Unit 4 Full Revision Guide : Enquiries into Current Research in Health and Social Care PDF

Title Unit 4 Full Revision Guide : Enquiries into Current Research in Health and Social Care
Author Samantha Vine
Course Unit 4: Enquiries into Current Research in Health and Social Care
Institution MidKent College
Pages 35
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Revision booklet Unit 4: Enquiries into Current Research in
Health and Social Care...


Unit 4: Enquiries into Current Research in Health and Social Care

Revision Guide Name: Tutor Group: Year: 1

AO1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of methods, skills and ethical issues related to carrying out research within the health and social care sector AO2 Apply knowledge and understanding of the methods, skills and ethical issues to current research in the health and social care sector AO3 Analyse information and data related to current research in health and social care, demonstrating the ability to interpret the potential impact and influence of the research on health and social care practice and service provision AO4 Evaluate current health and social care research to make informed judgements about the validity of the research methods used, further areas for research and the potential impact of the research on health and social care practice and service provision

Important dates: Part A will be released on: Part B will be released on: Submission deadline: Length: Preparation – 6 hours Supervised – 3 hours

BTEC Level 3 in Health and Social Care – Specification: http://qualifications.pearson.com/content/dam/pdf/BTEC-Nationals/Health-and-SocialCare/2016/specification-and-sampleassessments/9781446938034_BTEC_Nat_ExtDip_HSC_Spec_Iss3C.pdf 2

Learning Aim A: Types of issues where research is carried out in the health and social care sector

Key Terms – Definitions & Explanations Key Term


Research Article Research Method Inequality Social Class Lifestyle Factors Policies Procedures Contemporary Legislation Ethics Issues 3

Knowledge Check A1: Purpose of Research in the Health and Social Care Sector Research has been carried out into a range of contemporary issues in Health and Social Care. Examples: Research into MMR Vaccine, The Discovery and Use of Antibiotics

Other examples: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… What is the purpose of research? In addition to this, research is carried out in the health and social care sector in order to achieve one or more of the following reasons: 1.









Recap and research John Snow’s Cholera Epidemic and answer the following: 1

What was the purpose of John Snow’s research?


How many of the four reasons for carrying out research are illustrated here?

John Snow (1813 – 1858) – Cholera Epidemic ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4

Contemporary health and social care issues

Examples of where research has led to changes in treatment in Health and Social Care: James and Joyce Robertson (1952): Outline the summary of this research and what impact this has had on Health and Social Care: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A2: Issues Recap the ways in which social class may influence health:







Using the Public Health England website, look on the section on what it does and summarise. Next, look at the statistics page. Choose one issue that interests you and note down some information including statistics. Consider whether these statistics are trustworthy?


…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Diet, obesity and public health One of the major factors affecting public health is diet. The Health Survey for England 2005 states that between 1995 and 2005 the prevalence of obesity and overweight among both boys and girls increased. Among boys aged 2 to 15, the proportion who were obese increased from 10.9 per cent in 1995 to 18 per cent in 2005, and among girls from 12.0 per cent in 1995 to 18.1 per cent over the same period. Answer the following questions: 1 What is obesity?

2 What is a BMI measurement?

3 How is BMI connected to obesity?


4 The government are concerned that obesity is a growing public health issue. Explain the risks to public health of an increasing obese population. Consider, for example, what effects this will have on the need for health and social care services.

5 What reasons can you give for the increase in childhood obesity?

6 How is this rise in obesity connected to the lifestyle choices that children and parents make?

7 Are there any other factors that might have an effect?

Completing the chart below will help you think about these issues. The first one has been done for you. Lifestyle choice Travelling to school by car

Link to obesity Lack of exercise

Other factors Parents may consider the environment to be too dangerous for their child to walk


Now put yourself in the position of a health adviser in a primary school. What could the school do to try to prevent obesity becoming a problem for some of its pupils? Consider, for example, school dinners, food vending machines, PE lessons etc. What role can parent play? Write your response below:

Further Examples of Contemporary Issues in H&SC:


TASK: Familiarising Yourself with the Article Food intolerance article Find an article relating to one of the issues and fill out the following table: What is the research piece about?

What are the key methods used in research and are they reliable?

