UTF-8\'\'Medical%20Terminology%20Syllabus%20-%20Fall%202020%281%29 PDF

Title UTF-8\'\'Medical%20Terminology%20Syllabus%20-%20Fall%202020%281%29
Course Medical Terminology
Institution University of Maryland Baltimore County
Pages 16
File Size 383.8 KB
File Type PDF
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EHS – 115 Medical Terminology Syllabus Fall 2020 Online Class - Blackboard

Faculty Instructor: Office: Telephone: Email: Office Hours:

Crista Lenk Stathers, MA, NRP Sherman Hall, Room 307 Office: 410-455-3223 [email protected] By appointment only

Course Description An introduction to medical terminology and the structure of medical words including prefixes, suffixes, roots and combining forms. Course includes the study of pronunciation, spelling, and definitions of medical terms, as well as anatomical, pathological and surgical terminology as related to body’s systems.

Course Goal Statement On completion of this course, the student will be able to identify, spell, and define all the primary medical terms related to the diagnosis, pathology, and treatment of the major body systems

Course Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Master the tools for analyzing words into component parts Identify the four word parts Define anatomical terms as for the major body systems Participate in forum discussions Appropriately spell medical terms Recognize and define common prefixes and suffixes Utilize medical terminology in appropriate context and form Designate the organs within the major body systems Comprehend the most common diseases associated with body systems Page 1 of 16

Required Textbooks (DO NOT PURCHASE) Medical Terminology for Health Professions, 8th Edition, by Ann Ehrlich and Carol L. Schroeder ISBN: 978-1-305-63435-0 with MindTap This course is part of the UMBC Course Materials Initiative (CMI) in which reduced pricing is negotiated directly with the publisher for all students enrolling in this course. The course materials are provided in a common digital platform to all students; a maximum course materials charge of $70.75 will be included on all student tuition bills for these materials (students are not to buy these materials from any other source). The digital textbook and any online ancillary materials associated with your instructor-selected text are accessed directly via Blackboard. . If you experience ANY issues with the CMI, or accessing the materials, please contact the Bookstore CMI representatives immediately. Do NOT contact your lecturer first, contact the Bookstore direct at http://bookstore.umbc.edu/cmi or 410-455-2699. The Bookstore has a policy for this initiative inclusive of recent federal legislation; this policy provides details on this initiative inclusive of students' options and is available at: http://bookstore.umbc.edu/SiteText.aspx?id=32987. eTextbook - Through this program, all students receive immediate access to an electronic version of the required textbook (e-textbook) via the VitalSource Bookshelf link in Blackboard. The charge for electronic access to the book is billed through your tuition and fees statement at UMBC. You do not need to go to the bookstore or get a special code to access the book. You will have access to the e-book for three full years (from the beginning of the semester) online and perpetually offline, if you download it. Make sure to download the VitalSource App for offline use and perpetual access! Please make sure to access your materials by September 9th. Publisher Integration - As well as having automatic access to an electronic version of the required textbook, CMI also gives you access to MindTap. Please make sure to access this prior to Sept. 9th. Opting Out of CMI - Your participation in the CMI is completely optional. You may opt out of the program and receive a full refund by completing CMI Consent for Removal Form and submitting it in person to the Bookstore Textbook Managers desk by Sept. 4th. The UMBC Bookstore carries all physical copies of the materials as well. Are you retaking this course?: If you are retaking this course and have already paid for CMI materials in a previous semester, please e-mail your opt out form to [email protected] with the subject line: CMI RETAKE in the body of the e-mail, please indicate the semester you previously took this course. Library - There are copies of the textbook on reserve in the AOK Library. Please visit the CMI webpage, bookstore.umbc.edu/cmi, for more information Page 2 of 16

Grading The final course grade will be calculated based on all graded assignments as detailed below: 2% 10% 15% 15% 30% 4% 4% 20% 100%

Syllabus Quiz Image Labeling Pronunciation Tests Learning Labs Chapter Tests Word Part Post Test Comprehensive Review Final Exam Final Grade

A – 100 – 90 B – 89 – 80 C – 79 – 70 D – 69 – 60 F – 59 – 0 *Rounding will NOT be done; if your final score is 89.999, you will receive a B as that falls within the 89-80 category and NOT the 90 – 100.

