Unit 3 Assignment 1 - Quant Design and Analysis PDF

Title Unit 3 Assignment 1 - Quant Design and Analysis
Author Jennifer Amaya
Course Quant Design and Analysis
Institution Capella University
Pages 6
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Quant Design and Analysis...



Descriptive Statistics and Histograms Jennifer Amaya Capella University

2 Descriptive Statistics and Histograms


The histogram above shows a representation on numerical data. Histograms are known to demonstrate data with the use of bars of variety of heights which represent that data. The bars on the graph represent the amount of times something happened (Histogram, 2013). When using histograms, it is easily to figure out the values of data (for example: maximum vales or minimum values). The histogram above has provided a visual of the outliers. Both of the female and male outlier are shown on the two different graphs on the far left. An outlier is known to be the data value that lies outside the other data values. The variables that are provided are: student ID, student’s first name, student’s last name, student’s gender, student’s ethnicity, year, low up, section, student’s GPA, review, quiz 1, quiz 2, quiz 3, quiz 4, quiz 5, final, total, percent, grade, and pass or fail. The variables that are used in this histogram are gender, both female and male, as well as the total. Sample size (N) for this histogram is 105.

3 Descriptive Statistics and Histograms

Descriptive Statistics N

id gender ethnicity gpa quiz3 total Valid N (listwise)


Std. Deviation

Statistic Statistic Statistic 105 571366.67 277404.129 105 1.39 .490 105 3.35 1.056 105 3.0212 .67561 105 7.48 2.034 105 100.07 14.483 105

Skewness Kurtosis Std. Std. Statistic Error Statistic Error -.090 .236 -1.299 .467 .456 .236 -1.828 .467 -.451 .236 -.554 .467 -.457 .236 -.458 .467 -.559 .236 -.168 .467 -.887 .236 1.171 .467

When looking at the figure of descriptive statistics above demonstrate that GPA, quiz 3, and total are variables. The figure also shows that GPA has a mean of 3.02, standard deviation (SD) of .68, the skewness of -.46 (standard error [SE] of .24), and kur t os i so f. 46( SE=. 47 ) .The Fi gu r ea l s os ho wsq u i z3. Qu i z3h a same a no f7. 5, SDof2 . 0 3, s k e wne s sof. 5 6( SE=. 24 ) , ku r t o s i sof. 17( SE=. 47 ) .La s t l y ,t hi sfigu r et h a ts ho wst het o t a lr e p r e s e nt st heme a no f10 0. 07 , t heSDof14 . 5, s k e wne s s. 89( S E=. 24 ) , kur t os i sof1 . 1 7( SE=. 47 ) .Whe nr e vi e wi n gt h i s figu r e , t h ed i s t r i b ut i oni sno r ma l ,a ndt hes k e w, ku r t o s i she l pt e s tt hi sa s s ump t i o n. De s c r i p t i v e s t a t i s t i c si st h ef a c t ort h a ta l l o wsa s s u mp t i on sa bo utt he s epa r a me t e r s . Thefigu r eofdescriptive statistics above demonstrate tables with the corresponding data. The figure provides a total of six data entries. Three of them being variables of quantities, and the other three data entries are just categorized as insignificant. The three insignificant data entries are ethnicity, gender, and student’s ID. The reason why these variables are categorized as

4 Descriptive Statistics and Histograms

insignificant because none of these categories cannot be calculated. The variables in the figure are gender, ethnicity, and student ID are considered to be categorical. GPA, total, and Quiz 3 are categorized to be quantitative because they can be calculated. It is acceptable when a variable or variables have a value between the +2 or -2 the standard deviation (SD), skewness, kurtosis, and skewness’ and kurtosis’ standard errors (SE). The SD for quiz 3 is 2.03 and this falls into the normal range between +2 and -2, therefore is it an acceptable variable when utilizing interpretations. The total score of SD for GPA is .68 and this out of the normal range and it cannot be acceptable. The total score for total is 14.5 and this is also way out of the normal range and cannot be acceptable. When looking into statistical tests, there are many strengths as well as limitations. Me a n , me di a na ndmo dea r edi ffe r e ntme a s u r eofc e nt r a lt e nd e nc y .Ad v a nt a g e sofme a na r ei ti sq ui c k a n de a s yt oc a l c ul a t e da ndi tc a nb eu s e di nSDc a l c ul a t i o ns .Onel i mi t a t i onofme a ni st h a ti tc a n b es k e we dwi t h outap r o bl e m.As t r e n gt hofme di a ni st h a ti tc a nn otbea ffe c t e db ya bn or ma l v a l u e sa ndal i mi t a t i ono fme di a ni st h a ti ft h e ya r eal o tofv a l u e si tc a nt a k eal on gt i met o c a l c u l a t et he m. As t r e n gt ho fmod ei st h a ti tc a nbeus e dwi t hno nn u me r i c a ld a t a . Al i mi t a t i ono f mo dei st h a ti tc a nn otbeu s e dwhe nl oo ki n ga tt her a n g eofd a t a . As t r e n gt hofSDi st ha ti t p e r mi t ssr e s e a r c he rt oha v efir s t ha ndl oo ka tt hes c o r e sa ndi ta l l o wst h e mt os e eho wmuc ht he s c or e sv a r ya r o un dt heme a n. Al i mi t a t i ono fSDi si ta s s u me sano r ma ld i s t r i b ut i o npa t t e r n c o ns e q ue n t l yi ti sno tfit t i n gf ors k e we dd a t a . Wh e nc on du c t i n gr e s e a r c h ,s t a t i s t i c a lda t awi l lb e u s e db e c a us ei ts ho wst h er e s ul toft her e s e a r c ht h a twa sc on du c t e da nda l l o wsf ort her e s e a r c he r t okn o wi ft heda t ai sg o odo rba d .I nc on c l us i o n, s t a t i s t i c a ld a t ai sa ni mpo r t a ntf a c t ori na n i nd i vi du a l ’ sr e s e a r c h.

5 Descriptive Statistics and Histograms

6 Descriptive Statistics and Histograms

References George, D., & Mallery, P. (2016). IBM SPSS statistics 23 step by step: A simple guide and reference (14th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor, and Francis Group. Histogram. (2013). In D. Downing, Barron's business guides: Dictionary of computer and internet terms (11th ed.). Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational Series....

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