U1-assessment for Business and Administration PDF

Title U1-assessment for Business and Administration
Course Unit one: Principles of personal responsibilities and working in a business environment
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assignment for unit 1 of Business and Administration level 2 course through vision2learn.
completed unit to work from and help you understand what is needed...


Business and Administration Unit one: Principles of personal responsibilities and working in a business environment Assessment You should use this file to complete your Assessment.  The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a disk  Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly  When you’ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference  Then, go to www.vision2learn.com and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study area – make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number.

Please note that this Assessment document has 15 pages and is made up of 7 Sections. Name: Samantha Edwards Section 1: Rights and responsibilities at work This section will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 1: Know the employment rights and responsibilities of the employee and employer Learning objective

Place in Assessment

1.1 Identify the main points of contracts of employment

Question 1 Page 1

1.2 Identify the main points of legislation affecting employers and employees

Question 2 Page 2

1.3 Identify where to find information on employment rights and responsibilities both internally and externally

Question 3 Page 3

1.4 Describe how representative bodies can support the employee

Question 4 Page 3

1.5 Identify employer and employee responsibilities for equality and diversity in a business environment

Question 5 Page 3

1.6 Explain the benefits of making sure equality and diversity procedures are followed in a business environment

Question 6 Page 3

1. Identify four main points that would be included in a contract of employment. If possible, use an example contract to support your answer (feel free to obscure any confidential information). [1.1] I will also attach a example contact with this unit Four main points that would be included in a contract of employment are:  

Employer’s name whether he is a physical person or a company Employee’s name so that both parties entering in a contract are named

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Job title and maybe a brief description of the responsibilities and duties that the employee must assume Hours of work whether it is full time, part time or 0 hours contract it still needs to be mentioned.

2a) List three key points of legislation that affect employers in a business environment. [1.2]


Data protection. Employers are obliged by law to protect the privacy of their employees. 2. Pay. The employers must follow the law and cannot improvise when it comes to the fees that they are expected to offer 3. Contractual rights. These supplement the statutory employment rights and protect the employees from unfair treatment and discrimination 2b) List three key points of legislation that affect employees in a business environment. [1.2]


Equal pay Act 1970 - Employees who do equal work or work of equal value must receive the same pay as workers of the other sex. 2. Sex Discrimination Act 1975 - Employees cannot be sexually discriminated in employment, training or recruitment. 3. Employment Protection Act 1978 - Employees must be given a written contract of employment. 3. Identify a range of places where a person can find information on employment rights and responsibilities. You should identify at least two internal and two external sources of information. [1.3]

     

internal Line managers Personnel specialists Informed colleagues Staff association representatives Trade union representatives Books and documents held within the organization.

        

external Libraries Citizens Advice Bureau Legal professionals Educational establishments / courses Trade unions – regional and / or head office Chambers of Commerce Employer / industry organizations ACAS Business Link © Creating Careers Ltd 2011-2014. All rights reserved.

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Government Equality and Human Rights Commission 4. Describe how representative bodies can support employees. [1.4] Representative bodies such as trade unions can support employees by offering knowledge (as not all workers know their rights) and advice. a trade union representative can also offer help and advice in health and safety, information and consultation representation, pensions and redundancy. They can consult their members regarding information about their pension schemes and can negotiate collectively for example they can force employers to apply stricter health and safety measures etc. They can also support workers that are made redundant by assisting them in their job search and offer advice regarding their severance packages. Also they can promote competitiveness by offering courses and skill enhancing lessons. 5. Identify employer and employee responsibilities for equality and diversity in a business environment. You should give at least two employer responsibilities and two employee responsibilities. [1.5] If possible, provide relevant equality and diversity procedures from your workplace (or place of study) to support your answer. These documents should be annotated to highlight the relevant sections. Both the employers and employees should make sure that any inappropriate labelling, stereotyping, and prejudice do not influence the way an organisation operates employer 1. Train line managers to appreciate diversity and view it as an opportunity rather than a problem. 2. Create policies and procedures that promote diversity and equality. employee 1. Try not to ‘label’ people but view them as individuals rather than member of an ethnic group, gender etc 2. Be sensitive to criticism and don’t overstep your boundaries. Sometimes people will tell you that your behaviour is insulting or offensive towards them. Take their words literally and try not to repeat your mistakes 6. Explain the benefits of making sure equality and diversity procedures are followed in a business environment. Your answer should include one benefit for the employer, one benefit for the employee and one benefit for the overall organisation. [1.6] Employers should promote equality and diversity because that could lead to capturing a greater consumer market and increase their reputation. People from different backgrounds will be able to appeal and promote the company’s products/services to lots of different target groups.