What are the key findings in the research?

The cause(s) of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) combining genetic predisposition and environmental factors.

a survey, demonstrating the current practice of dietary manipulation and exclusion in IBD and irritable bowel syndrome, determining that advice given is generally empiric and that sensitivity testing is infrequently used in practice. observational study compared the occurrence of serum IgG antibodies to foods in IBD patients compared to controls. It showed that IBD is associated with increased serum IgG antibodies to a wide range of foods but that this does not correlate with patient reported food intolerance. study investigated the colonic mucosal response to food antigen exposure, patient reported food intolerances, food specific serum IgG antibodies and intestinal permeability. The mucosal response did not correlate with patients' perception of food intolerance nor alterations in intestinal permeability.

This work reinforces the importance of food intolerance in IBD and attempts to correlate those intolerances to available tests. While gastroenterologists do give dietary advice to their patients with IBD, the available evidence does not allow unequivocal advice. No objective relationship between patient-perceived food intolerance and hypersensitivity testing was demonstrated.


Are any recommendations or future research plans discussed?

Future studies should seek to clearly define the association between intolerance tests and patient symptoms, investigate the mechanisms by which such tests might predict intolerance, and investigate the most promising strategies in carefully designed and controlled studies of dietary intervention.

What could be the implications/impact on individual practice? What could the implications/impact be on service provision?

A1 & A2 - Quick Check Questions 1. What are the four main reasons for carrying out research?

2. What categories might you research into?

3. Which study was conducted in an attempt to make improvements to policy and practice?

4. Give two (2) examples of research methodologies.

5. What is an advantage of using a questionnaire in order to gather research?

6. What is a disadvantage of conducting an observation on mentally unwell individuals?


7. What policy/procedure would you have to follow when caring for someone with dementia?

8. Name some specific needs someone may have which means they would require daily assistance.

9. (Finish the sentence) MRSA became resistant to……...

10. What do we mean by social class?

11. How can social class impact someone’s health negatively? Be specific and provide an example.

12. Give an example of a contemporary issue in health and social care.

13. What was the general trend in the 1930’s between the socioeconomic groups?

Additional Notes:


Learning Aim B: Research Methods in Health and Social Care


Key Terms – Definitions & Explanations Key Term


Office for National Statistics (ONS) Department of Health (DH) Quantitative 14

Qualitative Primary Data Secondary Data Standardisation Experiment Observation Research Methodology Open Questions Closed Questions Response Frame Validity Reliability Literature Search Ethics Deception Rationale Objectives Consent Withdrawal 15

Confidentiality Data Protection Act (1998) Double Blind Experiment Anonymity Non-judgemental Practice Bias Triangulation Bibliography

Knowledge Check B1: Research Methodologies A) Research Organisations There are many organisations which carry out research in the Health and Social Care industry. The list below shows you a range of organisations that are responsible for conducting research. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) Public Health England (PHE) The Local Government Association (LGA) National Audit Office Social Services The Wellcome Trust The Joseph Rowntree Trust

Health Research Authority Health and Social Care Information Centre Care Quality Commission (CQC) Cancer Research UK Dementia UK Ltd Mental Health Foundation The King’s Fund

Task: Looking at the list above, you must now do the following: 1. Categorise whether you think the organisation is either: A Charity/Community Group or a Government Backed Organisation/Agency. 2. Next, you should produce your own revision resource where you research at LEAST three (3) from each category and research the information in detail. E.g. what specifically would the organisation research, examples of research they have recently conducted. Here are some websites to get you started:  

Cancer Research UK - https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/ Diabetes UK - https://www.diabetes.org.uk/ 16

The Wellcome Trust - https://wellcome.ac.uk/ The Kings Fund - https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/ B) Types of Data  

It is important that for your controlled conditions assessment, that you are familiar with all types of key terminology, their uses, their strengths and limitations so that you can confidently incorporate this subject specific terminology into your answers. Watch the following clip to help recap the differences between quantitative and qualitative data. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwFsRZv4oHA Make some notes as you watch:

Use this table to help you write out everything you can remember from your lessons! Type of Data Primary Data




Secondary Data

Quantitative Data Hint: Think of ‘quantity’

Qualitative Data Hint: Think of ‘quality’

C) Sampling 7

What is meant by a sample population? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Now, think about the four main types of sampling methods, identify and explain them below: Sampling Method 1:

Sampling Method 2:

Sampling Method 3:

Sampling Method 4: D) Research Methodologies Task: Complete the mind map by adding onto it the methods used to collect research. One has been done for you… Observations i. ii.

