Urban Eyes Brampton 2040 INFO Unicorn Genetics biology class of 199 PDF

Title Urban Eyes Brampton 2040 INFO Unicorn Genetics biology class of 199
Author Jash Saija
Course Marketing Geography
Institution University of Toronto
Pages 5
File Size 177.5 KB
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Unicorn Genetics biology class of 199Unicorn Genetics biology class of 199Unicorn Genetics biology class of 199Unicorn Genetics biology class of 199Unicorn Genetics biology class of 199Unicorn Genetics biology class of 199Unicorn Genetics biology class of 199...



Urban Eyes Brampton 2040 What is it? Imagine traveling at 600 to 700 mph non stop, above ground or underground, this is hyper loop. A new futuristic mode of transportation. Hyperloop is a particular form of ground transport currently under development by a number of companies. It would see passengers traveling in floating pods at more than 700 miles an hour, traveling across massive low-pressure tubes, whether above or below ground.

How does this technology work? It all begins with an electric motor, broken into two basic parts, the rotor which spins, and the stator that is stationary. The stator would being an electro-magnet. The rotor is magnetically attracted to spin when an electric current passes through it, however a standard motor is circular, but its linear in this case. The rotor is on the pod which is magnetically driven while it passes off the track. Hyper loops unique technology uses magnetic levitation to guide and lift the pod up off the track. Yes that's right, this is not any ordinary train, which uses simple rails to move. This is due to most of the of the air inside the hyper loop tube is removed by using a series of vacuum pumps. This is done because it reduces drag, so only a small amount of energy is required to achieve extraordinary amounts of speeds.

Where else is it being implemented? Many countries are trying to implement hyper loop technology into their countries/cities,such as United Arab Emirates,India,japan,spain and etc. however united states and saudi arabia are currently building a test track for its futuristic transport concept, which is projected to be tested at the end of 2020 or 2021. The united states has already decided where they are going to implement their first hyperloop, which is a 350-mile trip between Los Angeles and San Francisco.

The cost ● The cost of hyperloop is estimated to be around 6 billion dollars and more ● However this information is based on the project from los angeles to san francisco which is around 380 miles or 610 km ● Undertaking a project like the Hyperloop can seem like a large financial burden ● However it's not because because if u take a look at the subways in New York which costs about 100 million per km and there are about 394 km of underground tunnels. ● Which makes around 35 billion dollars ● It costs more to maintain. Not only are underground stations more expensive to build, but they also cost more to light, keep safe and secure, and clean. ● However in just 6 billion dollars u get a faster,more energy efficient, and a less matianess required transportation system. ● For 610 km

Why are underground tunnels so expensive Construction equipment rentals are significant Expensive. Hiring people to use it, as well. Insurance plus. Gas, and machine maintenance. The time it takes to mine and construct it,also depends on the type of soli you dig and the topography you are taking.

Where is it going to be implemented in Brampton? Some of the biggest problems in brampton is the lack of entertainment, and people rely on their cars way too much to get around the city and to other cities. Therefore hyperloop could change

the way of transportation. As u can see here on the i have marked some location evenly spread throughout brampton, however there are 3 locations which are very important because they have one of the busiest roads, especially steeles ave w and mclaughlin rd this is because on steeles ave w and mclaughlin rd there is sheridan college which has thousands and thousands of students there.

Mississauga Rd and Queen Street West Queen Street West and Gore Road steeles ave w and mclaughlin rd Near sheridan college give students discounts

How will this help brampton? There are many advantages/benefits of hyperloop to a city because,Hyperloop is a technology that, for its supporters, could have a huge impact. It could reduce travel time between big cities, boost economies and trade, and reduce the pressure on housing in cities by allowing commuters to live further away. This is very important because as you may already know the housing prices in brampton are extremely high and they are continuing to grow at the same rate.

Idea 2 The app Name : Hyperloop Passenger App

The app consists of timing of the hyperloops,locations,and also for buying tickets and booking seating. However you can also find public transit bus times and

location as well because some people might not living in walking distances with in stations.but if don't prefer public transit the app can also book ubers and lift for you.

This is a prototype app from hyperloop one

Making Connections to Previous Units

Unit 4 managing resources - Naturals resources - solar energy The hyperloop is powered by solar panels, solar panels are very beneficial to city brampton because it Could help the city to save money on electricity bills,reduces greenhouse gases, Solar panel system are very silent and etc. Unit 2 physical systems - LOWERN - nearness to water

Lowern is an acronym that we use to remind us about the factors that affect climate change, such the use co2. As co2 diffused into the water the ocean become acidic and contaminates the water,which disrupts sea creatures habitats. Unit 3 demographic - push and pull factors - pull factors Having a new mode of unique transportation can attract people to move to brampton Unit 1 liveable communities - stakeholders - survey Taking a survey will allow the city of brampton to receive feedback on the hyperloop and also gives ideas on what to add to the hyperloop and what to remove.

Idea 3 The survey

A survey's main purpose is to enable you to reach if appropriate, thousands of potential participants, providing a more reliable sample on which to draw conclusions. A Survey could help the city of brampton know people experience on the hyperloop and their feedback towards adding or removing certain things. Surveys do have impacts on the growth of the city an example of that could be the city of London has done community surveys, which has lead them to increase of 7% in those who say they receive better public transit service....

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