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Business and Administration Employees could benefit from equality and diversity because individuals from different backgrounds approach problem solving in a different way. So a team of diverse people would be more creative and efficient. Companies also benefit from diversity in language skills, which allows them to provide products and services internationally. The advantages of promoting equality in the workplace include creating an environment with high employee morale, developing a good reputation and the ability to recruit top talent. Another advantage of equality in the workplace is that the effectiveness of employees is measured by their contributions, which may motivate them to openly contribute to the company in a positive way.

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Business and Administration Section 2: All about health, safety and security This section will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 2: Understand the purpose of health, safety and security procedures in a business environment Learning objective

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2.1 Identify employer and employee responsibilities for health, safety and security in a business environment

Question 1 Page 4

2.2 Explain the purpose of following health, safety and security procedures in a business environment

Question 2 Page 4

2.3 Identify ways of maintaining a safe and secure environment in a business environment

Question 3 Page 5

1a. Identify employer and employee responsibilities for health and safety. [2.1] all employers and employees have a legal duty to ensure that the working environments are safe and secure Some of the employers’ duties are:             

ensure that plant and machinery is safe to use ensure safe working practices are set up and followed make sure that all materials are handled, stored and used safely provide adequate first aid facilities set up emergency plans make sure that ventilation, temperature, lighting, toilet, washing and rest facilities all meet health, safety and welfare requirements check that the right work equipment is provided and is properly used and regularly maintained prevent or control exposure to substances that may damage your health take precautions against the risks caused by flammable or explosive hazards, electrical equipment, noise and radiation avoid potentially dangerous work involving manual handling (and if it can't be avoided, take precautions to reduce the risk of injury) provide health supervision as needed provide protective clothing or equipment free of charge (if risks can't be removed or adequately controlled by any other means) ensure that the right warning signs are provided and looked after

Some of the employees’ responsibilities are    

to take reasonable care not to put other people - fellow employees and members of the public - at risk by what you do or don't do in the course of your work to co-operate with your employer, making sure you get proper training and you understand and follow the company's health and safety policies not to interfere with or misuse anything that's been provided for your health, safety or welfare to report any injuries, strains or illnesses you suffer as a result of doing your job, your employer may need to change the way you work.

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to tell the employer if something happens that might affect their ability to work, like becoming pregnant or suffering an injury. Because the employer has a legal responsibility for the employees' health and safety, they may need to take actions while they find a solution to the issue or problem.

1b. Identify employer and employee responsibilities for security. [2.1] If possible, provide relevant health, safety and security policies / documents from your workplace (or place of study) to support your answer. These documents should be annotated to highlight the relevant sections. Each company, big or small, should carry out its own Risk Assessment to determine what they feel they need to do whilst ensuring that they are still compliant with the law. This may include things like looking at potentially vulnerable locations within the building(s) or premises, formulating contingency plans in the event of an emergency situation and identifying any security measures which need installing and having some way of monitoring these to gauge their effectiveness. The employees’ responsibility is to follow the procedures in place and report any possible dangers and threats.

2. Explain the purpose of following health, safety and security procedures in a business environment. [2.2] Having health, safety and security procedures, an organization has a framework for making sure that the business environment is a healthy, safe and secure place for everyone. a company's health safety and security procedures are created to make sure that people do not come to any harm a company will have procedures for staff to follow most of these procedures will be determined by legal requirements. a company will have health, safety and security procedures in place to ensure that everyone within the company and people visiting will remain healthy, safe and secure at all times when in the company. a company has to comply with the law as there are many laws that relate to the creation of safe and secure business. of a company to comply with the law the company must undertake specific actions and people follow procedures may mean that the law is being broken which could result in reprimands, fines, closures and even a prison sentence. 3. Describe three different ways of maintaining a safe and secure business environment. [2.3] Security systems are put in place to protect buildings, equipment, staff, personal possessions and information 1. Proper awareness of the possibility of data misuse can be minimised by : Not allowing computer screens to be overlooked by unauthorised people, Insuring confidential documents are only accessed by authorised people and

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Business and Administration logging off your computer if unattended. the generating of computer passwords that cannot be easily guessed and complying with the organisation’s security procedures will Locking away confidential documents 2. Implementing regular fire drills with attention to highlighting areas that should remain free of obstacles that would hamper the safe evacuation of personnel. The implementation of procedures should be in place to ensure all fire extinguishing equipment are checked for integrity and notifications of their wear about and use highlighted and clear to see. 3. Introduce policies and procedures to inform employees of the risks and responsibilities at work. Ensure these are covered in mandatory training. Seek appropriate accreditation from the government on your safety standards.