Syllabus Quiz There is a syllabus quiz to complete for EHS 115. The quiz will be available to complete on August 20, 2020. The purpose of this quiz is to verify that you, as the student, have read and understand the course expectations and your responsibilities of the course and have read the syllabus thoroughly. The quiz must be completed with a 90% or greater, prior to gaining access to the course materials*. *Course material will not be made available until the first day of the semester even though you should complete the syllabus quiz beforehand. Once you complete the quiz, it will need to be manually graded, so please allow at least 24-48 (business) hours once you complete the quiz to get your quiz grade and then gain access to the course. You WILL be required to retake the quiz (max 10 times) to earn a 90% -- if you are failing the quiz, then you are not reading the syllabus and need to review it more thoroughly in order to be successful in this course. The point of the quiz is to ensure that you read the information given, know how to troubleshoot the platforms and understand your responsibilities as a student. You must also answer the questions in the format required.

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Chapter Assignments This course will take you through Medical Terminology like you have never seen it before. This is an extremely fast-paced course but the best part is, it is self-paced. Once you review the syllabus thoroughly and complete the syllabus quiz with a 90%, the course materials will open to you on the first day of the semester. At that point, you will have the ability to complete as much as you want as fast as you want as long as you have all the graded assignments by the respective due dates listed on the syllabus. (The final assignments must be completed prior to 12/6/20 at 11:59pm.) Once again, you can work at your own pace so long as assignments are completed PRIOR to their deadlines – the final will not be made available to you until finals week of the semester as indicated on the syllabus! (Because of this, we will NOT permit makeups for missed assignments nor grant extensions.) Each chapter you will have at least 4 graded assignments to complete . Please refer to the end of this course syllabus for a detailed breakdown of each graded assignment that is due per chapter. In addition to the chapter assignments, you will have word part post tests and a comprehensive review quiz to complete. This course is a self-paced program that allows you to move through each chapter with the pace that you feel comfortable with while achieving successful results. You have the opportunity to do many other activities throughout the chapter to make sure you understand the material. I highly encourage each of you to complete as many of the activities in each chapter as you can. You will have a better understanding of the material with the more activities that you do. The ‘extra’ activities are not graded. Please refer to the syllabus assignments for graded activities that must be completed by their due dates! Extensions will NOT be granted so make sure that you note the assignments AND their due dates on the included schedule. Items within MindTap that are ‘not graded’ are for your personal enrichment and need not be completed if you do not choose to do so.

Final Exam The final exam for this course will be online. You will find the final exam under the “Final Exam” tab located on the left hand side of the screen when you are in the blackboard course. The final exam will be available to you starting Dec 10, 2020 at 12am and it will end on Dec 16, 2020 at 3PM. That means you will a total time frame of greater than 100 hours to complete the final exam. The exam will cover material from Chapter 1 through Chapter 15 of the course. It will be a 100 question multiple choice exam. Please note that it must be completed prior to 3pm.

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The following are the instructions for taking the on-line final exam: 1. The final exam can be found under the Final Exam tab. 2. You will have 1 attempt at taking the final exam. 3. You will have 3 hours to take the final exam and then the program will shut down. 4. You will not be able to return to previously answered questions so please make sure you are satisfied with your answer prior to moving on to the next question. 5. You will not be able to pause the final exam and come back to it; the final exam must be completed once you start taking it. 6. Ensure that you have a quality Internet connection and that your computer has plenty of battery or is plugged into an external power source. 7. Please do not use anyone’s brain but your own. 8. Textbooks and notes will be allowed during the final exam.

