Valorant Art of War PDF

Title Valorant Art of War
Author Fizz Bum
Course Industry-oriented Programming
Institution Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Pages 7
File Size 272.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 1
Total Views 152


how to play valorant and its nature...



1) Mouse sensitivity a. DPI: 800 – In-game sensitivity: 0,380 – eDPI: 304 (Rule: 200-400 eDPI range)

b. 2) Crosshair placement a. Anticipate where enemy is; b. Use references from the map itself to learn enemy positions; c. Edge-locked crosshair placement; d. Head height at all times; 3) Flicking a. Reactionary shot from muscle memory (inhuman reactions); b. Focus on peripheral vision instead of crosshair; 4) Tracking a. Already aiming at target = keep aiming at target by reacting to and predicting his movements – basic control of crosshair; 5) Movement a. Running/Jumping: Massive accuracy penalty i. Exceptions: Close to enemy and shotguns; b. Standing still: Baseline for recoil control + First shot accuracy c. Crouching: Slightly decrease recoil + Changes hitbox of head – When pros get into gunfights that last a bit too long, they crouch = Changing target enemies are aiming at + Making yourself more accurate; d. Walking: More accurate then expected, try more often; e. Ropes: A bit worse than walking, but still nice – quickly peek up and down try to hit headshots – holding shift even better – you’re still very accurate; 6) Strafe shooting a. Evasive + Hard to hit + Accurate; b. Precise moment when changing directions = 100% accurate; c. Best used at long ranges; 7) Peeking a. One angle at a time – 100% attention – Don’t wide peek = overexposure; b. Crosshair at head height; c. Peek quickly – don’t slow peek (walk); 8) Jiggle Peek a. Multiple danger areas at a time – peek out, exposing as little as possible, quickly get back to cover – just like strafe shooting; 9) Prefire Peek a. When you know enemy location;

b. Peek the angle as fast as possible, as soon as the angle pops into your field of view, change directions to strafe shoot with perfect accuracy;

10) Shoulder Peek a. Operators – just show shoulders – bait out reactionary shot – repeek corner while enemy is recovering; 11) Recoil Control a. Don’t change guns too much; 12) ADS (Aim Down Sights) i. Only drawback – Rate of fire slightly reduced (-10% base firerate) ii. Reduce recoil; iii. Bullets actually go where your crosshair is; iv. Visual cue makes aiming easier – long lasting gunfights; v. Use long distances (20m+) – Closer it’s better not to use it because rate of fire is more important;

Aiming Practice

Effectiveness of practice relies far less on how long you practice but rather consistent daily practice and focus short bursts is the key; 1) Learning to flick: repetition a. Practice – Vandal – Bot Armor: ON – Spawn all bots – Click on heads for 5 minutes; b. Eliminate 50 – Bot Armor: ON – Infinite Ammo: ON – Immediately flick and headshot (ProGuides recommend focusing on 100% accuracy first, and then focus on speed.) bots – Micro adjustments sometimes happen – 5 mins. 2-3 cycles c. Easy/Medium/Hard – Train flicking as unconscious movement like pros – Hit first shot, trust in flick 2) Learning tracking a. Spawn one bot – Stand distance away – Strafe from side to side – Keep crosshair on head; b. Walk circles around target – Crosshair on head c. Bot Strafe: ON – Walk circles around target – Crosshair on head – React to movements; 3) Learning strafe shooting/counter strafe a. One direction at a time – Hold A, Release A, Hold D + Quick tap on the left click b. Switch directions – Hold D, Release D, Hold A + Quick tap on the left click; c. Back to back – Both at the same time – Shooting at the middle of the target on the arena; d. Eliminate 50 – Strafe shooting + aiming at the bots; 4) Learning recoil control a. Unload a full magazine without controlling mouse at all; b. Pull mouse in the exact opposite of pattern; c. First nine bullets = pull down

d. Set target 10m = Keep all bullets inside the smallest circle; e. Set target 20m = Keep all bullets inside the second smallest circle; f. Side to side sway = semi-random i. Always first left, then right, then left ii. RANDOMNESS FACTOR: How fast it moves to a side + How soon it changes back in the other direction iii. While spraying – Barrel of the gun sways in the direction that it’s spraying iv. Watch barrel in peripheral vision and make adjustments accordingly; 5) 30-minute practice routine a. Warm up – Spawn all bots – Armor on – Vandal – click heads 5mins. b. Eliminate 50 – headshots as fast as you can; c. Hard – trust in flick – hone reaction time – 15min. routine – pure accuracy d. Eliminate 50 – bot strafing on – tracking – move around bot circle – maintain crosshair at bot’s head e. Eliminate 50 – behind corners – jiggle peeking and strafe shooting – left and right – one angle at a time – fire and move behind cover – different peeks – 5mins. f. Target recoil patterns 5mins – unload full mag – keep bullets inside second smallest circle – 20m

