Video report 1 - Grade B+ PDF

Title Video report 1 - Grade B+
Author Alyxandrea Littles
Course Contemp Organizations And Mgmt
Institution Old Dominion University
Pages 2
File Size 74.7 KB
File Type PDF
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5 levels of leadership ...


Alyxandrea Littles Video Report 1

John Maxwell – 5 Levels of Leadership Being a leader isn’t a hat that you can put on when you want and take off when it's too hard. According to Maxwell, leadership needs to be applied to your daily life. We are the leader and are in control of that every single day. Leadership and management in certain aspects are synonymous. Great leaders have the capacity to be great managers, but not all manger have the capacity to be great leaders. John Maxwell makes note that most of the time, peers and or employees follow because of a title. Therefore, it is important to take a job because you love it, not because of the money. When you are in a setting that only motivates you because of the paychecks, a domino effect of self and career sabotage occur. In this paper, I will go over the five levels of management and how they apply to every aspect of our lives as a human being. In level one John Maxwell makes note that this is the positional level. In the five levels, this is the lowest level of leadership. The problem with this level is that the bosses in it never become leaders. Rules and regulations are level one bosses best friends. They rely heavily on such regulations to control their employees. By being so the compassion and excitement being in an environment with a level one boss gets diminished. Level two is a permission level. Moving into this level is the first steps in achieving your full potential in leadership. In this level relationships between the boss and their employees strengthen. Maxwell makes note that it is important to make people feel cared for and heard for because once someone feels valued an understood, productiveness and efficiency in the environment grows. Level three is the production level in leadership. Production is only achievable when you produce by example. Who you are as a leader is who you attract. If you are a lazy leader you will attract lazy employees and vice versa. It is hard to fake in this level, you are either efficient or not. This level is truly where the good from the best truly get woven out from each other. If you want to move up from level two to level three you need to produce, if not you can be stuck in level two whether you want to or not. In level four you must move from producing to developing. You would need to develop the people of the organization to see change. The people within the organization is the key assets. Successful people position themselves well to succeed more. It is important to help who your boss, to position themselves so they can grow more so then the company or environment can reach its full potential.

Alyxandrea Littles Video Report 1

The last level is Level five. Level five is the Pinnacle. Only a special person/ leader obtains this level. It requires degree and skill that is hard to achieve and doesn’t get obtained overnight and sometimes in years. This level is not the end of the road for leaders, it is an ever growing and everchanging level that takes time and works to stay in. Leaders in this level or the staple for what management and leadership should be in the organization they serve. In this level, it is important that the people in it to help guide others so they can too position and grow as they progress in their life. Being a constant stupid f leadership is important in the growth process. By being so you never become accustomed or comfortable in what you think you know, you are constantly on your toes and this has been proven to create more structured environments and truly utilize the tools they have. This video opened my eyes to business and personal dynamics. Humans operate on some type of cycle, you can decide whether this cycle changes and grows or stays the same. Before this video, I thought I understood what a leader is, that I’ve been in an array of different environments and attended workshops on leadership in high school and first years of college. But it is amazing what a video on YouTube can expose you too. When I watched this video, I couldn’t help but apply what he was saying to my life currently and situations in my past that now affect me as a leader to my peers and family members. Positioning is crucial in leadership and to position yourself you will first need to understand the five levels of leadership....

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