Participant observation Non-participant observation

Research Methods

Task: You must now create a revision resource (booklet/PowerPoint presentation) ensuring to use a page on each of the research methods you have identified above. It must include the following: a. Detailed description on what that research method does. b. How data is collected using that method. c. Examples of that method being used (where possible). E.g. ‘John Howard Griffin – Black Like Me’ could be used for participant observations. 18

d. Strengths and limitations of this method. e. Key terms/words defined and explained.

E) Validity and Reliability Researchers need to be sure that their work is both reliable and valid. Completing this worksheet will enable you to define, explain and apply the concepts of validity and reliability. Validity is ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ Reliability is ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ Consider the following cases. Will they provide reliable, valid data? What could you do to make them more reliable and more valid?

1 I want to find out what the parents of a pre-school class of children do for a living, so I decide to ask each child to tell me. Reliable yes/no Valid yes/no Comments ......................................................................................................................................................

2 A large soft drink company organises free tickets for students at a popular nightclub. The evening is part of the launch of Munki, a new banana- and peanut-flavoured drink. At the end of the evening the students each fill out a questionnaire on their favourite drinks. Reliable


Valid yes/no Comments ...................................................................................................................................................... 3 Five different observers are asked to measure the number of anti-social behaviours they see in a shopping mall between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. on a Saturday. Reliable


Valid yes/no Comments ......................................................................................................................................................


4 A group of students is given an assignment brief that is confusing and full of errors. The brief is then changed to be clear and easy to understand, and given to a second group. Is this a valid and reliable way to measure achievement for both groups? Reliable


Valid yes/no Comments ......................................................................................................................................................

5 A recruitment company gives all candidates a typing test. Those with the highest scores are labelled the best candidates, and given the best-paid assignments. Reliable


Valid yes/no Comments ......................................................................................................................................................

6 A local council decide to build new houses on the site of a local play park. They sent observers to the park for three consecutive Tuesday mornings in October, and saw no children playing there. Reliable


Valid yes/no Comments ......................................................................................................................................................

7 A well-known film actress recently blamed her increase in weight on the elasticated waists in her favourite skirts. She thought that as long as she could still get into those skirts her weight was not a problem. Reliable


Valid yes/no Comments ......................................................................................................................................................


I’ve just written a new intelligence test. How can I check whether it is valid and reliable?


9 Using a questionnaire, I asked people if they liked spinach and Brussels sprout flavoured crisps. A total of 95 per cent said they loved them. I was rather surprised at this result. How can I find out if the question I asked was reliable and valid?

10 How could you measure the average number of cars in the college car park in a way that was reliable and valid?

B1: Quick Check Questions 1. What are the four main types of data?

2. Give an example of two (2) HSC based charities which conduct research.

3. What does ONS stand for? What do they do?

4. Who does the social services collect research on?

5. Name a government agency which conducts research.

6. Primary data is also known as …………….……….… data.


7. What is meant by a ‘representative sample’.

8. Identify two (2) strengths and limitations of a structured interview.

9. What is the difference between reliability and validity?

10. What is interviewer bias?

Knowledge Check B2: Planning Research There are a range of issues which need to be considered before carrying out research. These are listed in the boxes below. Can you provide a visual representation to help you remember them? Rationale


Research Methods

Target Group/Sample


Monitoring Research

Measures for Success

Ethical Issues

TASK: Do It Yourself - Plan your own research project! Putting theory into practice helps in remembering and understanding the information you frequently cover in lessons. Have a go either on your own, or in a pair to plan your own research project. 22

Firstly, you must consider what area of Health and Social Care you would like to base it on. Some suggestions:  Mental health services available in schools  

Attitudes towards breastfeeding in public Impact of social media on m

Create your plan either on some p thoroughly consider your research

elp you

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