Web-based Library Management System of East West Colleges - CHAPTER III PDF

Title Web-based Library Management System of East West Colleges - CHAPTER III
Author Neil Mutia
Pages 61
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CHAPTER III DATA GATHERING PROCEDURE, METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY AND REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS SPECIFICATION 3.1 Data gathering procedure and output Data gathering is one of the most important parts in developing a system. To formally conduct the said study, a proposal letter and permission letter was sen...




3.1 Data gathering procedure and output

Data gathering is one of the most important parts in developing a system. To formally conduct the said study, a proposal letter and permission letter was sent to the project coordinator of the school. A series of interviews were conducted with the librarian who is In-charge of the existing manual system. With this, important and relevant data were gathered regarding with the different processes that involved in developing the system. In relation to this, some of the important forms were given which served as a guide in creating modules for the automation of the system. All the data and forms that were gathered were well-analyzed and discussed among the group. To deeply understand the flow of the data in the system, illustrations were used such as creating the data flow diagram, data flow diagram fragments and context diagram. These will be the foundation of how the librarian and the external agents namely the students will interact with the system. With these illustrations, a prototype was produced to gather feedback from the user for changes and improvements of the system. For every changes made in the prototype, it should be evaluated by the user which gives its suggestion and comments. Those




Web-based Library Management System






needs. Page 3-1

3.2 Methodology of the study

Prototyping is the methodology that we use in developing thisproject. A prototype is the sample implementation of the system that shows limited and main functional capabilities of the proposed system. After a prototype is built, it is delivered to the customer for evaluation. The prototype helps the customer determine how the feature will function in the final software. The customer provides suggestion and improvements on the prototype. The development team implements the suggestion in the new prototype, which is again evaluated by the customer. The process continues until the customer and the development team understands the exact requirement of the proposed system. When the final prototype is developed, the requirement is considered to be frozen. The prototyping approach is used in the requirement gathering and in the analysis phase to capture the exact requirement of the proposed system. After the requirements are frozen, the remaining phases of the development process needs to be executed to complete the development of the software system. [SDLC2011]. The first stage of the prototyping methodology is gathering the needed requirements in the development of the system. To attain this, series of interview were conducted with the clients, specifically the school’s librarian and students who will be the end user of the proposed system. Every detail was discussed during the interview to produce a vivid partial picture of the system. Specific problems of the current system were discussed in detail so that solutions could be formulated. With the gathered information, planning in the development of the system was undertaken.

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The second stage was developing the systems design. It is the process or art of defining the hardware and software architecture, components, modules, interfaces and data for a computer system to satisfy specified requirements. [WIKI2007]. The third stage is constructing the systems prototypes. It is the process of making early sample or model of the developed system to test a concept or process. A prototype is designed to test and trial a new design to enhance the capability or the functions of the system. The fourth stage is the user’s evaluation. This is the process where the expectedend users make some tests on the prototype of the developed system. The comments, suggestions and feedbacks of the user who tests the prototype are needed for further refinement of the system. After the user’s evaluation of the system, the developers will create another model or prototypes of the system based on the gathered comments and feedbacks. To illustrate this, system’s entity relationship diagrams (ERD), event tables, physical and logical schema, context diagram and data flow diagram were created to show the flow of the system.

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Identify Basic Requirements

Quick Design

Constructing Prototype

Engineering the Product

Refining Prototype

Users Evaluation

Figure 3-1 Prototyping Process for Automated Library Management System

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3.3 Requirements analysis specification 3.3.1Context diagram

Figure 3-2 Context Diagram

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Figure 3-2. This diagram entails the data that flows between the system and the user such as students, librarian and the administrator. In this diagram, the users are represented by the smaller boxes and the bigger box at the center of the diagram represents the main system. This diagram illustrates what data are that comes from the user and on where the data is addressed. The lines with arrow show the direction of the data.

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3.3.2 Data Flow Diagram and Data Flow Fragments Admin Librarian Module (Level 0)

Figure3-3 DFD (Admin Librarian Data Flow Diagram). Web-based Library Management System

Page 3-7 Admin Librarian Module (DFD Fragments)

Fig.3-4 DFD Fragment (Admin Librarian Log-in). Figure 3-4 shows admin librarian log-in. Librarian enters his data for the username and password, the system confirms whether or not the details he had entered matches the data stored in the tbllibrarian table of the systems database. This is done to ensure the librarian’s accessibility to the system. If the entered username and password matches with the one in the database, the log-in request is successful and the Librarian can access the database and do library transactions. If not, an invalid entry message is displayed back to the admin librarian and remains in the log-in process until the correct username and password is entered.

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Figure 3-5 DFD Fragment (Admin Librarian Edit Account). Figure 3-5 shows admin librarian updates account information. The current librarian details are retrieved on the tbllibrarian table of the systems database. The updated account details are stored into the tbllibrarian table of the systems database. After saving the data, a confirmation message is displayed back to the admin librarian. This can only be done when the admin librarian has successfully completed the log-in process.

