unidad-2-paso3-psicofisiologia-de-la-emocionmotivacion-y-sueno-grupo.p PDF

Title unidad-2-paso3-psicofisiologia-de-la-emocionmotivacion-y-sueno-grupo.p
Author Paula andrea Velez mejia
Course Ingles
Institution Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia
Pages 9
File Size 602.5 KB
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TASK 3. PLANNING THE TRIPPaula Andrea Velez MejiaSTUDENTS’ NAME:English BGroup number: 900003_Tutor: Rosa Angelica FallaUNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIAUNAD2022STEP 1 - CONTENT REVIEW1 Go to Learning / E book /Online Content English B1.1 Study the content of modules 1 & 2 from theE-boo...



Paula Andrea Velez Mejia


English B1 Group number: 900003_789

Tutor: Rosa Angelica Falla


STEP 1 - CONTENT REVIEW 1.1 Go to Learning / E book /Online Content English B1. 1.2 Study the content of modules 1 & 2 from the E-book and do all the activities proposed in it. You should study: Module 1

Module 2

1.3 Do exercise 14 “TALKING ABOUT SUPERTITIONS” in module 1. Here in Colombia, there's a lot of superstitions, but I'll name three. The first one is not to walk behind a staircase, because it can get you seven years of bad luck. Continuing with the seven years of bad luck, people also say that you can get them by breaking a mirror, interesting, no? And last but not least, if you receive the New Year below a table, the new year will bring you a boyfriend, or girlfriend.

1.4 Record the audio activity proposed and upload it on the forum. (You can use vocaroo or a voice recorder).


1.5 Study the travelling vocabulary in the OVI_Looking for a destination, found in Learning Environment.

STEP 2 - READING ACTIVITY 2.1. Read the text “A travel guide” in Annex 1. Travel guide in the Learning Environment. 2.2. According to the text “A travel guide” answer the questions below. Write complete sentences. ○What are some recommendations to visit Bangkok? Use have to/ must/mustn´t in your answer. You mustn't visit The Khao San Road since it's noisy and there's prettier places to visit that represents Thailand better, instead, you must go to Phra Kanong, it has some fantastic street markets to eat, work and stay. You have to spend at least one night in Bangkok, but it'd be better if you make it a longer stay ○ What is the fastest way to get around in Bangkok? To move around the modern part of the city, you must use the Skytrain. It is not also fast, but cheap too so you can go from the river to the shopping malls or experience the nightlife of Sukhumvit. ○ Where can you fnd the best Chinese and Thai restaurants and food stands in Bangkok? If you want to eat in the best Chinise and Thai food restaurants you must visit the Yaowarat Street, there's plenty options to choose from. Just ask whatever looks most interesting to you. ○Why is water one of the best ways to move around Thailand? To visit the temples and historical cities and don't spend hours stuck in traffic, you must catch an express boat river taxi or a longtail boat along de Chao Phraya river and the canals. ○ Why does the author say you can eat everywhere? Because Thai food is one of the best in the world, also, it's cheap. For 5$ you can eat a delicious and filling meals. You must try it. ○ What would you add to a guide destination like this? Mention 2 diferent items that you consider necessary to keep in mind. In my opinion, I think you must add the costs to a travel guide, and also the recommendations to talk to people from the city (like, what they consider disrespectful, or what not to do and say to them, just to respect the culture).

2.3. Post your answers on the forum and exchange opinions with your partners regarding their answers.

STEP 3 - WRITING ACTIVITY Imagine that you are the owner of a travel agency, and you are going to design a travel guide. To do this follow the next steps: Choose an unknown place in your region and complete the Annex 2. Preparing my travel guide. You can download the file with the chart in the Learning Environment, Activities guide and evaluation rubric - Unit 1 - Task 2 – Looking for a destination (the same where you found this Guide). LEARNING TIP: Write simple complete sentences. What is important is that you write the sentences by yourself. (You don’t need translator; you can use the vocabulary studied in the course resources)

PREPARING MY TRAVEL GUIDE CATEGOR Y Name & location of the place Santa Marta, Magdalena, Colombia.

What to do This place so much



Mention the vocabulary to use.

Write a short description of the place and its location.

 States: estados.  Caribbean Coast: Costa Caribe.  Interesting: interesante.  Versatility: versatilidad.

One of the most interesting states in Colombia it’s definitely Magdalena, there’s so much versatility in this place that I just find it amazing. Cities like its capital (Santa Marta) are part of the Caribbean Coast, and the state itself has a lot of places to visit.