Using LockDown Browser and a Webcam for Online Exams This course requires the use of LockDown Browser and a webcam for online exams. The webcam can be built into your computer or can be the type that plugs in with a USB cable. Watch this short video to get a basic understanding of LockDown Browser and the webcam feature. A student Quick Start Guide (PDF) is also available. Then download and install LockDown Browser from this link: http://www.respondus.com/lockdown/download.php?id=978442813 Accessing LockDown Browser  

If your course is Original → Start LockDown Browser, log into Blackboard, and select this course. If your course is Ultra → Log into Blackboard and select this course. Access the test to initiate the LockDown Browser.

To ensure LockDown Browser and the webcam are set up properly, do the following:   

 

Locate and select the Help Center button on the LockDown Browser toolbar. Run the Webcam Check and, if necessary, resolve any issues. Run the System & Network Check. If a problem is indicated, see if a solution is provided in the Knowledge Base. Troubleshooting information can also be emailed to our institution's help desk. Exit the Help Center and locate the practice quiz named Syllabus Quiz. Upon completing and submitting the syllabus quiz, exit LockDown Browser.

When taking an online exam that requires LockDown Browser and a webcam, remember the following guidelines: 

Ensure you are in a location where you will not be interrupted.

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    

Turn off all other devices (e.g. tablets, phones, second computers) and place them outside of your reach. Clear your desk of all external materials not permitted — books, papers, other devices. Before starting the test, know how much time is available for it, and that you've allotted sufficient time to complete it. Remain at your computer for the duration of the test. If the computer or networking environment is different from what was used previously with the Webcam Check and System & Network Check in LockDown Browser, run the checks again prior to starting the test. To produce a good webcam video, do the following:  Avoid wearing baseball caps or hats with brims.  Ensure your computer or tablet is on a firm surface (a desk or table). Do NOT have the computer on your lap, a bed, or other surface where the device (or you) are likely to move.  If using a built-in webcam, avoid tilting the screen after the webcam setup is complete.  Take the exam in a well-lit room and avoid backlighting, such as sitting with your back to a window.

Remember that LockDown Browser will prevent you from accessing other websites or applications; you will be unable to exit the test until all questions are completed and submitted.

Netiquette Hey, prof, I’m in ur online course... i need more time for the essay...is this ok? What is netiquette? Netiquette is set of guidelines to help you communicate effectively and appropriate in online environments with your instructor and your classmates. Why do we need guidelines? You probably communicate with your friends and family in many ways -- via text message, chat, Facebook and email. These types of communication channels are fast and easy to use, but how we talk to each other using them is very different than how we should communicate with each other in a professional environment. When you don't meet your instructor or classmates in person, everything they know about you is based on how you communicate with them in messages, emails, chats and discussion board postings... so it's important not to offend or alienate anyone deliberately or accidentally. Netiquette guidelines will help you! Behind Every Name There is a Person: * Respect the privacy of your classmates and what they share in class. * Ask classmates for clarification if you find a discussion posting offensive or difficult to Page 6 of 16

understand. * Avoid sweeping generalizations. Back up your stated opinions with facts and reliable sources. * Understand that we may disagree and that exposure to other people’s opinions is part of the learning experience. * Be respectful of each other. We’re all in this together. Before posting a comment, ask whether you would be willing to make the same comment to a person’s face. * Keep in mind that everything you write, indeed every click of your mouse is recorded on the network server. On the Internet there are no take backs. * Keep in mind that you are taking a college class. Something that would be inappropriate in a traditional classroom is also inappropriate in an online classroom. Basic Online Communication: * Be aware that typing in all capital letters indicates shouting. * Be careful with humor and sarcasm. Both can easily be misunderstood! * Review all discussion postings before posting your own to prevent redundancy [and repetition]. * Check your writing for errors by reviewing what you’ve written before submitting it. * Acronyms (LOL, etc.) and emoticons (smiles) are commonly used online, but be careful not to overuse them. REMEMBER... many communications with your instructor or fellow students are best handled through the Discussion Boards: please use email if the question is confidential. By posting so everyone can read it, your fellow students can all benefit from your question and the answer.