Agent Strats


Bunny Hop


Tips & Tricks

1) Optimal shooting method a. 0m – Spray and run b. 5-20m – Spray and crouch c. 20-30m+ – 1-3 Bursts (reset recoil), One-taps d. Ping (Z key) to check distances & see which technique to apply 2) First bullet accuracy a. Near perfect first bullet accuracy when walking (10% worse than standing still) b. It’s okay to immediately shoot before stopping 3) Economy a. Min. value next round 3900+ i. +3000 for wins (per every round) ii. 1st +1900 2nd +2400 3rd and beyond +2900 for losses iii. +200 per kill

iv. +300 for everyone per spike plant v. Press TAB to check enemy economy at the start of the round 4) Defusal a. Full bomb defusal takes 7 seconds b. Half defusal takes 3.5 seconds and saves progress c. Bomb defusal makes noise (heard nearby) d. Tapping for a second and stopping (fake defuse + bait enemies) e. Hold until half defused and stop (bait, think you’re committed, kill enemy get back defusing) f. Defusing bomb grants defusing player +1 ult point 5) Angles a. Whoever is closer to the wall blocking LoS between two players are at a disadvantage, as they will be seen first. Peek far away from walls; 6) Counter smokes a. Pay attention to bullet tracers; b. Shoot into smokes and readjust position; 7) Shooting through walls a. Bullet hole = Bullets go through b. Sparks = Bullets don’t go through

Phantom vs. Vandal

1) Spray transfer 2) Aimpunch c. Guaranteed headshot Phantom – Head tilts back and crosshair messes up 3) Silenced (Phantom) d. Don’t have traces through smokes e. Max distance that you can hear the shots from (2 footsteps sound circles) f. Take out Cypher’s tripwire without revealing your position to enemy 4) Recoil Control Phantom better 5) One tapper = Vandal / Burst shooters = Phantom / Sprayers = Phantom 6) Mag Capacity = Vandal better Grey circle on minimap = footstep sound radius Ultimate points on TAB and top of screen – Leave spike behind sometimes as strat Always trade kills – bait teammates/crossfire – when teammate is peeking, prepare to strike


Peeker’s Advantage: The peeking player will be able to see and shoot the defending enemy before they are able to react. 140+ ping = high peeking advantage – be careful 1) Jiggle peeking

a. Peek angles as fast as possible, gaining as much intel as possible, while trying to expose as little of your hitbox to enemy players. b. Walk up to the angle (do not run! – no footsteps), peek the angle progressively until you have enough information to decide your next move. Footsteps aren’t audible – you aren’t moving fast enough to trigger footstep sound c. Crosshair placement i. Pre-aiming (linked to Jiggle Peeking) – We don’t want to flick on this case. If you have an understanding of where the enemy might be, then you can line up your crosshair on the wall before even peeking out. (Just left click to secure the kill) – This has to do with predicting where the head will be/imagining the player model on the position it is currently located, and placing crosshair on where you think their head/player model will be WHEN you open the angle, even without currently seeing the enemy (you are behind cover), minimizing flicks and microadjustments. Maybe imagine the walls are transparent for this. ii. Tracing (corner of an angle/corner of walls) – Best used when wide swinging/walking around corners, NOT jiggle peeking. Crosshair on the corner of some sort of cover. 1. We can’t just go around the map jiggle peeking every single corner. 2. Trace corners + Small flick (Question: What about the angles you can’t check?) 3. When tracing corners, enemy has more time to react 2) Prefire peeking a. As you peek angles, small burst fire where enemies might be b. Jiggle peeking + prefire + good crosshair placement

How to be accurate in all this without bullets spraying everywhere?

