Unit 2 Marketing Mock Exam Group A and C Rok U Virtual Reality game PDF

Title Unit 2 Marketing Mock Exam Group A and C Rok U Virtual Reality game
Author Melad Tamro
Course business
Institution Loreto College St Albans
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unit 2 marketing mock exam a and c Rok u VIRTUAL REALITY GAME...


Student: Melad Tamro STU-331639

Total Mark __/70 Grade (P) (M) (D)

Unit 2 Marketing Mock Exam GROUP A and C Roku Virtual Reality game Basic research and the background The first virtual reality system was created in 1968, although not intended for gaming. The first virtual reality video game was designed and developed in the early to mid-1990s. More than 25% of youngsters now use it instead of PlayStation or Xbox since it provides 360 degrees of gameplay for an entirely different experience. In 2021, more than 6.1 billion virtual reality systems were sold worldwide. In 2021, the total global income from virtual reality consoles and games was estimated to be over $30 billion. Since the 2010s, plenty of smartphone and computer firms have begun producing virtual reality, resulting in great rivalry in 2020s suppliers. However, each one has its own set of features and designs appropriate for its usage. The advantages of Virtual reality, on the other hand, provides significantly superior images that give the user the impression of being in a different world when playing games or seeing landscapes, for example. Playing games with the VR controller provides the player with the sensation of being within the video game, experiencing most of the moves as if it was real, complete with all of the visual and acoustic effects, as well as plenty of other experiences. The disadvantage of virtual reality is that if someone is engaged in something for a long time, they might get infatuated with it. This is certainly relevant when something as incredible as virtual reality is considered. Many people like gamers that allow for violence and other illegal actions, but they are more likely to commit crimes in real life if this becomes an addiction. Marketing target Gaming stores may host a lot of prominent gamers and arrange an event in the city centre where they can draw the majority of people interested in gaming, such as teenagers. These events will boost sales of virtual reality gaming Because many people haven't experienced VR gaming, which feels radically different from playing games on television. It appears just like a gamer is in a video game where they can explore 360 degrees. Aims and objectives The aim of organising an event is to increase the number of prospective clients by 40% by the conclusion of the winter season in 2021. By the end of 2023, brand awareness should have increased by 30%. And raise sales by 40% in the next 12 months.

Objectives are important because they motivate us to work toward a marketing goal of attracting more customers, which we can quantify by the number of employees in the company. A 28 per cent growth in a year is a good percentage gain, especially given that the virtual reality gaming business is increasing every year and has increased by one billion dollars between 2017 and 2021, from $0.4 billion to $1.4 billion. The gaming retailer may use social media to promote virtual reality gaming in order to enhance sales and win new clients who have never visited the business before. This will raise brand recognition for the company. Target market Gamers and corporations are the target markets. The virtual reality market has evolved into a potent instrument. When businesses and organisations use 360 virtual presentations, they may more effectively promote the items or services. This might provide the customer with a substantial experience. The gamers, such as the renowned ones on YouTube who have followers and play games for a career, will become tired of playing games on television and will purchase one of the virtual reality headsets that provide a new experience that makes the gamer feel as if they are in the actual game. Competition There is a big competition between the VR companies. The top 15 virtual reality companies are Oculus VR, Google, Microsoft HoloLens, Magic leap, HTC Vive, Samsung Gear VR, WorldViz, Bricks & Goggles, Marxent Labs, Unit Technologies, Snap, Firsthand Technology, Wevr, Retinad Analytics, Mechdyne, NextVR, and Virtalis. Each of these has different uses. For instance, Virtalis is used to show the designs of planes. Market size In 2019, the united kingdom income from virtual reality gaming was £0.8 billion. It did rise by 57% from 2019 and 2021. The total revenue for the VR gaming sector in 2021 was £1.4 billion, representing significant growth. Customers who purchase virtual reality games are 45 per cent more likely to be under the age of 21 than the average shopper. Shares and structure The global virtual reality market was valued at 15.82 billion dollars in 2020, a 37.9 per cent rise from the previous year. In 2021, the market value is about 21.82 billion dollars. The structure of viral reality games is different from one to another firm. For example, there are many various firms that operate the same thing, such as Samsung and LG, but both have distinct characteristics but the same aim to manufacture Virtual reality consoles or games. External influence

