VSim Jared Griffin PDF

Title VSim Jared Griffin
Author Josue C.
Course Fundamentals of Nursing
Institution National University (US)
Pages 4
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Vsim assignment for Jared Griffin virtural simulation....


Josue Contreras August 24, 2021 VSim: Jared Griffin NSG 240A

Jared Griffin Documentation Assignments 1. Document your finding related to Mr. Griffin's preoperative and postoperative assessment findings regarding the presence of an infection. Mr. Griffin has a history of MRSA that was diagnosed about 3 years ago during his surgery for a hammertoe, which during his recent stay a nasal swap was performed in office as a preoperative assessment. The results returned positive for MRSA. His vital signs were as follow: T-98 degrees F, BP 132/80, RR 15, pulse 80 and SO2 97%. While assessing his dressing no signs of infections, drainage, swelling, redness, or warmth to the touch was present, dressing was clean. No signs of infections were noted/present at time of assessment. 2. Identify and document key nursing diagnoses for Mr. Griffin regarding current condition. Hindered surgical recovery due to a present infection. Ineffective peripheral tissue fusion related to surgery. Fall risk due to immobility. Impaired tissue integrity regarding to wound and infection. Activities are intolerable due to pain and surgical procedures. Possible constipation related to decrease activity and opioid pain medication. 3. Referring to your feedback log, document all nursing care provided as well as Mr. Griffin's response to this care, including responses related to infection control and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE). First, I reviewed the electronic medical record for Jared Griffin. After performing hand hygiene and donning my PPE I introduced myself to the patient and identified the

patient’s name and date of birth. Because patient was a contact insolation due to his positive MRSA, PPE include gloves and gown. Pt states he has an allergy to codeine. He is oriented AOx4. Vitals were T-98 degrees F, BP 132/80, RR 15, pulse 80 and SO2 97%. Skin color and elasticity are normal, no signs of swelling, redness, or infection on right lower leg. Pt states he is in pain, little sore in his knee and when asked if anything would make his pain better, he stated no not really. Assessment was performed lungs are clear and equal bilaterally. Assessed IV site and there is no redness, swelling, infiltration, bleeding, or drainage. Educated patient on safety, fall risk, personal protective equipment and using the incentive spirometer as well wound care. Patient verbalized the understanding for education in each of these areas. 4. Document your handoff report in the SBAR format to communicate Mr. Griffin's future needs. Situation: Jared Griffin 63-year-old African American male who had right total knee arthroplasty yesterday morning. Background: Mr. Griffin has history of MRSA, which was diagnosed 3 year ago when he had a surgery for hammertoe. He has a history of osteoarthritis and mild HTN. Nasal swab was done in office during his recent preoperative visit and came back positive for MRSA. Decolonization protocol was initiated prior to his admission. He is under contact precautions per hospital policy. Assessment: Mt Griffin’s vitals are stable, AOx4 and pain 2/10. Assessed IV and surgical site for infection, which there was no signs of redness, swelling, bleeding or drainage. Dressing is dry, clean, and intact. Incentive spirometer was performed. Recommendation: Continue to monitor Mr. Griffin’s vital signs and pain level. Administer pain medication PRN per order. Continue to assess IV and surgical site and dressing for signs of infection. Encourage continuous use of incentive spirometer. Pt to be still in contact isolation per policy.

Guided Reflection Questions Opening Questions How did the simulated experience of Jared Griffin’s case make you feel? Working more with the vSim scenarios, I felt that I was confident in the care I provided Mr. Griffin. I was aware and educated about his condition and knew which interventions and education to provide. Talk about what went well in the scenario: What went well was all the assessment and patient education. My patient was calm and compliant; Mr. Griffin was interested in his care. Reflecting on Jared Griffin’s case, were there any actions you would do differently if you were to repeat this scenario? If so, how would your patient care change? There was not a single action I felt I needed to change from the scenario. I was confident in assessments, care, and clinical judgment.

Scenario Analysis Questions

EBP/S What priority problem(s) did you identify for Jared Griffin? Infection related to surgery, fall risk and excess sputum related to immobility. EBP/S What potential problems could arise from improper infection control practices? Infection can occur that symptoms can range from asymptomatic to colonization to septic shock and death. EBP

Discuss the relationship between the spread of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) and proper infection control.

The proper infection control decreases and ultimately prevents hospital-acquired infections; there is direct correlation. Therefore, it so important to wear proper PPE and follow strict handwashing guidelines. Adherence to infection control means fewer patients with hospital-acquired infections, and poor adherence means more infected patients. PCC/T &C

Discuss the importance of patient education on proper infection control practices.

It’s important to educated patients on proper infection control methods because we want to avoid and reduce the risk of postoperative infection at the incision site. T&C

What other interprofessional team members should be involved in Jared Griffin’s care?

Other Health professionals that should be involved in Mr. Griffin’s care is his PCP, nurses, Physical therapist, and pharmacist. Concluding Questions Describe how you would apply the knowledge and skills that you obtained in Jared Griffin’s case to an actual patient care situation. I would employ the experience and skills learned in the simulation into actual patient care by applying proper PPE when needed and by delivering essential patient care when a risk for infection is present....

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