Unit+4+-+Learning+Practice+Questions PDF

Title Unit+4+-+Learning+Practice+Questions
Author Carter Westdorp
Course Evolutionary Biology
Institution University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Pages 3
File Size 95 KB
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AP#Psychology# Mrs.#Wright# #

Unit#4#(Unit#6#in#the#textbook)#Learning#Practice#Questions# ! 1. A relatively permanent change in behavior or knowledge that is due to experience is defined as a. mediation. b. maturation. c. learning. d. insight. ! 2. Classical conditioning is a type of learning in which a. responses come to be controlled by their consequences. b. an organism’s responding is influenced by the observation of others’ behavior. c. an organism engages in a response that brings aversive stimulation to an end. d. a neutral stimulus acquires the ability to elicit a response that was originally elicited by another stimulus. ! 3. Operant conditioning is a type of learning in which a. responses come to be controlled by their consequences. b. an organism’s responding is influenced by the observation of others’ behavior. c. involuntary responses are slowly replaced by voluntary responses. d. a neutral stimulus acquires the ability to elicit a response that was originally elicited by another stimulus. ! 4. Pavlov found that meat powder placed on a dog’s tongue will make the dog salivate. In Pavlov’s terms, the meat powder is a. an unconditioned stimulus. b. an unconditioned response. c. a conditioned stimulus. d. a conditioned response. ! 5. When advertisers pair their products with attractive people or enjoyable surroundings, in the hope that the pairings will cause their products to evoke good feelings, they are using principles derived from a. classical conditioning. b. state-dependent learning. c. observational learning. d. operant conditioning. ! 6. In order to weaken or eliminate a conditioned response, you would present a. the US before the CS several times. b. the CS alone several times. c. the US alone several times. d. extra pairings of the CS and US. ! 7. When Dina was three years old, she became terrified when the neighbor’s budgie bird kept flying near her head. Today she is afraid of all birds, including robins, pigeons, and blue jays. Dina’s fear illustrates the classical conditioning process of a. preparedness. b. stimulus generalization. c. stimulus discrimination. d. negative avoidance.

8. While _______ is most closely associated with classical conditioning, _______ is most closely associated with operant conditioning. a. Skinner; Pavlov b. Pavlov; Skinner c. Pavlov; Bandura d. Bandura; Skinner ! 9. Food is an example of __________; praise is an example of __________. a. a primary reinforcer; a primary reinforcer b. a primary reinforcer; a secondary reinforcer c. a secondary reinforcer; a secondary reinforcer d. a secondary reinforcer; a primary reinforcer ! 10. The process of selectively reinforcing responses that are closer and closer approximations of some desired response is called a. stimulus discrimination. b. selection. c. shaping. d. step-wise conditioning. ! 11. A pigeon learns to peck at a disk lighted green to receive reinforcement, but not at a disk lighted red. This means that, for the pigeon, the color of the disk is a a. reinforcer or nonreinforcer b. punisher or nonpunisher c. generalization stimulus d. discriminative stimulus ! 12. Marie works in a dress factory where she earns $10 for each three dresses she hems. Marie is paid on a a. fixed-ratio schedule. b. variable-ratio schedule. c. fixed-interval schedule. d. variable-interval schedule ! 13. Many people find it hard to “walk away from” or stop playing a slot machine. This is because slot machines reward playing on a _______ schedule. a. fixed ratio b. variable ratio c. fixed interval d. variable interval ! 14. Which of the following is an example of negative reinforcement? a. Giving a child a sweet dessert as a reward for finishing his dinner b. Paying a child $1 for each “A” received on her report card c. Stopping nagging a child when he finally cleans his room d. Cutting a child’s TV time by 30 minutes each time she “talks back” ! 15. Angela came home after her curfew last night; as a result, her parents have taken away her driving privileges for 1 week. What discipline technique are Angela’s parents using? a. punishment b. negative reinforcement c. extinction d. positive reinforcement

16. You eat a new food and that night become ill with nausea and vomiting. Later you experience nausea whenever you taste or smell the new food. Why did you not associate your nausea with the cues of the room, the people present, the bathroom, and so on? (Hint: Think of Garcia’s research) a. You were biologically predisposed to associate taste and nausea. b. The non-taste cues were too weak. c. The taste cues were more immediate. d. There was less contiguity for the other cues. ! 17. You have familiarized yourself with the streets of your town with out any reinforcement; then one day you are asked to go to the post office. You are able to do so with ease by following a route that you have never taken. This is an example of a. insight learning. b. latent learning. c. classical conditioning. d. operant conditioning. ! 18. According to Rescorla, the single best way to ensure a strong CR is to arrange that the CS a. remains constantly present throughout training. b. be one that is well above the absolute threshold of the animal being trained. c. sometimes occurs when the US is not present. d. is the most predictive signal for the US. ! 19. After watching his father wash the car, five-year-old Bob washes his bike. This is an example of a. superstitious behavior. b. classical conditioning. c. observational learning. d. positive reinforcement.

! 20. Imagine a husband and wife asking Bandura for advice on how they should teach their young child to say “please” and “thank you”. Which of the following would Bandura be MOST likely to suggest? a. punish the child when she fails to say “please” and “thank you” b. give the child positive reinforcement for saying “please” and “thank you” c. use negative reinforcement and withhold the requested item until the child says “please” d. consistently say “please” and “thank you” in your interactions with others

! 21. A systematic approach to changing behavior through the application of the principles of conditioning is known as a. behavior modification. b. cognitive engineering. c. modeling. d. insight training.


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