External variables over which a corporation has little or no control include economic, financial, geographical, social, legal, political, institutional, technological, competitive position, and market consequences. Geographical If the business is local, they won't have many clients; but, if they have different brushes, all-around great Britain, or having online websites will increase the sales like any other business does, such as Game UK and Cex. Customers may buy a virtual reality game or device without visiting a nearby store by placing an order on the website. The store's geographical location should be in the city or town centre to attract new citizens, new visitors to the area and make it simpler for customers to access, but not everyone who walks into the store will purchase an item or the virtual reality console. competitive situation The Roku virtual reality games' international competitors are Samsung, Sony, and LG, which all offer the same thing, which is a 360 gaming atmosphere. Still, they have different features, such as some of them are already attached to the device, like Sony, but Samsung and LG will not be connected, which requires a player to link to their smartphones or console, such as Play Station 4. Sony VR is the most recognised among gamers since it is designed just for gaming and does not require any console to connect; it is instantly linked. Costs Virtual reality consoles range in price from £350 to £1,000 or more. The greater the price, the higher the quality of the VR and the more features it has. When it was originally released, the costs were not so high since many people didn't like the notion of it, but after a few improvements, more players began to use them. Media used Roku virtual reality games may leverage social media platforms such as Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to get more new customers because the majority of the world population has social media and spends more time scrolling through social media than watching television or reading newspapers. Appropriateness of the campaign People between the ages of 12 and 21 are the target audience for virtual reality, both male and female. Because, in these days and ages, almost all of these individuals do not have jobs, many responsibilities, or much spare time. In such circumstances, people spend a lot of time gaming on the PlayStation or Xbox, and some of them become sick of playing games on television, so they start buying 360 games that can only be played on virtual reality systems. Market influences Market impacts are influenced by political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental factors. This is also known as a PESTLE analysis, which is most

typically utilised in a company marketing environment but may also be applied to industries and economies. PESTLE analysis It is a framework for analysing the critical external factors influencing an organisation's political, economic, social, technical, legal, and environmental performance. It gives human resource professionals a better understanding of the external concerns that impact their company. P= VR offers every business in the united kingdom chance to think about how they present to and engage with their clients. VR opens new possibilities for showcasing products and services. However, it is likely to become a uniquely useful source of information on customer behaviour. E= The cost of a virtual reality console ranges from £350 to £1,000 or more. The higher the price, the better the quality and the more functions the VR possesses.VR can raise global GDP by up to $1.5 trillion over the next eight years. By 2030, virtual reality can enhance the world economy by $1.5 trillion. S= After experiencing virtual reality for a few minutes, people of all ages have experienced headaches, eye strain, nausea, and dizziness. Such symptoms are caused by the VR illusion, which causes the eyes to fixate on objects on the horizon that are actually on a screen only a few centimetres away. T= Virtual reality games feature several technological concerns, such as a single connection; for example, users had to place their smartphones within it to utilise Samsung Virtual Reality. However, within a few years, Samsung and other VR manufacturers began to include Bluetooth in their systems, allowing gamers to link their phones to the VR console, with the drawback that the VR console might lose connectivity at times. The next step for virtual reality companies is to decrease the brightness to avoid harming customers' eyes or include a protective eyewear set, such as Eyezen lenses glasses. L=It is legal for small and large enterprises to buy virtual reality games or consoles from other suppliers and resell them for more than they intended to be sold. It is illegal for individuals or local firms to begin producing virtual reality consoles without a licence since most of them will seem the same and may have various features; yet, it may not be safe for clients to use because it may cause eye problems such as eye strain, eye discomfort eye fatigue and blurred vision. E= Virtual reality production is not harmful to the environment, but it is detrimental to the eyes of the consumers. In other words, virtual reality has the potential to become a critical educational tool in the future where learners may be taught how to operate a vehicle or an aircraft without getting the same experience.

SWOT analysis SWOT analysis is an approach for assessing these four areas of your organisation. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. SWOT Analysis is a simple tool that may help a business analyse what it does well today and design a successful future strategy. Strength: As virtual reality is being used in various areas, including education, the military, and gaming, virtual reality firms are rising year after year. In 2020, the global revenue for virtual reality was expected to be over 3 billion dollars. Virtual reality achieved a global revenue income of 209 billion dollars in 2021, a significant growth due to its usage in education, gaming, and various other sectors. Weakness: The main disadvantage of virtual reality games is that it cant be afforded by most gamers, teenagers, or people who don't have a job because they cost as they are designed for gaming, such as HTC Vivi pro, which cost around £1.5 thousand the second weakness of virtual reality they cause much health issues such as eyestrain headaches or risk of serious injuries such as broken bones. Opportunities: If a prominent gamer signs the Roku virtual reality games or consoles, that item can be sold for much more than average. Alternatively, they may give them out for free to gamers with a large following on YouTube, where they will promote the product and encourage their followers to buy virtual reality consoles or games. Threats: The fear of a new product entering the market is 4D Virtual Reality, in which the gamer settles in a gaming chair and wears a headset. In contrast, the chair shifts 360 degrees around the game, which most people prefer because it offers a unique experience. It is much safer and secure than actual 3D virtual reality, in which the gamer does not sit and causes damage to the area as well as the gamer. The downside would be that it will be much more expensive than 3D virtual reality. Ansoff Matrix The Ansoff Matrix is engaged in the strategy step of the marketing planning. It is utilised to determine which overall strategy the company should use and which marketing strategies must be employed.

Market Penetration They can invite a well-known gamer and host an event to draw more people to the event, and as a result, they will have a new client who will likely purchase Roku virtual reality games or consoles.

Product Development Roku virtual reality may also market new items such as gaming chairs, PlayStation, and Microsoft Xbox. However, in order to get more customers, they must sell more specific things, such as a PlayStation autographed by a prominent player.

