W10 & W11 Lesson 13 - Phases of Exercise - Module PDF

Title W10 & W11 Lesson 13 - Phases of Exercise - Module
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PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Lesson 13 – Phases of Exercise

Module 12


Phases of Exercise

In this module, you should be able to determine the different structures of a correct exercise program. Knowing and following the proper steps in exercising gives you the advantage of maximizing your work-out routines. At the end of this module, you will be able to: 1. determine the different Phases of exercise and its specific functions in training. 2. know the importance of performing warm-up and cool-down exercises, and its effects in injury prevention and psyche preparation. 3. take a video or snapshots of the different performed exercise activities. 4. perform a basic exercise activity which follows the correct Phases of Exercise. 5. realize the importance of a warm-up, cool-down, and the different forms of stretching exercises when it comes to engaging in a correct exercise program. Along the module, each Phases of Exercise will be discussed in detail and activities that focus on each phase will be emphasized. The exercises provided will be for beginners like you who are new to the fitness world. Prepare to follow a lot of instructions throughout the module, so that you will have first-hand experiences as to how these concepts are directly applied in exercise.

Phases of Exercise In the previous module, you might have noticed that even when you experiment with exercise, the program still entails for you to go through a step-by-step process. These whole process is known in fitness as, the different Phases of Exercise. It is a stepby-step process followed in an exercise routine that helps individuals reap the maximum benefits of exercise. The said Phases are composed of 5 different important steps which are: warm-up, dynamic stretches, main-set, cool-down, & static stretches. Along with this concept is an in depth understanding on how each works and how important it is in regular trainings. All of which will be discussed in great detail in the later parts of this module. Hopefully, through several examples given in this module, you will be able to identify other activities that you might want to engage and experiment in. Course Module

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Lesson 13 – Phases of Exercise


Through this lesson you will discover that exercising not only entails you doing the regular movements, but rather, it is a series of well-formulated techniques developed through time that involves planned, structured, & repetitive bodily movements with the objective of improving a person’s physical fitness. This way, people can reap the most benefits out from their work-out. You will also get the chance to discover why most trainers would insist you perform these exercises at specific times/durations because, these things play a great role in injury prevention and in preparing your psyche for the task ahead. Of course, this module would entail you to perform activities that follow the correct Phases of Exercise! The photos and videos that you will upload will be a gauge whether you’ve understood how to apply these concepts in reality. Realizing how important each phase of exercise is the most crucial lesson that you should take from this module. This will show how you will eventually incorporate this in the trainings that you will find yourself engaged in someday. Image Source: Warm-up, Cool-down, Stretch http://www.christianhospital.org/HealthLibra ry/LifestyleGuide/HealthTools/WarmUpandC oolDownTips.aspx

At best, this lesson will also serve as an eye-opener for you.

A reminder that working-out is a totally different thing from engaging in an actual training. As mentioned in the past lessons, your body is like a machine. Just like machines that need the necessary preparation time for it to run smoothly, your body needs the same thing. The different Phases of Exercise will be your guide to run your body smoothly and to give you the chance to move free from injuries. The following are the topics/concepts that you will learn throughout the module: Development – Phases of Exercise A. Traditional Exercise Phase B. Evolving Exercise Phase C. Modern Exercise Phase II. Phase 1: Warm-up A. Functions & Importance B. Warm-up Activities – Intensity & Duration C. Complete Warm-up – Sample Activity D. Online Warm-up Routines I.

Course Module

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Lesson 13 – Phases of Exercise


III. Phase 2: Dynamic Stretches A. When to stretch? B. Static vs. Dynamic Stretch C. Stretching & Principle of Specificity IV. Phase 3: Conditioning A. Functions & Importance B. SST vs. HITT C. Circuit Training D. Advantages & Variations – Circuit Training V. Phase 4: Cool-down A. Functions & Importance B. Other Significance C. Examples of Cool-down Exercises VI. Phase 5: Static Stretches A. When to stretch? B. Functions, Importance, & Ideal Intensity C. Static Stretch Rules D. Sample Static Stretches Make sure to always follow each of the instructions to be given in this module. Most of all, don’t forget to enjoy throughout the discussion, especially while you are performing the different exercises! Pace yourself! Have you started with your training program from the previous module? Do you get tired easily? That’s normal! The key to surviving your first few weeks of exercise is for you to learn how to keep a steady pace. Remember, listen to your body! Knowing when to rest and when to exert effort is the most critical step in a successful fitness journey! I.

Development – Phases of Exercise A. Traditional Exercise Phase During the development of exercise and training regimens, exercising only involved three basic steps or phases. These steps include the: warm-up phase, the conditioning phase, and the cool-down phase. These steps were often observed by athletes in their training back in the day. In most cases, these phases of exercise are not something that an exercise enthusiast or the general population follow or strictly observe. Much of those people who are not aware of the appropriate steps to take in a training program often, find themselves getting easily tired or being psychologically disheartened to continue with their fitness routine.