Figure 3-6 DFD Fragment (Admin Librarian View Statistics). Figure 3-6 shows admin librarian views statistics. The details of the borrowed books are retrieved on the tblbook_borrow table of the systems database. After retrieving the data, it will be displayed to the admin librarian.

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Figure 3-7 DFD Fragment (Admin Librarian Open/Close Reservation). Figure 3-7 shows admin librarian opens or closes the reservation of books. The details of the updated reserve details are stored in to the tblbook_reserve table of the systems database. A confirmation message is displayed to the admin librarian when the transaction has completed.

Figure 3-8 DFD Fragment (Admin Librarian Log-in Student). Figure 3-8 shows admin librarian logs-in a student that enters the library. The details of the student are retrieved on the tblusermain table of the systems database. The details of the student are stored into the tbllib_log table of the systems database.

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Figure 3-9 DFD Fragment (Admin Librarian View Reserved Book). Figure 3-9 shows admin librarian views a reserved book. The details of the reserved book are retrieved on the tblbook_reserve table of the systems database. The details of the reserved book are displayed to the admin librarian when the transaction has completed.

Figure 3-10 DFD Fragment (Admin Librarian Claim Reserved Book). Figure 3-10 shows admin librarian claims a reserved book. The details of the reserved book are retrieved on the tblbook_reserve table and the updated reserved book details are stored back into the tblbook_reserve table of the systems database. Once the book is claimed, the details of the reserved book is stored into the tblbook_borrow table, penalty details stored into the tblborrow_penalty table and the updated accession details of the book stored into the tblbook_accession table of the systems database.

A confirmation

message is displayed to the admin librarian when the transaction has completed.

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Figure 3-11 DFD Fragment (Admin Librarian Add Librarian). Figure 3-11 shows admin librarian adds new librarian. The details of the new librarian are stored into the tbllibrarian table of the systems database. A confirmation message is displayed back to the admin librarian when the transaction has completed.

Figure 3-12 DFD Fragment (Admin Librarian Activate/Deactivate Librarian). Figure 3-12 shows the admin librarian activates or deactivates a staff. The current details of the staff is retrieved on the tbllibrarian table of the systems database which then be processed and change its status to active or inactive. The updated details of the staff are stored back into the tbllibrarian table of the systems database. A confirmation message is then displayed admin to the librarian when the transaction has completed.

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Figure 3-13 DFD Fragment (Admin Librarian Activate/Deactivate Book). Figure 3-13 shows admin librarian activates or deactivates a book. The current details of the book is retrieved on the tblbook table of the systems database which then be processed and change its status. The updated details of the book are stored back to the tblbook table of the systems database. A confirmation message is displayed back to the admin librarian when the transaction has completed.

Figure 3-14 DFD Fragment (Admin Librarian Add Book). Figure 3-14 shows admin librarian adds a new book. The details of the new book are stored into the tblbook table of the systems database. The details of the book edition are retrieved on the tblbook_edtion table and the publisher details retrieved on the tblbook_publisher table. A new book accession is also stored into the tblbook_accession table as well as the Web-based Library Management System

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new book catalogue details which are stored in the tblbook_catalogue table.


confirmation message is displayed back to the admin librarian when the transaction has completed.

Figure 3-15 DFD Fragment (Admin Librarian Add Accession). Figure 3-15 shows admin librarian adds a new accession. The details of new accession are stored into the tblbook-accession table of the systems database. A confirmation message is displayed back to the librarian when the transaction has completed.

Figure 3-16 DFD Fragment (Admin Librarian Edit Book). Figure 3-16 shows admin librarian updates a book. The current details of the book are retrieved on the tblbook table of the systems database. The updated details of the book are stored back to the tblbook table of the systems database. A confirmation message is displayed to the admin librarian when the transaction has completed. Web-based Library Management System

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Figure 3-17 DFD Fragment (Admin Librarian Borrow Books). Figure 3-17 shows admin librarian borrows a book. The details of the book are retrieved on the tblbook table of the systems database. The details are stored in the tblbook_borrow table, as well as the details of the penalty into the tblborrow_penalty table and update the accession details of the book stored into the tblbook_accession table of the systems database. The id of the borrower is retrieved either from the tblusermain table if the borrower is a student or tblinstructor table if the borrower is an instructor. A confirmation message is displayed to the admin librarian when the transaction has completed.

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Figure 3-18 DFD Fragment (Admin Librarian Renew Borrowed Book). Figure 3-18 shows admin librarian renews a borrowed book. The current details of the borrowed book are retrieved on the tblbook_borrow table of the systems database. The updated details of the borrowed book are stored back into the tblbook_borrow table. This process also retrieves the current book accession status on tblbook_accession table and calculates the penalty of the borrowed book automatically on the tblborrow_penalty table, which are updated and stored back to their respective tables in the systems database. A confirmation message is displayed to the admin librarian when the transaction has completed.

