Use of technology in a classroom PDF

Title Use of technology in a classroom
Author Ummetul Islam
Course English
Institution Dallas College
Pages 12
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Introduction Technology has brought about fundamental changes in not only the education sector but all spheres of life. The education sector has been affected in terms of policymaking, parents, teachers, and students. All the stakeholders are forced to weigh on the benefits of introducing teaching technology to the classroom in comparison to the consequences and risks. As the debate sours on, curricula development is increasingly incorporating a need to experiment with new teaching methods with technological aids. Technology gives an avenue for the students to democratize a classroom, experiment in pedagogy and engage the students better. At the same time, Cuff (2014) notes that technology in the classroom has the potential to be distracting and be abused to foster cheating. Technology in the Classroom The current generation is growing up with technology woven into every aspect of their lives. The workplace and school demand that technological skills become part of the basic 21stcentury skills. However, the application of computer technology in the teaching environment is not just about exposing students to digital devices in the classroom (Himmelsbach, 2019). The main agenda is ensuring that a teacher and a student can effectively interact and foster knowledge retention. An examination of the higher education learning environment shows that classroom engagement is growing lower day by day. Countless diversions are starting with mobile phones, laptops, and tablets. Application of technology has been seen as more of a culprit as opposed to devices that can be harnessed to ensure that there is effective and more engagement between the student and the instructor. New learning opportunities emerge from digital education where students are involved in online engagement (Gong & Lai, 2018). The education curriculum is adopting digital

ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY environments that involve faculty change in educational practices such as personalized instruction, a wide range of innovative strategies, collaboration models and modes of learning. The 21st century demands that a learner be thoughtful of digital content consumers. Creation of digital media is a growing industry that requires demonstration of communication and competency in ideas. From a learning perspective, the learning process can be enhanced through data visualization, dynamic storytelling, and content curation. Technology has been noted to enhance active learning through increased engagement between the instructor and the learner. Himmelsbach (2019) agrees that increased engagement is made easy by asking questions during lectures that get instant feedback as well as online polling. Subject matter delivered using technological learning can be described as on time where there are digital textbooks with links giving access to more relevant materials from other authors. Incorporating technological learning requires a competent instructor, well versed with the teaching techniques and therefore build credibility among the students and colleagues. The progress of the students will be easy to monitor with technology and those who will be left behind given additional materials to catch up with the rest. The application of teaching technology engages all the students using digital tools and online polling. Shy students keep away from the limelight in a traditional classroom setup where raising a hand to answer questions is the norm (Carbonilla & Bhati, 2016). However, the application of online engagement systems gives the shy students a platform to post their feedback, answer questions and make a meaningful contribution. An online learning system allows engagement where an instructor will be able to regularly check with the students. The instructor will also be in a position to motivate the students who are quiet using direct messages away from the glare of the rest of the class. According to Gong and Lai (2018), technologically




enabled learning environment makes it easy to monitor assignments, distribution of course materials and feedback from students. In the process, the application of data analytics is possible to assist in spotting struggling students and hence the instructor can adjust the coursework appropriately. Technological learning incorporates response systems that students can make use of in measuring their understanding of various topics. The instructors have a platform to review the levels of understanding and offer assistance where need be (Carbonilla & Bhati, 2016). An example of technologically assisted learning is iClicker which offers multiple-choice questions where in return a professor can offer points for participation and identification of the correct answer. The software and other student-centered technological learning platforms offer instructors a great tool in which lectures can be enhanced. Direct response systems foster an environment of digital citizenship where students get a class engagement opportunity while at the same time rewarded in the learning process. At the onset of a class, an instructor with digital aided learning can administer questions and gauge familiarity of the students to the subject matter (Devlin, Feldhaus & Bentrem, 2013). The instructor will, therefore, be familiar with the major areas which need more concentration. The same questions setting can be used at the end of the class in gauging the levels of learning for the students. Learning assessment is made easy with the application of technological instruments which the students and the instructor apply and award credit based on the milestones covered. The adoption of technological learning brings forth a platform where countless of resources are available to enhance education and make learning effective and more fun (Cuff, 2014). Learning institutions are coming up with e-textbooks and applications responsible for