Course Module

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Lesson 13 – Phases of Exercise


Sometimes, some people might find themselves in worst situations where they would get injured and not exercise anymore. These guidelines are what make up a progressive exercise routine and it should be something that you need to learn how to strictly follow. Back in the day, the importance and emphasis on each Phase of Exercise is not as important compared to how it is observed today.

Exercise and aging Studies have shown that low-intensity exercises can help older adults improve their flexibility, balance, and lower-limb strength. Exercise knows no bounds and can even be beneficial for older adults’ cognitive health. (Tse, Wong, & Lee, 2015)

Through the years, people have always had the misconception that exercising only involves the movement of the body without any sort of scientifically proven methods or practices. But, as the boom of the fitness industry began and the further study on exercise continued, people are now seeing the importance of appropriately incorporating the correct training regimen in their work-outs. The general population is now learning how to distinguish between exercising and engaging in a correct exercise training program. They are now actually reaping the benefits of good training and their bodies are starting to change its ability to adapt to stress better.

Course Module

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Lesson 13 – Phases of Exercise


B. Evolving Exercise Phases As more and more studies and experiments are incorporated in exercise training and building an appropriate exercise program, many sports experts have discovered the importance of incorporating flexibility trainings in every work-out routine. Flexibility exercises such as stretching now became an integral part of training and is often done by many at the end of a work-out routine. Research suggests, that stretching not only removes the body’s soreness but it also aids in improving the mobility of several joints.

All correct training programs now consist of four complete phases. This is to inhibit the necessary adaptations that the body should get from pre-training and post-training. People now are starting to become more aware that working-out is not just about movement but rather, it is a series of well-planned or thought of stages that are carefully done to get the best benefits from exercise. C. Modern Exercise Phases The fitness research about stretching and mobility exercises did not stop sports experts to further analyze its importance in training. Dynamic and static stretches were also deemed as important components of the Phases of Exercise and were eventually incorporated into professional training regimens as well as in the general population’s trainings. Although stretching has been the most taken for granted phase of exercise, people who have eventually learned the loops of exercise, incorporate it in their activities and are now starting to take this exercise phase more seriously. Course Module

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Lesson 13 – Phases of Exercise


Following these Phases of Exercise gave people the chance to get better at what they do and feel safer with how they do their trainings. This is because they have already witnessed for themselves that good mobility of the joints actually aids in better performance, as well as, in prevention of musculoskeletal discomforts and injuries. These Phases of Exercise have set the bar on how you can properly create an exercise routine. They should serve as your guide in every exercise that you will do for the rest of your life. As mentioned earlier, in this module you will learn and explore about these five (5) Phases of Exercise. Along the way, you will be given certain instructions to perform each of the Phases of Exercise correctly.

Complete 20-minute Work-Out! 1. Use the 20-minute work-out routine provided for you at the end of this module. The routine will strictly observe the correct Phases of Exercise. 2. Do the exercise routine for 3 intermittent days for 2 weeks after this task. 3. Record yourself on video and show that you performed each exercise phase correctly. 4. Upload your video online for evaluation and as a form of performance grade for this course. The routine will be a whole body weight work-out which you can do in the comforts of your own home. You can do the exercise routine for three (3) intermittent days for two (2) weeks after completing this task. Course Module

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Lesson 13 – Phases of Exercise


This activity will help build on your endurance as well as your strength. This work-out will also help you gauge whether you are well-capable of carrying your own body weight and how far you can sustain the exercise. II. Phase 1: Warm-up A. Functions & Importance of Warm-up Before you get to the work-out, this part of the module will further discuss what each of those Phases of Exercise exactly mean and why they are so important. This section of the module will focus on Phase 1, which is the Warm-up routine. What is a Warm-up anyway? You have encountered this many times in the previous modules of this course. Surely, you must have also remembered why this Phase of Exercise should be included in a proper training program. According to the American Council on Exercise, a warm-up by definition is: “A period of lighter exercise preceding the conditioning phase of an exercise bout, and should last for five to ten minutes for most healthy adults.“ Every training regimen must begin with this. Why do you think it is important? Why does every training activity need to begin with this phase? Think of a car. Do you have it in your head right now? Ever wondered why drivers don’t automatically move their cars as soon as it started? They usually wait for seconds or minutes before they begin to shift the gear into drive or reverse to finally set he car into motion.

Image Source: Starting a car http://says.com/my/tech/things-youshould-never-do-to-your-car-after-a-flood

The reason for this is simple, the car’s fuel and oil need to reach certain parts of the car’s engine for it to be able to run smoothly and work in its most efficient manner. This concept is actually the same with your body. Think of your brain, muscles, veins, blood, internal organs, among others, as parts of the engine of your body.

