Week 5 - Check For Plagiarism.net - Student User Guide PDF

Title Week 5 - Check For Plagiarism.net - Student User Guide
Course Business Law
Institution Damelin
Pages 14
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Week 5 - Check For Plagiarism.net - Student User Guide...



Trisha Ramsuraj 26 February 2019

Co Cont nt ntent ent entss 1. About ......................................................................................................................2 2. Website Url Address ...............................................................................................2 3. Process Overview ...................................................................................................2 4. Submission Process ................................................................................................3 5. Downloading Reports .............................................................................................7 6. Report Interpretation .......................................................................................... 11 7. Support ................................................................................................................ 13


1. Abo Abou ut CheckForPlagiarism.net is an originality checking and plagiarism prevention service that checks your writing for citation mistakes or inappropriate copying. The software offers an intuitive and extremely user-friendly interface for submitting documents and downloading reports. The system uses cutting edge sentence structure assessment and synonym identification technology.

2. Webs ebsit it ite e Url A Add dd ddre re resss https://www.checkforplagiarism.net

3. Pro Proce ce cess ss O Ove ve verv rv rview iew

User Login

Submission Process

Downloading Reports

Report is now available for you to intrepret


4. Subm Submissi issi ission on Proces rocesss

Step 1: Login

Step 2:

Step 3:

Submission Process

Downloading Reports

Report is now available for you to intrepret

Watch the video tutorial to walk through the process: Clic Clickk her here e

Here are the steps in detail: Step 1: Log in tto o you yourr ac accoun coun countt by clic clicking king h here ere


Step 2: Cl Click ick Sub Submit mit D Docum ocum ocuments ents here ere to Please note, if you see a Flash Not Lo Loadin adin adingg error when uploading documents, please click h follow steps to resolve the issue.


Step 3: To up upload load you yourr p paper(s aper(s aper(s)) selec selectt the ‘Add Files’ button button.. You can upload documents in PDF, TXT, RTF, MS Word (doc/docx), XSL, PPT or even in ZIP file format. To upload multiple documents hold the or key on your keyboard and select multiple files. Additionally, you may also ZIP files together and upload the single zip file.


Step 4: On Once ce file filess are in the upload que queue, ue, cl click ick the ‘Up ‘Upload’ load’ bu button tton tto o start the pl plagiar agiar agiarism ism che checkin ckin ckingg pr process ocess Once the upload completes successfully, the system will notify you with a pop-up message and files will move to the left hand column of the upload screen with the prefix ‘Processing’. That is it! Your document(s) have uploaded successfully; and are being currently checked by the system. You may upload more documents, or click the log out button to safely log out of your account (your documents will continue to process on the system. Once your plagiarism report(s) generate, the system will notify you via E-Mail notification. This process takes a one (1) hour.


5. Down Download load loading ing Re Report port portss

Step 1: Login

Step 2:

Step 3:

Submission Process

Downloading Reports

Report is now available for you to intrepret

Watch the video tutorial to walk through the process: Clic Clickk her here e

Here are the steps in detail:


Step 1: Log in to you yourr acc accoun oun ountt by cclicking licking here Select the document you wish to download by single clicking and highlighting it. The latest generated reports appear at the top of the list of all available reports. (Downloading the report takes approx. 5 minutes depending on the size of your file and speed of computer)

You may select multiple reports to download by holding the or key on your keyboard and selecting multiple files, the system will then ZIP the files together automatically for easy downloading.


Step 2: Wh When en yyou ou h have ave sselected elected the rep report(s ort(s ort(s)) you wish tto od downlo ownlo ownload ad clic clickk the Dow Download nload butt button on on. The system will ask you to save the report(s) to your local computer. Please select a folder to download the reports in, from the pop-up box.


The system will display the ‘Download Complete’ message once all reports have been saved to your computer at which point you may click the log out button to log out of your account.


6. Repo Report rt In Inte te terp rp rpre re retat tat tatio io ion n Each plagiarism report is split into three sections, the PAPER DETAILS, following this is the MARKED TEXT section and following it is the RELEVANT SOURCES section. The details are as below:

PAPE PAPER R DE DETAILS TAILS section contains your Overall Plagiarism Index, this is a rating of the total plagiarism found in your document (this is calculated by adding individual percentages of all links found in the RELEVANT SOURCES section).

RELE RELEVANT VANT SOU SOURCES RCES section contains links to publications, websites, articles, journals, books, student papers, blogs, Internet links, etc. of WHERE plagiarism occurred from and appears near the end of the plagiarism report.

High Highlighted lighted Tex Textt in the report body shows WHAT plagiarism has occurred.

For example, if you copy/paste something from wikipedia.com then the link wikipedia.com will show up in the SOURCES section while what has been copied from there will be highlighted in the body section of the report.

Plagiarism correction is an iterative process and requires correction then re-checking the document to ensure plagiarism has been removed. If you are constrained for time, we offer professional plagiarism correction, proofreading & editing services to remove plagiarism from documents.

The Assessment section lists professional comments from the system regarding plagiarism percentage detected in the submitted document, as well as grammar analysis of written content, suggesting changes required to the paper.


Exam Example ple of an O Original riginal riginality ity Rep Report ort


7. Sup upport port For any queries or technical support, please contact your campus librarian.

Refe Reference rence rencess Academic Paradigms. 2019. Checkforplagiarism.net. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.checkforplagiarism.net/. [Accessed 26 February 2019].


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