Student expectations and responsibilities Students are expected to read each chapter, complete the exercises in the book and use the information made available for practice and phonetical assistance. Students are responsible for reading and completing all the assignments as outlined in the syllabus and schedule. It is understood that assignments submitted after the due date will not be accepted for a grade. Students are responsible for meeting all course expectations in an independent manner, and to rely on the instructor for guidance and clarification. Students are to be courteous and respectful to the instructor and fellow classmates in all communications and correspondences with this course. Students should plan to spend approximately 6-10 hours per week doing assigned readings and other work for this course. This is an online course and let’s face it: technology breaks, servers go down, transfer’s time out, files become corrupt. The list goes on and on and these are not considered emergencies. They are part of the normal production process. An issue you may have with technology is no excuse for late work. You need to protect yourself by managing your time and backing up your work. Page 7 of 16

If you notice an issue or something isn’t working for you, the first thing that you need to do is clear your cookies. This has been a fix for a lot of people that haven taken this course and experience problems with the software and items not appearing or not just running correctly. If that doesn’t fix your issue then you need to report it Cengage Customer Support ASAP and notify me that you have done all the steps. A link has been provided for you to go directly to the Cengage Customer Support center via Bb. The sooner you contact them when an issue occurs with MindTap the sooner your issue can be resolved. I do not know how quickly they respond, nor do I have any ability to influence, control and speed up the Cengage Customer Support Team. I recommend that you take a screenshot of the error message or problem so that you can use it when requesting help from Cengage. I strongly encourage you to verify that your score is recorded in the MindTap gradebook after you complete each graded assignment. That is the only way to verify that you have completely finished the assignment. If for some reason your grade isn’t showing in the gradebook and you completed the graded assignment (prior to the due date), screenshot the completion screen and contact Cengage Customer Support directly to open a support ticket. They can look into more than I can and can assist you faster than I can with that particular issue. Remember that we cannot control Cengage – you MUST contact them if you experience an issue with their product. Do not delay contacting your professor as the 1st thing we will ask is if you contacted Cengage support to fix your issue. Missing graded assignments at the end of the course will not be allowed to be completed because of “technology issues” or any other reason. You need to manage your time and be aware of the assignments that are due. Waiting until 11:00 to complete assignments that are due at 11:59 and experiencing a technical issue does not warrant a makeup.

Optimal Performance of MindTap Be able to successfully launch your course on a PC with a wired connection using the Firefox browser with all system requirements met. For optimal performance, these are the MindTap System Requirements:  The Pop-up Blocker be disabled  Java must be installed and up to date  Flash Player must be installed and up to date  Third-party cookies must be enabled  JavaScript must be enabled  The minimum screen resolution is 1024 x 768

You can check many of these by launching your MindTap course, and then go to the drop-down arrow to the right of your name. Select System Check to determine if there are any plug-in

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issues. Another way is to type whatismybrowser.com into the address bar of whatever browser you are using; hit enter. This will immediately alert you if anything needs to be updated. The Pop-Up Blocker will be located under Settings, Options, Content inside of Firefox. In Chrome, look under Settings, Show Advanced Settings, Privacy, Content Settings, Allow all sites to show pop-ups--select that radio button. For Internet Explorer, Tools, Pop-up Blocker, Turn off pop-up blocker. * Note: Please check this link for an explanation of Chrome and Java - https://java.com/en/download/faq/chrome.xml When taking assignments, do not use the browser’s Back, Forward, or Refresh navigation buttons. Doing so can interfere with questions being properly saved. Also, avoid having other applications open. This includes additional tabs, other internet browsers, email, online games, etc. Many applications stream data back and forth through the internet, which can slow down the connection. On Campus, students and instructors may notice a slowdown in the response time of MindTap if the institution’s network uses bandwidth shaping or content filtering. A wired connection is preferred; when using a wireless connection, be sure that it is stable. Frequently asked Questions Question: I was taking the chapter 9 test, and when I clicked next after question 33 to go to question 34 the screen just went blank and then closed. I reopened it, and my previous answers were saved, but it will not...

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