Tutorial 2 Case 2.1 Blood for Sale DOCX

Title Tutorial 2 Case 2.1 Blood for Sale
Author Lizz Hoang
Pages 2
File Size 18.2 KB
File Type DOCX
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Tutorial 2 Case 2.1 Blood for Sale 1. Is Sol Levin running a business ‘’just like any other business’’ or is his company open to moral critism? Defend your answer by appeal to moral principle. Sol Levin is running his business just like any other business in the world,but the type of business he is ...


Tutorial 2 Case 2.1 Blood for Sale 1. Is Sol Levin running a business ''just like any other business'' or is his company open to moral critism? Defend your answer by appeal to moral principle. Sol Levin is running his business just like any other business in the world,but the type of business he is in open to moral critism and does raise some ethical issues. Personally I think to make the same decision which Sol levin has made is probably not easy, in our world blood could be life for anyone is not just the thing you could buy and sell for any reason, so the idea of this business is not for me. 2. Did Plasma International strike a fair bargain with the West Africans who supplied their blood to the company? Or is Plasma guilty of exploiting them in some way? Plasma International purchased blood from poor South African people for fifteen cents to the pint and sell it in the United States for up to twenty five dollars per pint. I strongly dissagree with the act of exploitation of poor people to futher success of a few. A fair market value could have been paid at the rate it would have been paid in the United States. 7. Many believe that commercialization is increasing in all areas of modern life. If so, is it something to be applauded or condemned? Is it wrong to treat certain things — such as human organs— as commodities? Anything that comes from a human such as blood, organs should not be sell for purposes, its goes against the law and moral issues as well. Selling this items coild create a situation where people will do desperate things to survive and possibly cause harm to other to get what they want. Sometimes it also happens when a person in need of money using his own blood selling to other. Tutorial 2A 1. Identify three key reasons for the failure of HIH? The serious defect of company's management: HIH company managers nver explain the operating strategy to directors who do not know company' guideline. Therefore, when company faces bad performance, the HIH' directors did not have method to evaluate the performance of managers The worry accounting approach covers the problems of liquidity: HIH company adopted worry accounting approach lead to not knowing the problem of reserves for outstanding loss. Not solve the problem of conflict of interest: HIH subsidiary provided credit loan to a HIH company shareholder who used 4 millions to purchase HIH shares. 2. Identify three parties impacted by HIH's unethical actions and how they were impacted? Shareholders: They had a serious loss of capital. HIH's unethical actions finally lend to go bankrupt so their shares become worthless. QBE, Alianz and NRMA insurance companies: They taken over a part of insurance from HIH in order to reduce loss for HIH. Unfortunately, this way acceleated HIH going bankrupt. Now, QBE, Alianz and NRMA insurance companies manage some policy holder' insurances that they can gain profits....

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