3) Strafe shooting: mandatory to master (refer to practice) a. Hold the A key. Let go of the A key and instantly hit the D key to go right. There’s a time right before you start moving in the other direction that you’re standing perfectly still. It’s in this moment that you’re perfectly accurate, and can shoot a 2-3 shot burst. Jiggle peek + prefire angles perfect accuracy b. Hold A to move to the left, then release A and hold D, then left click to burst right before your character begins moving to the right. This can be done in the other direction too.

4) Clear one angle at a time – this solves the red question above. Even if you check one corner, there are tons of other angles players could be playing from – isolate your gunfights to 1v1s. Jiggle peek to clear every angle, one at a time.

5) Smaller jiggles between larger jiggle peeks = try and don’t stand perfectly still (sitting duck) 6) Angle Advantage = The player holding an angle from the farther distance will see the closer player first 7)



10) 11) 12)

Wide swinging is the opposite of jiggle peeking – you are running out into the opponent’s vision, far away from any cover – expose yourself to multiple angles at once – hard committing to the fight a. Wide swinging = enemy keeps countering your jiggle peeks – wide swinging will counter an opponent holding a tight crosshair position, forcing them to land a flick shot – because they are further away, they have the angle advantage and will see you first regardless. b. You expose yourself to multiple angles when doing this – be sure that there’s only one enemy there. c. Crouching at the end of the wide swing – we force our enemy to reposition crosshair vertically - downwards, while also controlling their recoil – it also helps you control own recoil – you also force them to flick, repositioning their crosshair horizontally. d. Walk up to the wall – no noise before wide swing – catching opponent off guard – fully committing – use it sparingly Shoulder peeking a. Bait out operator shot and force the opposing player to sit through the reload animation while you are firing shots in his direction b. Hug the wall extremely close, run towards the open angle to reveal just a sliver, tiny portion of your shoulder – immediately drop back into cover c. Risk of getting wallbanged (varado = high wall penetration of weapons) Bunny hop shoulder peeking a. Jump towards the open, show a little bit, flick mouse back to cover b. Turn fast because of air strafing and air accel. How NOT to peek = don’t walk around corners, peek fast! = Jiggle peek! While walking in Valorant, First Bullet Accuracy is nearly perfect. Fire away… Combine a lot of the techniques together – mind games, subverting expectations rewards easy kills.

MISTAKES 1. Opening an angle with utility and unarmed. RESULT: death 2. Rotating with a knife, exposing yourself in the process. RESULT: death

3. Panicking at the sight of the enemy. RESULT: wrong flick

4. (Situational) Committing to fights crouched + aiming down sights. RESULT: sitting duck 5. Rotating or exposing yourself while reloading. RESULT: death

PRACTICES 1. Recoil control only downwards for now. 2. Vandal 1-tap-headshot = fraction of a second. The window of time is too narrow. Buy a judge, don’t open angles walking, jiggle peek etc. 3. Find an angle to play by yourself sometimes. Playing too tight results only in disgrace – you align for enemy collaterals and possibly aces. 4. Play actively: be unpredictable. Try always to outplay/outsmart opponents. Keep them guessing. 5. This game is fucking fast paced. You can’t be making decisions consciously during matches all the time.

6. Attacking while unaware of enemy positioning (AND also team composition! Who the fuck is on the other side?) RESULT: less information, possible death 7. Exposing yourself to multiple angles at once. RESULT: death 8. As Reyna, WAIT for the fucking eye to open. Rushing early, in this regard: RESULT: death 9. Reloading too early, while there’s still a threat/enemies nearby. RESULT: death

11. Closed the door on A site in Ascent? NICE. DO NOT LET YOUR GUARD DOWN WHILE IT CLOSES.

13. SOVA ulted? NICE. Be careful when rushing him. He might have teammates protecting him.

INTERNALIZE to muscle memory. It’s gotta flow naturally. 6. Ignore dead teammates that talk too much. Don’t trust calls all that often. It can win rounds but it can also be wrong. 7. As you kill people, your position is revealed, and the advantage slowly diminishes. Don’t go berserk. 8. Play calmly. The enemy has the exact same conditions. Be confident. POV of each player is the same. 10. Teammates are friends – even in the toughest of times. Consider their positioning and their plays. AND THEN use ‘em as bait or at least trade some kills when they’re playing horribly. 12. Position yourself. Get a kill. Reposition yourself. Repeat. Don’t try too hard on one single angle, one single place. When you reposition, enemies HAVE to flick. Peeking same angle twice when they know you’re there, they’ll have you on their sights already. Be switching up everytime....

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