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Image Source: Body as machine http://www.goodnet.org/articles/7-videosthat-prove-human-body-machine-list

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Lesson 13 – Phases of Exercise


All of these things also need the proper preparation time for your body to function and run smoothly in unity. You need to condition not only your body but also your mind for the strenuous activity that you are about to do. This is also the reason why ACE described a warm-up as an activity that consists of lowintensity exercises or activities that gradually increase into moderate intensity. In some sporting events warm-ups could also be, activities that involve sport specific dynamic movements, or movements that are specifically done in the activity itself (e.g. jogging for sprinting, squats for weight training, etc.) The activities of warm-up generally prepare you for what you are about to do and it also prepares you for the next stressors that your body needs to adapt to in your physical activity. Without a warm-up, what do you think could happen to your body? Without a warm-up you are signing yourself to the chances of getting injuries at a very high rate. Without your body being accustomed to the activity that you are about to do, everything else will follow, and you are not keeping yourself safe from the physical activity. These are the reasons why a warm-up is so important. You need to treat your body or look at your body the same way as a machine that also needs to warm-up to function properly. Dynamic Warm-ups or Movement Preparation These are exercises that involve a variety of directions. Examples of these activities include, lunges, squats, pushing, pulling, and rotating exercises. These different movements incorporated with a variety of speed, help increase your heart rate, enabling your muscles to become pliable in movement. (McCall, 2015)

B. Warm-up Activities – Intensity & Duration Through the next parts of the lesson, try to stand up from your chair and do these simple warm-up exercise. This way you can better understand how a warm-up should feel like and how simple movements can already increase your body’s overall temperature. Try to perform them properly by being guided with the correct techniques shown in this module. See for yourself that you really don’t need much to warm-up; it just takes some basic movements and repetitions to target your muscle groups and prepare you for any activity.

Course Module

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Lesson 13 – Phases of Exercise


Image Source: Warm-up – http://www.active.com/running/articles/beforeyou-run-the-dynamic-warm-up?page=2

These exercises are all compound exercises, meaning, they use a lot of muscle groups in just little effort and repetitions. 1. Jumping Jacks a. Try to stand from your seat and perform 2 sets of 30 jumping jacks. b. The initial position begins with you standing straight with your feet together, and your hands are at the sides. c. As you jump and open your feet, place your arms on top of your head, with both of your hands meeting at the center. d. Don’t forget that as you go back to the initial position, close your feet again and your arms should be at the side of your body. How did it feel? Did you feel warm and out of breath? Jumping jacks are r. It is a type of a calisthenic movement that targets all the muscles of your upper body, core, and lower body all at the same time, while providing you with a jump power. This simple movement stimulates your body to shoot blood towards your limbs, heating your engine out, and thus increasing your heart rate. If you really look at it, this exercise may seem very simple, but it’s a very effective form of a warm-up activity.

Course Module

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Lesson 13 – Phases of Exercise


Image Source: Warm-up (girl) – http://steadyrun.com/health-tips/others/health-benefits-ofjumping-jacks/ Warm-up (boy) – https://www.thinglink.com/scene/640247167834914817

2. Jogging in Place a. Perform this activity for 1-3 minutes. b. Stand in place with your feet slightly apart, with both of arms slightly flexed and placed beside your body. c. As the time starts, start jogging in place. d. Make sure that your arms are swinging back and forth through the movement and your abdominals are contracted. e. Don’t forget to breathe in and out during the whole process. This exercise is another example of a simple warm-up routine. This warm-up actually works best for both cardiorespiratory and weight training activities. Just like performing jumping jacks, jogging in place also targets major and minor muscle groups within your body, particularly the muscles of your legs and your abdominals. Did you know? Did you know that when you warm-up properly, you can actually last longer in your exercise activities? This is because, a warm-up generates the full potential of your body’s energy systems to adjust to the stress of exercise. When this happens, lactic acid build-up in your body is prevented, thus allowing you to comfortably push through your exercise. (American Council on Exercise, 2009) It also stimulates the increase of your heart rate and the smooth movement of your lower limbs. It is very much a good warm-up that you can do because it does not require you to use any form of equipment during the activity. Course Module

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Lesson 13 – Phases of Exercise


Image Source: Jogging in place - http://www.allworkoutroutines.com/homefitness/4-great-at-home-workouts-for-burning-fat

Other important tips! 1. Exaggerate the movement of your arm swings, to increase temperature in the muscles of your upper body. 2. Keep the integrity of your abdominal muscles by consciously engaging or contracting it through the movements. 3. Don’t forget to breathe in through your nose and breathe out with your mouth as you do the exercise. How did the jog in place feel? Was it tiring? This exercise can be incorporated in any warm-up routine but, the only thing that can change is the duration of the activity. Here are a few other things you need to know about a warm-up: 1. Remember that the duration or the time you spend in doing your warm-up is highly dependent with the type of conditioning phase that you will do. a. Short activity (activities that are equal to or less than 30 minutes) the duration of your warm-up should only be between 5-10 minutes. b. Long activity (activities that are more than 30 minutes) - the duration of your warm-up and its intensity should be longer and more intense. 2. The type of warm-up that you will do should be specific to the activity that you will be doing. This is because you need to move the necessary muscle groups that you will be using in your exercise activity. 3. Moving the right muscles at the start of any training program ensures that your body will adjust to the further stress you are going to put it into.

Course Module

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Lesson 13 – Phases of Exercise


Image Source: Warming up & cooling down doing it right http://www.alive.com/lifestyle/warming-up-and-cooling-down-2/


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