VR Script Assignment PDF

Title VR Script Assignment
Author Han Gan
Course Introduction To Writing For The New Media
Institution The University of British Columbia
Pages 7
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Audience I don’t have a specific target audience, I believe my script is generally suitable for all ages and backgrounds. However, it may appeal more to those who have an interest in movies as the experience is very cinematic. The audience has a passive role in the experience, simply observing the 360 degree virtual world around them from a stationary position. They’re able to turn their heads to look at specific things, but that’s as interactive as it gets. I decided to keep the player passive to provoke a sense of helplessness, this intensifies the overall impact of the narrative experience.

Technology The script is intended for smartphone VR that can be accessed using any modern day smartphone, and a headset such as Google’s daydream view. Since there’s no interaction aside from the audiences head movements, the experience can be uploaded onto YouTube as a 360-degree video that’s easily accessible. Sound cues in addition to light will play an essential role in how the audiences attention is directed. Therefore music, sound effects and ambience are all implemented using surround sound (binaural audio recordings). This allows the audience to accurately distinguish the direction sounds are coming from. Using a 360degree video also removes the problem of processing power as nothing is rendered in real time.


Visual Style My story is set in a photorealistic visual style. The environments and characters are completely constructed with computer graphics and animations. Throughout my story, the environment around the player changes many times, and with computer graphics there’s a lot more freedom in the visual transitions that can be achieved. For example, light can be easily manipulated in a simulated environment, whereas on a real set there’d be more restrictions. I hope to convey a sense of surrealism through the experience, thus it’s important that the visuals are vivid. In addition, the animation of characters will be achieved using motion capture on real actors. This ensures the characters and their movements look and feel as real as possible.


The color directions also apply to sound cues FADE IN: EXT. PARK PLAYGROUND - DAY Calm, relaxing instrumental background music fades in. There is a very faint, but noticeable high pitched beep every five seconds. The air is filled with the sound of children’s laughter, rustling leaves and indistinct conversations from other parkgoers. The sun shines brightly in the blue cloudy sky, reflecting off the metal slides and swings. The trees surrounding the playground slowly sway, dancing in the breeze. Children are running around playing. We sit at the center of the playground. An adorable golden retriever puppy runs towards us, panting and barking. The puppy frolics around energetically, before starting to lick us. (drool splatters on camera lens distorting our POV). A sharp whistle cuts through the air. On command, the puppy runs back to a woman sitting on a bench and gets picked up. She starts petting the puppy. A small boy lets out a happy scream before he jumps down the metal slide, laughing all the way, but as he reaches the bottom he suddenly becomes still, as if he’d frozen. FLASH-- all sound cuts out, as if the worlds speakers were suddenly unplugged, it looked like lightning but there was no thunder. It’s completely silent, except of course for the faint beep in the background every five seconds. The trees are still swaying, the leaves are still moving. People on the bench are still talking, but they’re muted. 3

Woosh -- an orb of light emerges out of the ground and spins around us. The orb pauses, radiating a high pitch whine before shooting up into the sky. The orb collides with the sun, disappears, and the sky instantly turns black.

EXT. SCHOOL SOCCER FIELD – NIGHT Intense, high energy pop music fades in along with crowd noises and ambience. Small white specks appear on the black sky, we realize it’s now night and those flickering specks are stars. We glance back down, we’re no longer at a playground but at a high school soccer game, sitting at the sidelines. The faint beeps continue slightly louder. Coaches and other players intensely watch the game, shouting and cheering their team on. The crowd starts chanting “defense…defense”. We glance right because of the constant beeping even though nothings there. BEEP – the referees whistle signals the end of the game. The crowd erupts into chaos and floods the field. The players are ecstatically celebrating. A COACH approaches us with a wide grin on his face, looking at us directly. COACH Son, hell of a game today. Really great job! If you continue playing like that, you’ll be joining the leagues in no time. A girl sneaks through the crowd and skips towards us squealing with excitement. GIRLFRIEND I’m so proud of you! I can’t believe you scored a hattrick tonight, you’ve never done that before! Your parent’s are here too and they brought Lucky, they’re right over there.


She points to the bleachers, where your parents are furiously waving. Beside them an adult golden retriever wags its tail. Then the music filters out (underwater effect), the crowd roars and the faint beeps become even louder. Your parents start waving faster and faster, the dogs tail wagging intensifies too. Everyone celebrating on the field starts speeding up, as if someone had hit fast forward. The sky looks like a time-lapse video. Everything rushes by and becomes a blur. Woosh -- the orb of light emerges out of the ground and slowly floats until its above us. The world around dissolves into particles and falls away revealing four dimly lit walls. The orb transitions into a light bulb in the ceiling light. All sound fades out into ambient jazz. The faint beeps continue even louder than before.

INT. HOME OFFICE – NIGHT We’re sitting in front of an office desk. A “WORLD’S BEST DAD” coffee mug sits at the edge of the table. Steam from the hot coffee evaporates towards the low ceiling. Piles of paperwork, and stationary are spread across the table. DING -- email alerts flood in on the open laptop. The vinyl player stutters for a moment and regains its momentum. Miles Davis is playing. The door lets out a long creak as it’s slowly pushed open. A beam of light shoots into the dimly lit room through the opening. A black Labrador waddles in and excitedly approaches us, tail wagging and ears pointing up. It begins licking us (drool splatters on the lens again distorting our POV). The door lets out another long creak. Again, the beam of light enters the room as a small boy wanders in. The dog excitedly hurries over to greet him. The boy makes his way to our side, a toy truck is in his hand. He leans forward. 5

THE BOY (nonchalant) Mommy says dinner is ready… Also can you help me with homework later? It’s math… (pause as if waiting for response) Ok cool. The dog roams around the room before laying down at our feet. The boy walks to the door, slowly grabs the handle then opens it fully. The orb of light flies into the room, straight towards us engulfing our vision. The beeps grows even louder. FLASH-- suddenly the home office is gone. We’re now seated at a dining table.

INT. DINING ROOM – NIGHT Pulp fiction is playing on the TV in the corner. The dog is sleeping under the table . The boy is still playing with his firetruck, making siren noises with his mouth. A woman enters the dining room with two plates of spaghetti . She places one plate in front of us and the other in front of the boy. Woman (sternly) What did I say about toys at the dinner table… The boy puts the firetruck down on the ground. The woman takes a seat in front of us. Woman (lovingly) Honey, I know you had a hard day at work, That’s why I made your favorite, spaghetti and meatballs! 6

The dog wakes up, she smells the food and wags her tail looking at us as if begging for food. The boy starts eating his spaghetti. Suddenly the TV turns into static, white noise becomes the new ambience. The static slowly forms into a circular shape and emerges out of the TV as the orb of light. It drifts around the room circulating the player before floating up. The continuous beeps now grows obnoxiously loud. The orb of light fully envelopes the room overexposing everything, our vision turns white.

FADE IN: INT. HOSPITAL BED Melancholic emotional music fades in and swells. Our vision is blurry, it slowly sharpens and focuses. We’re now in a hospital bed, surrounded by equipment and flowers. Heart rate monitor beeps loudly every few seconds. An old lady and middle aged man are asleep in chairs, they look tired. A muted TV mounted on the wall is playing pulp fiction. Heart rate monitor begins beeping faster and faster. The lights get brighter and the room starts shaking. CUT TO BLACK. END.


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