Figure 3-19 DFD Fragment (Admin Librarian View Borrowed Book). Figure 3-19 shows admin librarian views a borrowed book. The details of the borrowed book are retrieved on the tblbook_borrow table of the systems database. Also the penalty details of the book and the book accession details can be viewed altogether. These details are retrieved on their respective tables specifically the tblborrow_penalty table and tblbook_accession table of the systems database. The retrieved details are displayed to the admin librarian when the transaction has completed.

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Figure 3-20 DFD Fragment (Admin Librarian Return Borrowed Book). Figure 3-20 shows admin librarian returns a borrowed book. The current details of the borrowed book to are retrieved on the tblbook_borrow table of the systems database. The updated details of the borrowed book are stored back to the tblbook_borrow table. The updated details of the book penalty are stored into the tblborrow_penalty table and the updated accession of the book is stored into the tblbook_accession table. A confirmation message is displayed to the admin librarian when the transaction has completed.

Figure 3-21 DFD Fragment (Admin Librarian Search Books). Figure 3-21 shows admin librarian searching for books that are stored in systems database. Since the librarian can search book with different filters like searching its book title, author, Web-based Library Management System

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accession, category and book subject. The data of the books are retrieved on the tblbook table, tblbook_author table, tblbook_accession table, tblbook_category table and tblbook_subject table of the systems database. The searched data are displayed to the admin librarian when the transaction has completed.

Figure 3-22 DFD Fragment (Admin Librarian Activate/Deactivate Book Subject). Figure 3-22 shows admin librarian activates or deactivates a book subject. The current details of the book and change its status is retrieved on the tblbook_subjecttable of the systems database. The updated details of the book subject are stored back to the tblbook_subject table of the systems database. A confirmation message is displayed to the admin librarian when the transaction has completed.

Figure 3-23 DFD Fragment (Admin Librarian Edit Book Subject).

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Figure 3-23 shows the admin librarian updates a book subject. The current details of the book subject are retrieved on the tblbook_subjecttable of the systems database. The updated details of the book subject are stored back to the tblbook_subject of the systems database. A confirmation message is displayed to the admin librarian when the transaction has completed.

Figure 3-24 DFD Fragment (Admin Librarian Activate/Deactivate Book Category). Figure 3-24 shows admin the librarian activates or deactivates a book category. The current details of the book subject and change its status is retrieved on the tblbook_category table of the systems database. The updated details of the book category are stored back to the tblbook_category table of the systems database. A confirmation message is displayed to the admin librarian when the transaction has completed.

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Figure 3-25 DFD Fragment (Admin Librarian Add Book Category). Figure 3-25 shows admin librarian adds a new book category. The details of the newly added book category are stored into the tblbook_category table of the systems database. A confirmation message is displayed to the admin librarian when the transaction has completed.

Figure 3-26 DFD Fragment (Admin Librarian Edit Book Category). Figure 3-26 shows the admin librarian updates a book category. The current details of the book category which will be updated are retrieved on the tblbook_category table of the systems database. The updated details of the book category are stored back to the tblbook_categorytable of the systems database. A confirmation message is displayed back to the admin librarian when the transaction has completed

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Figure 3-27 DFD Fragment (Admin Librarian Activate/Deactivate Author). Figure 3-27 shows the admin librarian activates or deactivates an author. The current details of the author and change its status is retrieved on the tblbook_author table of the systems database. The updated status of the author is stored back to the tblbook_author table of the systems database. A confirmation message is displayed to the admin librarian when the transaction has completed.

Figure 3-28 DFD Fragment (Admin Librarian Add Author). Figure 3-28 shows the admin librarian adds an author. The details of the newly added author are stored into the tblbook_author table of the systems database. A confirmation message is displayed to the admin librarian when the transaction has completed.

Figure 3-29 DFD Fragment (Admin Librarian Edit Author).

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Figure 3-29 shows the admin librarian updates an author. The current details of the author and change its status are retrieved on the tblbook_author table of the systems database. The updated details of the author are stored back into the tblbook_author table of the systems database. A confirmation message is displayed to the admin librarian when the transaction has completed.

Figure 3-30 DFD Fragment (Admin Librarian Add Website URL). Figure 3-30 shows the admin librarian adds a website URL. The details of the newly added website URL are stored into the tblwebsite table of the systems database. A confirmation message is displayed to the admin librarian when the transaction has completed.

Figure 3-31 DFD Fragment (Admin Librarian Activate/Deactivate Website URL).

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Figure 3-31 shows the admin librarian activates or deactivates a website URL. The current details of the website URL are retrieved on the tblwebsite table of the systems database and change its status. The updated details of the website URL is stored back into the tblwebsite table of the systems database. A confirmation message is displayed to the admin librarian when the transaction has completed.

Figure 3-32 DFD Fragment...

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