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Business and Administration Section 3: Communicating effectively with others This section will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 3: Understand how to communicate effectively with others Learning objective

Place in Assessment

3.1 Describe different methods of communication

Question 1 Page 6

3.2 Explain how to choose the most appropriate method of communicating with others

Question 2 Page 6

3.3 Describe ways of actively listening

Question 3 Page 7

1. Describe three different methods of communication. You should include two verbal, two non-verbal and two written methods of communication. [3.1] verbal verbal communication is simply speaking. this can be done as a one to one discussion, meetings, discussions in a small group and presentations to large groups, having a telephone conversation and video conferencing. none-verbal none verbal communication includes body language, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact and movement. none verbal communication plays a large role in the way you communicate with others. none verbal communication sets the tone of a conversation and can seriously undermine the message contained in the words if a person is not careful to control it. written Written communication is the most appropriate when detailed instructions are required, when something needs to be documented, or when the person is too far away to easily speak with over the phone or in person. someone can communicate using written communication by sending an email to the person they wish to communicate with. a company can also provide a written report for other members of the company to allow them to identify any problems that they may have or to identify any positive feedback they may have

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Business and Administration 2. Using two specific examples, explain how to choose the most appropriate method of communication to meet your needs and the needs of others. [3.2] 1. an person has been injured and need medical attention. the best method of communication will be verbal this is because you will need to gain medical attention for the injured person. it will be easier to get the information to the medical professional verbally. 2. showing progress in the company. written communication and verbal communication. written communication to get all the information together that you would like to share could be as part of a presentation or a report. verbal communication to present the report/ presentation to the people who attend.

3. Describe at least two ways of actively listening. [3.3] 

activity listening involves focusing not only on the verbal communication but also on body language cues. by paying attention to the person who is communicating to you. ensure that you make eye contact with the speaker, take note of the speakers body language as this will give you clues into the meaning, feeling and purpose behind what the speaker is saying. be involved in the communication. actively respond to any questions and directions given to you. use your own body language and attention to encourage the speaker and show your interest in what they are saying

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Business and Administration Section 4: Working with others This section will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 4: Understand how to work with and support colleagues Learning objective

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4.1 Explain the purpose of agreeing standards for own work with others

Question 1 Page 8

4.2 Explain the purpose of taking on new challenges and adapting to change

Question 2 Page 8

4.3 Explain the purpose of treating others with honesty and consideration

Question 3 Page 8

1. Explain the purpose of agreeing standards for your own work. Give at least two reasons. [4.1] Organization provides a foundation of work standards to ensure everyone knows what is required from them and from people around them. As an employee, we should always make sure that we know exactly the work standards required of you. If an employee doesn't have a standard of work or unclear then it is difficult for them to know what or how or when they should be doing it. The absence of standards makes it impossible for an employee to effectively monitor their own performance. If work standards don't exist, then things are open to personal interpretation and this can lead to conflicting viewpoints. If some colleagues work to lower standards, it can affect the work of others. 2. Explain the purpose of taking on new challenges and being able to adapt to change at work. [4.2] it is unlikely that a business will continue to do exactly the same thing for years and years. There are many reasons for change the changing requirements of their customers, the introduction of new technologies/ work practices, social and legal changes that influence the organization, new colleagues/ managers entering the work environment. change can be sudden or it can be introduced slowly over time. in both cases the people involved will be faced with challenges and changes. For any employee, it is important to take on new challenges and adapt to changes because an organization will never stays the same. Employee who can adapt and who are willing to change is more valuable than other who resists changing. Employee who want to advance or built up their career in the organization must take on new challenges and adapt a role with added responsibilities and they will be notice or variation to others who will not change. For those who do not may become redundant, no longer fitting in with the business and in the longer term they can lose their jobs.

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Business and Administration 3. Explain the purpose of treating others with honesty and consideration. [4.3] when...

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