Unit 1 - Touchstone 1 - Descriptive and Informative PDF

Title Unit 1 - Touchstone 1 - Descriptive and Informative
Course English
Institution University of the People
Pages 2
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For Touchstone 1, you will be writing two separate, distinct paragraphs. You will write one paragraph in the informative mode and one paragraph in the descriptive mode.

The informative paragraph must be written in a non-biased tone and explain, teach, or inform. The descriptive paragrap...


illustrative paragraph (Fishing as a hobby):

For some people, fishing is obsolete, but for me, it’s the most interesting hobby. For example in the era of social media and the fear of missing out. People are craving attention all the time. But for me, getting away from my phone or any distraction and going to the middle of the sea with a rented boat with lots of people who share the same interest is the best thing ever. In the middle of the sea, Fishing is a recreation, even the worst day when you catch no fish at all. It is still better than the time spent on the couch at home scrolling endlessly unrelated content which does not benefit my life nor my social state. Even though people who have not had the chance to try fishing assume that the goal of fishing lies in how many fishes are caught. But that’s not true. It lies in the activity itself, pinning the bait on your hooks, and throwing them into the water with hope and uncertainty for hours, waiting, and observing any movement of the fishing rod, until you notice a sign of success, a small movement in finishing rod, and then you react to it by immediately pulling, and finally catching a fish. this is truly one of the best feelings that you may experience in your life. Fishing still one of the satisfying hobbies but not the phones and social media which made people lose the joy of enjoying nature and the joy of being patient to catch a fish

Descriptive paragraph (My room):

Back in my home town, my room was the best in our apartment, with its prime location overlooking the sea, My huge balcony provides an ideal spot for deep relaxation in mild-to-warm condition. On each wall, there was a state-of-art painting that reflected a great atmosphere. And in the center of the room a huge carpet which is quite cozy when you stand on it. And on one side placed my wooden office Where I can study, work, and play some computer games. Also, What I liked about my room that it has plenty of space for my friends, guests, or hitchhikers from different countries who just visited my city and like to meet locals. I usually find them on some mobile applications or they ask for a host through the same apps. It’s a quite great experience which broadens my knowledge about different cultures around the world. Every morning, I remember that I liked to open my huge balcony doors to let the sunlight enters my room and the fresh air which makes my room like a summer resort. And in Winter, when it rains, I remember the enormous clouds, the lightning, and the thunders which looked incredible. Since I left my home town and my beautiful room, I visited lots of countries and lived in several rooms, but no place is such beautiful as my old room...

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