Water Quality - Grade: A PDF

Title Water Quality - Grade: A
Author Fredericka Decuir
Course Environmental Science
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 4
File Size 78.5 KB
File Type PDF
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1 Fredericka Decuir Biology 220 September 26 2018 Dr. Carlene Holt-Gray Louisiana Water Quality and System While making the transition from Georgia to Louisiana I discovered some interesting things about the water quality in Louisiana. Our water system represents a vital part of our community. The most important thing is to keep the water system as clean as possible. Water is used to keep the community functional. Quality water helps our community business, schools, homes, and the most important people in the community the local fire department. Water is used to cook, in restrooms, to drank, for plants, and most importantly to put out fires when they arise. Water quality is important, the pollution, and contaminants that are in the water need to be identified, and the work needs to be done to improve the water system to make it as safe as possible for the people of Baton Rouge. The Baton Rouge water is representing a great watering system. From January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017 there are reports of no violations of the water production (Brwater,2017). The system operates through 99 ground wells. The system is backed by elevated storage tanks and diesel engines to prevent widespread outages throughout the community (Brwater, 2017). The water quality report details that the water in Baton Rouge is safe in all areas for use. The reports explain what the epa requires for health to be the focus in the water. The report has a list of the contaminants. There is arsenic, benzo(A)Pyrene, Carbofuran, Cyanide, Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, fluoride, Nitrate-Nitrite, and Selenium. The copper and lead are a part of the system. There is also list of things that can be done to reduce these containments in the water.

2 Back in January there was an issue with the watering system because of the weather. The business and homes in New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and Lafayette had the water dripping from the pipes to avoid the pipes from freezing (The Advocate, 2018). The next issue I found was a problem with saltwater. According to The Advocate, back in 2017 there was a article written about the water supply under Baton Rouge being filled with salt. The officials of Baton Rouge called upon companies such as ExxonMobil and Georgia Pacific to stop tapping the aquafers putting stress upon the watering system creating a shortage in the water supply. The plans that have been put in place to help with the issue is the requirement of reports being filed periodically and following the state concerning informing the public of the issues and concerns. The Brwater company is privately on and it has placed tight restriction on the companies such as ExxonMobil and Georgia Pacific. Georgia Pacific must turn wood pulp into paper and ExxonMobil must use the water from the Mississippi River. The examples of nonpoint source are the homes sewage systems, agriculture, forestry, urban runoff, sand and gravel mining, constructions, and hydromodifications (Deq,2018). The point sources are the companies such as ExxonMobil and Georgia Pacific. Sixty one percent of Louisiana drinking water is producing from underground sources (DNR, 2018). Of the percentage twelve percent uses domestic wells, while the other forty nine percent uses the public water supply. The Mississippi River, Amite River, and Comite River is a natural resource. The pollution issues that have hit Louisiana waters are the Deepwater Oil Spill. This was the largest oil spill in United States history. It had a negative impact upon the residents and the ecosystem (Peres et. al, 2016). It caused a burning in the nose, sore throats, and dizziness (Peres et. al, 2016). This spill caused the animals to be affected and it also made Louisiana lose land at a

3 alarming rate (NPR, 2018). This was a major spill and it harmed a major body of water in Louisiana. To prevent water from getting to be contaminated shield the aquifers from meeting dirtied soil and industry squander (Urbansky&Schock,1999). This enables the water to avoid contamination and keep the aquifers clean, so it can keep on siphoning out clean water. The following one would utilize crisis well vessels (Petty.T, 1982). This makes occupations and has individuals on location prepared to make the issue negligible. Utilize containers when viewing your autos, reuses the water however much as could be expected. Comprehend that when we run water or dump synthetic substances in it in the long run will be discharged into the supply the accommodated the networks and causes issues for the general population. As indicated by numerous articles I have discovered my locale gives a decent water framework to the general population. The BrWater organization put a considerable measure of work into giving quality water to the general population. There is still issues that surfaced that influence things like the dumping of contaminants into the water body that causes contaminations. The following thing is ensuring that the mechanical organizations are following the standards directed to protect the water. The work to keep water tidy and think of an answer proceed. There should be a continuation of ensuring the assets are being put into thinking of that arrangement.

4 References Elliott, D. (2015, April 20). 5 Years After BP Oil Spill, Effects Linger And Recovery Is Slow. Retrieved from https://www.npr.org/2015/04/20/400374744/5-years-after-bp-oil-spilleffects-linger-and-recovery-is-slow Report, A. S. (2018, January 03). Rundown of running-water issues, advisories in Baton Rouge, New Orleans amid frigid weather. Retrieved from https://www.theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/news/article_d60415cc-f0b9-11e7-8b945312f37c0879.html [email protected], S. H. (2017, July 01). Baton Rouge Water Company says industry needs to stop drawing water from aquifer. Retrieved from https://www.theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/news/article_cadd93c6-5e3d-11e7-b1798391aaa68204.html Urbansky, E. T., & Schock, M. R. (1999). Issues in managing the risks associated with perchlorate in drinking water. Journal of Environmental Management, (2), 79. Retrieved fromhttps://lopes.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx? direct=true&db=edsgao&AN=edsgcl.55228647&site=eds-live&scope=site Water Quality. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.brwater.com/water-quality.html...

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