Unit 6 - Lecture notes Unit 6 PDF

Title Unit 6 - Lecture notes Unit 6
Author Shelby VanConant
Course Introduction to Biology
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 1
File Size 33.6 KB
File Type PDF
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Unit 6 Lesson objectives and notes...


Unit 6: Classical Genetics Module 18: Heredity -



Distinguish between genotype and phenotype o Gene- a region of a chromosome that has a specific function o Phenotype- visible traits o Genotype- genetic information that produces the visible trait o Alleles- variations for genes  Homozygous- cells that have the same allele  Heterozygous- different alleles Identify how the law of segregation relates to allele dispersion during gamete production o Law of segregation: during meiosis I, the chromosome pair separates, resulting in haploid gametes. Each gamete will only have one allele Analyze the results of monohybrid crosses Interpret the results of dihybrid crosses Describe how the law of independent assortment increases gamete variety o Alleles combine with each other independent of each other

Module 19: Non-Mendelian Inheritance -


Identify alternative patterns of inheritance, such as incomplete dominance, codominance, and polygenic inheritance o Incomplete dominance- the heterozygous genotype exhibits an intermediate phenotype  Ex. Red and white flower make a pink flower o Codominance- two alleles that are both dominant  Ex. A and B blood group alleles, create an AB blood type o Polygenic Inheritance- some traits are determined by multiple genes  Skin color Recognize that traits can be influenced by genes and the environment o Multifactorial  Nature vs. nuture o serotonin

Module 20: Human Inheritance -


Identify autosomal and sex-linked patterns of inheritance o Some human traits follow Mendelian patterns, which means they are controlled by a single gene  Human genetic disorders following a mendelian pattern are not very common  Disorders that do follow a mendelian pattern tend to be recessive o Autosomal- chromosomes that are not sex determining o Sex-Linked Disorder- responsible gene is present on the sex chromosome  Typically x chromosome Identify how changes in chromosome number leads to disorders o Karyotypes can be used to identify chromosomal abnormalities in cells or in developing fetuses o Aneuploidy is the condition of having too many or too few chromosomes, which results from errors in meiosis o If chromosomes do not separate properly during anaphase, the resulting cells can have extra or missing chromosomes (nondisjunction)...

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