a trainer, or e-learning using a CD-ROM or web-based training. Step 7 is to evaluate the program and make changes in it or re-visit any of the earlier steps in the process to improve the program so that learning, behaviour change, and the other learning objectives are obtained. 2.5


ORGANIZATIONS Training is transferring information to organization’s members to positively improve the effectiveness and productivity of organizations (Leard, 2010). Training enables organizations to act more effectively because of having valued employees. Training is also needed to develop new leaders (Noe, 2002). There are many benefits to both organization and individuals to accomplish training activities (McNamara, 2010). It also helps eliminate fear in attempting new tasks.  Reduced Supervision When effectively trained, the employee will fulfill his or her functions with low supervision leading to greater capacity and better productivity...

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