Week 3 - Media and knowledge production Flashcards Quizlet PDF

Title Week 3 - Media and knowledge production Flashcards Quizlet
Course Human Services Structures
Institution Griffith University
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Week 3 - Media and knowledge production Flashcards | Quizlet

Week 3 - Media and knowledge production Terms in this set (17) written or spoken communication or debate Shapes our thoughts, ideas, beliefs, values, What is discourse?

identities, interactions with others and our behaviour (Cole, 2019) Sets of ideas, values and language that produces a particular way of viewing an issue

Can discourse be both


positive and negative?

Some are - the LGBT+ community particularly same sex marriage legalised in Australia. What is an example of

The shift from terms like 'mental illness' and the

positive discourse?

idea it is a diagnosis only of a sick disease, to 'mental health' and a focus on one's mental wellbeing.

Examples are Refugees often seen as outsiders, foreigners, boat people. What is an example of

First Nations people and how they are portrayed

negative discourse?

in the media. 'Gang's' and 'bikies', 'hoon' youths Schizophrenia and how it is viewed in the media




Week 3 - Media and knowledge production Flashcards | Quizlet

To say that knowledge is socially constructed means:

Dominant discourse can be defined as

Who has the most power in

That information undergoes a process of construction on a daily basis according to cultural beliefs and current events

When a particular issue is spoken about and discussed in the same way by large parts of society, the media and people in power


shaping the construction of knowledge?

social stigma

The political ideologies

the stereotypes, prejudices, and discrimination that combine to result in stigma

part of the media too

(fundamental debates/inherent tensions) of political parties are

What are some media

Examples are - google, 9news, 7news, abc,



Who controls alot of the


media in Australia

•The Macquarie Dictionary chose "fake news" as their word for 2016, defining it as "disinformation What is deemed as fake

and hoaxes published on websites for political


purposes or to drive web traffic" and "the incorrect information being passed along by social media".




Week 3 - Media and knowledge production Flashcards | Quizlet

As we need to understand and anaylse where our media comes from, our knowledge from, and the influences and biases behind it. Critical thinking Why is it important to


critically think when reading

recognising the bias of the source, examining the

media and news?

ideologies of those presenting the information, and what the intent is behind sharing the particular information.

Which of these is a dominant

B. The reason is 'because he is Aboriginal', tells us


this is the dominant discourse

a. If an Aboriginal boy does well at school, finishes year 12, goes on to enrol at university or into full time employment and becomes the person he wants to be, the reason given to that is because he's had supportive parents, a great education, good teachers and he took his opportunities. b. An Aboriginal boy drops out of school in year 9, ends up in a cycle of destructive behaviour where he's into drugs and other stuff that's not so good for him - the reason given for that is because he's Aboriginal.

Why do the media rarely

Because if they did, they would change the

report on positive stories,

dominant narrative. The dominant narrative is what

about groups considered to

reinforces the dominant discourse and sells more,

have dominant discourses?

makes more profit




Week 3 - Media and knowledge production Flashcards | Quizlet

Everything. Particularly good example though is money - we learn through life - i.e. pocket money, What are some examples of

work, education, parents - that it has value. We

where our knowledge has

get money for services, it buys us food, and we

been socially constructed?

have learnt that money is valuable and we do not waste a $20 note to write our to-do list on.

What are three elements that

Stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination

when combined result in social stigma?



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