Unit 3 discussion - Plagiarism is a serious issue for any academic institution PDF

Title Unit 3 discussion - Plagiarism is a serious issue for any academic institution
Course Online Education Strategy
Institution University of the People
Pages 2
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Online Education Strategy UNIV 1001 - Discussion 3...


Plagiarism is a serious issue for any academic institution. It is a very common habit among students. All students are required to submit their original work and must paraphrase or summarize with proper citations if any materials or ideas were used from other sources. If the student does not follow the institute’s rules, they can end up with serious consequences. According to University of People’s Code of Academic Integrity all students must work honestly on all their academic work including exams. It also states all the consequences that the student might face for academic violations which might also lead to a suspension from the University. The office of Academic affairs is the one who decides the fate of the students (uopeople.edu, 2021). Usually, the student is given a warning at first and is given a chance to redo the work if found guilty of plagiarism. After the fourth violation, the student will be placed under severe observation and the university has the rights to suspend the access of student to the university services. All the information in the catalog and all the consequences did not surprise me at all because I already know how serious plagiarism is in the U.S. I already have a degree from a U.S. university and I was taught about plagiarism during my first semester. I was a bit surprised during that time as I came from a different country and these types of academic honesty is not practiced there. I think a student plagiarizes for many reasons; among them I believe that the main reason is because of the lack of understanding of the material. But there are so many other reasons why a student might plagiarize. They might panic due to the lack of confidence on the topic, so they look for other resources and try to put expert’s thoughts but also forgets to cite the resources and sometimes some students are not good with the paraphrasing. Another reason I think they do it because they are lazy and they believe that they will get away with it and also sometimes they do not understand the necessity of citation. The academic institutions must put knowledge in student’s mind about how important it is to cite other’s work. University of People is doing a great job in this matter as they have a whole mandatory course on this topic where students are taught about it. To avoid plagiarism, I will always use few strategies. Among them the main rule I need to follow is to paraphrase and track all the sources that I use in my writing. The second rule I must follow is that I will always need to double-check my paper with multiple plagiarism checker online. This way I will always know what to change and how much paraphrasing I need to do before submitting my work. Being dishonest can have major consequences which can not only destroy academic career but also professional career beyond college (College Success, 2015).

References University of the People. Code of Academic Integrity. Retrieve from https://catalog.uopeople.edu/ug_term1_item/academic-policies/code-of-academic-integrity

College Success. 6.5 the honest truth. (2015, December 4). https://open.lib.umn.edu/collegesuccess/chapter/6-5-the-honest-truth/...

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