organizing the learning platforms. More tools are coming up to transform classroom engagement such as gamification where competitive scenarios make learning fun and engaging. In the process, the instructor distributes points and rewards that make a classroom lively, fun and engaging. A key consideration in the process of designing the learning tools is to ensure that the learning objectives of the course is supported throughout the engagement. Students have been noted to find gamification and digital storytelling as a reliable, exciting and relatable way in which students easily grasp concepts. Passivity previously experienced in a classroom is reduced through interactive lessons (Himmelsbach, 2019). For instance, Francom (2016) observes that role play is a gamification tip where the students pose arguments as some of the historical figures recognized as distinguished scholars. Scientific concepts can also be posted in the same manner and therefore introducing a healthy competition in a learning environment that will be crucial in retaining knowledge. Blended learning is also a technique that instructors apply involving the delivery of the curriculum in person and partially via digital alternatives (Gong & Lai, 2018). Learning through diverse alternatives enhances the ability of the students to retain knowledge and perform better in the overall exams. In a teaching environment, technology has the benefit of automating some of the tedious tasks that were traditionally done manually. For instance, the instructor can keep track of the performance and attendance of students easily using tools that streamline grading. Discussions, writing assignments, and participation in technologically aided discussions are captured as well as the ability of students to answer questions. Technology makes such tasks objective in nature and therefore an instructor gets a fair assessment of the students (Montrieux, Vanderlinde, Schellens & De Marez, 2015). For example, artificial technology as used in teaching assistance



answers questions from students and at times can be used in place of a professor. In the long run, the integration of technology in schools reduces the time that would have otherwise been used to perform minor tasks. The benefit of having technology in the classroom is the access to new information at the tip of the fingers. New information supplements the learning experience and adds value to the course materials and textbooks that are available. Additional information suggested by the students' can be verified and hence fostering a more collaborative environment to learn new ideas. Students are in a position to work together, share information, tackle group assignments, network and engage the instructor. In the presence of a learning management system, close collaboration between the students and the professor is possible for example thorough blackboard or modules. Technology in the learning cycle makes it possible for the students to prolong the learning process in class, before and after the lesson has ended (Mundy, Kupczynski & Kee, 2012). In the process, the application of concepts that have been learned in class is applied with areas that require review noted. Technology is turning out to be a life skill in the 21st century. A report by the horizon discussing higher education asserts that digital literacy concerns more than just the acquisition of isolated technological skills. Digital literacy involves gaining a deeper understanding of a digital environment and having the ability to adapt to new contexts (Devlin, Feldhaus & Bentrem, 2013). In a digital environment, it is mandatory to be able to co-create content with others in a bid to solve problems presented. the whiteboard commonly used in a classroom is becoming more extinct as technology is gaining more importance on a classroom environment. Lessons are increasingly taught using presentations projected from technological devices that can present both visual and text.



However, Francom (2016) argues that the use of internet and online sources of information must be chosen carefully and filter reliable sources of information from unreliable sources. It has become vital to establish and maintain proper online etiquette for students to learn appropriately in the classroom. In a university, technological integration has been observed to deliver a better return for investment on the education of the student while remaining relevant. In preparing for the career world in a dynamic environment, mobile technology has become vital for students. Achievements are boosted once students can continuously work on academic projects in and out of the classroom. Precautions to take Concentration in class may be hard for the students who are tech-savvy if there are a wide range of digital devices are placed around them. According to some of the professors interviewed in response to the introduction of digital devices in a classroom, there was a general concern on the disruptions created (Mundy, Kupczynski & Kee, 2012). College students have been noted to be more distracted when they are allowed to use tablets and computers in the classroom to take notes during lectures. The devices have been noted to distract the users and those around them, which result in worse grades as compared to those writing notes. However, some instructors argue that banning laptops from the classroom is an insult to the students. At the university level, Devlin, Feldhaus, and Bentrem (2013) insist that students are more than capable of making their own choices in the classroom environment. Students may choose to snap chat and Facebook with their gadgets in the classroom, which is at their loss. The lecturer has a responsibility to ensure that the lecture delivered is compelling and therefore the students are mandated to be active and attentive. To the lecturer, students glancing at their devices acknowledge that there is more that needs to be done to revamp the instructions and the



curriculum. Glancing at the devices can be a sign that the incorporation of technology learning has the potential to make the class more interesting and capture the attention of more students. Integration of technology to the classroom environment demands discipline and respect as an important aspect of the delivery process. Montrieux, Vanderlinde, Schellens and De Marez (2015) asserts that the instructor has to identify specific projects and times during class where digital devices are necessary and hence make clear the intentions for allowing the use of specific devices in the classroom. Clear boundaries are important to ensure that the guidelines and expectations created are met. More so, students are more prone to distraction and therefore incorporating digital devices calls for new rules right from the onset. A majority of the people are skeptical that technology can disconnect students from the ability to communicate verbally (Serdyukov, 2017). Instructors have to be aware of the potential of driving down verbal communication and therefore incorporate assignments that require oral and technological communication tools. For instance, a PowerPoint presentation requires that the visual basic tools be accompanied by a presenter explaining various concepts while interacting with the learners. Researchers assert that technology is a tool that can be applied to good use in the classroom as opposed to using as an end. The instructor has to be in control and bring out the best among students. Technology has been associated with cheating in exams and assignment as plagiarism is permeating in the academic corridors. The digital age is giving students opportunities to cheat when writing essays due to the ability to copy and paste work that has already been previously done (Cuff, 2014). The originality of thesis and dissertations in higher learning is continuously brought under scrutiny as it is now easy to pay for work done online and hence hindering professional development of students. However, the changing structure of exams and