Market Development The gaming store can provide a free shirt or cap with the brand of the Roku virtual reality games, allowing the customer to market their product and bring in new customers.

Diversification They can teach those interested in Roku virtual reality gaming but aren't sure how to use them securely. So they'll be educated new gamers, they will attract more customers to acquire Roku virtual reality games.

Gantt chart

Timescales As you can see from the graph, the ROKU virtual reality games will use various media for advertising that are affordable for a local business, such as radio ads once in December and once in April, because these months are associated with Christmas and many people listen to Christmas music on the radio. April is the month preceding Easter and the start of summer, and many people will attend a park event while listening to music on the radio. The building board is not as expensive as a television advertisement, which costs between £1000 and £15,000, but it is necessary to promote such a great region to

attract more people. It is not as effective as less expensive options such as social media or a website. A television advertisement is too expensive for a small business since it costs around £35,000 for only a few seconds, but that money might be spent on other types of promotion for two years. They can build a website for free, but it will be inferior to a website built by an i-store or another agency. A quality website that attracts customers from all over the world will cost between £900 to £25,000 and will last in perpetuity. The newspaper would not be prohibitively expensive, and many older people like reading newspapers on a daily basis, making it an ideal way to reach out to the elderly. Only the months of December will be profitable for newspapers since a partner or grandparents may purchase a Roku virtual reality console or games as a present for their relatives or family member. 58 per cent of the world's population has active social media accounts; if a company develops an Instagram account, for example, and advertises Roku virtual reality games for 30 days, each post will cost them roughly £160. Prices, on the other hand, can vary based on the radius the business want to cover; for example, if the radius is 5 miles, the price will be substantially cheaper than if the radius is 20 miles. It is the most efficient approach to promoting a local business or website. Social media and the website will be a suitable target because many people seek boxing day discounts in December because it is the season when people give presents to others. Valentine's Day is marked in February, and those in a relationship will buy Roku virtual reality games for their partner. Overall, doing all of these advertisements will increase the number of people who visit the store or website, but there is one type of advertising that is extremely powerful and costs nothing, that is when a customer shares their experience with their friends and family members. campaign budget According to the graphs above, the firm will require £2150 for five months of advertisement across many sectors, including social media, radio, newspapers, and websites. As December is the season of Christmas, when people exchange presents, they'll need £746.67 to promote their Roku virtual reality on Facebook, Instagram, Heart Radio, the Sun newspaper, and a website. In January, there will be no advertising since most people spend their saved capital in Christmas time. Although they'll have a website that needs to be maintained and updated by a professional designer or editor, which will cost £180. By February, there will also be two different types of advertising. First will be social media on Snapchat and website advertising, which will cost £296.67. In March, there will be a print advertisement in the Daily Mail as well as a website that would cost £430. There will be a radio advertisement on the heart and kiss radio in April for an easter holiday and celebrations, Social media on Facebook and Instagram advertising, and A website will bring a total of £496.67. selection of media Roku virtual reality will leverage various social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and a web game, all of which will be connected to provide the

impression of a professional company. They want to use these many social media platforms for advertising their product, the Roku virtual reality device and games. Competitors These are the main competitors of the Roku virtual reality games are Samsung, Microsoft, HTC, Google, and LG. sectors It is a date that can be exchanged with a client or supplier, and the company explains how they manufacture the goods, where they receive the materials, where they sell them, and how they would update it in feature.

Primary Local and international gaming stores cannot make virtual reality headsets or games since they must purchase them from a source such as Samsung or Sony, who build them and ensure that they are safe to use. The majority of them are Asiamanufactured VR.

Secondary Most businesses do not reveal the components that create virtual reality, although they do employ plastic, glasses, and a variety of other technology parts.

Tertiary After all of the manufacturing is completed, most virtual reality is created in Asia. They provide them to other countries, such as France, America, and the United Kingdom. After that, clients will purchase VR in retailers for a sensible price.

Quaternary The Asian supplier for sony and Samsung manufactures virtual reality games and platforms. They do a variety of studies to identify their weak areas and work to improve them in the future to satisfy the needs of their clients.

Marketing mix 7ps The seven Ps are essential. It gives the firm variables to work with to produce value and get a competitive marketing advantage. Products-They sells a variety of virtual reality goods, including those for Samsung, Sony, and Roku, and VR accessories and provides a warranty or guarantee to customers. Price- Virtual reality consoles range in price from £350 to £1250 and above. The cost rises as the system incorporates new technology and additional capabilities. The virtual reality games range in price from £25 to £75 and more. Place- If the store is local, it won't have that many customers whereas the store in the city centre would have a massive number of customers from the city and the city

visitor. However, to have international customers by not having that many brushes are by selling items online, on Amazon, eBay, and social media. Promotion- They may advertise their items on social media, in the newspaper, or radio to encourage people to visit their store or website. They can even provide offers where a buyer buys a Roku virtual reality console and receives a game for free. People- More workers to give excellent customer service will require a lot more capital. Still, if the firm is small and local, it is not worth it since they cannot promise that they will deliver excellent customer service if they are not adequately trained. Process- A customer can place an order such as Roku virtual reality con...

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