Title VALUES THAT SLOWLY Deteriorating
Author Majoy Pacuan
Pages 1
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VALUES THAT SLOWLY DITIRIORATING Since, Filipino values have become one of the most important parts of the Philippine history. Filipinos up today and yesterday were described through theirt r a d i t i o n a l v a l u e s . A c t u a l l y , i t w a s o n e o f t h e m a j o r f a c t o r s o f i n ...


VALUES THAT SLOWLY DITIRIORATING Since, Filipino values have become one of the most important parts of the Philippine history. Filipinos up today and yesterday were described through theirtraditona l values. Actually, it was one of the major factor s of invasion anddominaton of the Philippines by the neighboring natons. The coming of invaders in the country marked the beginning of the entrance of foreign influences that brought changesandalternatonsinthemoodsofthelong- cherishedFilipinovalues. For the fact, Young Filipinos of today look far diferent from their forefathers in themannertheyspeak,act,anddress,inthemodeoflivingandother aspects.Butthen, cultural traces inherited from ancestors are carried from generaton to generaton in varying degrees. Presently, traces of this culture can be gleaned through typical ways shown in relaton to their everybody dealingswith eachother.Becauseofourvulnerabilitytooutsideinfluences,ouractonstodayinterms of cultural traits are very much afected by our connectons with the foreigners who cametoourshores.Weeasilypickedupmanyoftheirculturaltraits.Itis forusnowtodecidewhetherweshouldbebeterknownasFilipinosinthe manner we act. We can't deny that it is a fact that we began to fail identfy in us Filipinos qualitesthatweshouldupholdastrueFilipinos.In this research work, the researchers want to give the readers a glimpse of Filipinovalues,itsaustereconditonatpresent. I have just observed, as time goes by and as the technology continuously moving upward, people's attitudes changes. Well, it is a pretty good thing if the attitudes are improving, but at some point, it is deteriorating. Wherein, I have seen some group of young people who do not observed respect to elders anymore. Like in a public utility bus, where they don't care anymore to lend anymore how they spoke towards their parents. As if they are just talking to their fellow children. And as I witness their attitudes, I somehow feel sad and just whispered out, what is happening to the child of today's generation. Values are slowly deteriorating. Though, there are some children who adopt the correct values but, generally, do not....

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