assignments is making it difficult to cheat where exams are more focused on problem-solving. There is classroom software in use that can set different questions for every student and therefore bringing a focus to the technique as opposed to the correctness of the answer. A majority of institutions of higher education are employing the use of Turnitin as a means of ensuring that the work presented is authentic. Although education systems are endowed differently in terms of the resources that are available to the students, not every student can afford digital devices used in accessing the resources (Montrieux, Vanderlinde, Schellens & De Marez, 2015). For instance, not all the students can afford an iPad for academic purposes and therefore limiting access to resources. Therefore, an instructor is left to point such students to community resources and the library where they can work in groups or even share the limited resources available. It will, therefore, be wrong to make technology as the main focus of the class due to the barriers to technological access. Technology has to be incorporated inclusively and holistically to serve as a tool to advance education. Access to the internet is both a curse and a blessing, as Serdyukov (2017) notes, depending on the use. Students require guidance on the right places to access and identify proper sources to inform their research. Numerous unreliable sources can mislead new students and hence calling for writing centers among schools to help. Students can be directed to Open Education Resources across public domain offering a wide range of assignments, exams, notes and textbooks to use for research and study. Adopting technology has the potential to make lesson planning more labor-intensive. For a start, adapting to technology in a classroom may be overwhelming, before it becomes a natural part of daily activities. The choice of classroom technology requires proper support from vendors due to



the availability of a wide variety for the same purpose. Francom (2016) notes that training and onboarding are important aspects to accompany the choice of software, with the possibility of supporting functions and other reliable statistics. Introducing a learning technology to the students means that the instructor remains the main person of contact in case there is a malfunction. However, it is important to give time for instructors to lean on using the new systems and avail the support needed for the delivery of content to students. Conclusion The benefits of introducing technology to the learning environment outweigh the disadvantages that emerge. The teacher-student relationship plays a crucial role in ensuring that learning takes place in an environmentally friendly manner. Technology has the potential to be a highly effective tool in fostering learning. However, technology remains just that, a tool. The world today is hyper-connected and hence demands that as students are graduated into the job market they are well equipped to handle the challenges presented. Introducing technology is not meant to do away with the teacher. Technology comes in to create a flexible environment where the learning process can breed innovation (Serdyukov, 2017). The shift in the mode of learning requires proper management and a collaborative learning environment with guidelines set to support the incorporation of digital learning devices. At times the initial process is frustrating and time-consuming. However, in the end, introducing technology to the learning environment offers discoveries and opens doors for creativity. The success ultimately is dependent on the ability of the instructor applying the technology to keep the students engaged and enthusiastic about course materials.


11 References

Carbonilla G.V. & Bhati, S.S. (2016). Students' perception on use of technology in the classroom at higher education institutions in Philippines. Asian Journal of Education and e-Learning, 4 (3), 92-103. Cuff, E. (2014). The Effect and Importance of Technology in the Research Process. Journal Of Educational Technology Systems, 43(1), 75-97. doi: 10.2190/et.43.1.f Devlin, T., Feldhaus, C., & Bentrem, K. (2013). The Evolving Classroom: A Study of Traditional and Technology-Based Instruction in a STEM Classroom. Journal Of Technology Education, 25(1). doi: 10.21061/jte.v25i1.a.3 Francom, G. M. (2016). Barriers to technology use in large and small school districts. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 15, 577-591. Retrieved from Gong, Y., & Lai, C. (2018). Technology Integration into the Language Classroom: Developmental Trajectory of Beginning Teachers. Frontiers Of Education In China, 13(1), 1-27. doi: 10.1007/s11516-018-0001-5 Himmelsbach, V. (2019). Six Major Pros & Cons of Technology in the Classroom. Retrieved 31 July 2019, from Montrieux, H., Vanderlinde, R., Schellens, T., & De Marez, L. (2015). Teaching and Learning with Mobile Technology: A Qualitative Explorative Study about the Introduction of Tablet Devices in Secondary Education. PLOS ONE, 10(12), e0144008. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0144008 Mundy, M., Kupczynski, L., & Kee, R. (2012). Teacher’s Perceptions of Technology Use in the Schools. SAGE Open, 2(1), 215824401244081. doi: 10.1177/2158244012440813



Serdyukov, P. (2017). Innovation in education: what works, what doesn’t, and what to do about it?. Journal Of Research In Innovative Teaching & Learning, 10(1), 4-33. doi: 10.1108/jrit10-2016-0007...

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