  

Park: parque. Filled: lleno. Tired: cansado.

Describe some activities that you can do in this destination. The first night you’re in Santa Marta you can go to the Historic

to offer, such as a sacred place like it’s the National Natural Park Tayrona, besides so many beautiful beaches, for example, El Rodadero, or Cabo San Juan.

 Sleep: dormir.  Tourists: turistas.  Historic Center: centro histórico.  Sacred: sagrado.  Beaches: playas.  Besides: aparte.

Center, when you’re there don’t forget to visit places like Los Novios Park or La Bahía which are beautiful and make part of the history of the city and the state in general. The next day, wake up early to visit the National Natural Park Tayrona, at the end of the day you’re going to be tired and all you’d want to do is sleep. You can also go to places like Minca, that’s also filled with tourists like Santa Marta is.

Travel Tips

     solar.  

Comfortable: cómodo. Plenty: mucho. Groceries: chucherías. Sweet: dulce. Sunscreen: protector

Write 4 recommendations. Don’t forget to include must/mustn’t have to and don’t have to.  You must pack plenty water and sweet groceries when you visit the Natural National Park Tayrona and wear comfortable shoes.  Also, you must wear sunscreen since it is a natural park that’s in the Caribbean Coast.  There are some good traditional restaurants in the city to try traditional Colombian food, you mustn’t eat at places like McDonald’s.  You have to wake up early to take advantage of the day and have time to go to the beach or meet other places in the state.

 

Wild: salvaje. Current: actual.

 Wear comfortable shoes, pack plenty water and sweet groceries.  Eat the typical food of the city.  Wear sunscreen.  Wake up early. Superstitions

Pack: empacar. Advantage: ventaja.

 Finding wild animals in the Tyrona.  Getting married with the person you visit Los Novios park. When to go You should go in november.

Where to stay You must stay in houses that are specifically made for renting to tourists, like Airbnb’s. What to eat 

Fried fish

Write at least 2 superstitions common in this place. (Use factual conditional)  People say that if you go to Tayrona, you can find some wild animals there.  They also say that if you visit Los Novios Park with your current couple, you will get married.

 Festivities: festividades.  Festivity: festividad.  Celebrate: celebrar.  Careful: cuidadoso.  Weekend: fin de semana.  Encourage: incentivar.

 Specifically: específicamente.  Recommend: recomendar.

  

Breakfast: desayuno. Lunch: almuerzo. Smashed: aplastados.

Write about the best time to travel. In Colombia, festivities are celebrated on Mondays to encourage national tourism… So, if you plan on going to Santa Marta, the best time to travel is around November, but be careful if you’re visiting in a long weekend (you know, those ones where there’s a festivity to celebrate in a Monday) because the city is going to be filled with people.

Describe the options available to stay. In the city, there are expensive hotels that you might not spend lots of time in it, so I recommend to rent an Airbnb or a local house that’s in a centric location so you don’t have to pay too much on taxis or public transportation.

Write about the typical Food in this place. Since it’s a Caribbean city, you can’t miss the chance to eat fried

with coconut rice and salad.  “Arepa de huevo”

 

Rice: arroz. Salad: ensalada.

fish with coconut rice, “patacones” (green banana cut in big pieces, fried, smashed and then fried again) and salad. For breakfast you can try “arepa de huevo” for just 1$, which is also a typical food. A typical lunch in Colombia costs around 5$ and 10$.

What to drink

Juice: jugo.

Write about the typical drinks in this place.

 “Agua de panela”  Corozo juice.  Cane juice. Transportation  Taxi  Public transportation, buses.  Boats. Language 



In Santa Marta, you may want to try “agua de panela” which is a typical drink currently called “juice” because it’s sweet, just like corozo juice, and “jugo de caña.”

 Malls: centros comerciales.  Entry: entrada.

   

Native: native. Language: lenguaje. Understand: entender. Try: intentar.

Expected: esperado.

Colombian Pesos (COP). Tipping Not expected, but it’d be nice.

Mention the transportation means commonly used in this place. To move around the city, people often use taxis to go to places like the Historic Center or maybe visiting malls, restaurants, etc. If you want to visit the Tayrona, there’s a bus that takes you right to the entry of the park, and costs about 2.5$. You can also use a boat to visit beaches like Cabo San Juan, La Piscina, etc.

Write the currency used in this place. You’re expected to pay in Colombian Pesos (COP).

   ostar.

Common: común. Worker: trabajador. Bet: ap


Write if people are expected to tip or not in this place. It’s not common to tip, but if you do it, I bet you can make a worker happy....

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