WEEK 6 Group Paper PDF

Title WEEK 6 Group Paper
Author Desilynn Aguirre
Course Organizational Behavior and Management
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 8
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Contemporary Business Leaders CLC Desilynn Aguirre Salvatore Decarlo Carolyn Carter Karis Townsend Grand Canyon University: MGT 420 August 18, 2019


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The big L word, LEADERSHIP! It has so many definitions and opinions on what the characteristics that are needed to be an effective member of leadership. Although, it is very important to know and understand what those characteristics are, lets define what leadership means. Leadership is an influence process generated when acts of leading (e.g., influencing) are combined with acts of following (e.g., deferring) as individuals work together to attain mutual goals (Uhl-Bein, Schermerhorn, & Osborn, 2014 p. 284). The leader being written about today has been very successful in her leadership theory, achievements, her challenges and power base, but most of all is the comparison of leadership styles and attributes she possesses or should avoid. Indra Nooy Indra Nooyi, age (63) has been in a leadership position since 1980, Nooyi began her professional manager’s career with Motorola, then joined with Asea Boveri and serves as board of directors for amazon. In 1994 she joined PepsiCo and has since then skyrocketed into someone people dream of being because of her confidence, strong ambitions and core values that highlight her leadership style. Her attributes, strong communication skills, relationship building, and moral compass is the reason she has been selected as a successful leader. Nooyi has the necessary essentials for a particular purpose, which resonates in her slogan “Performance with Purpose” and has basically carried out approaches in line with those concepts with her promise to provide returns to the environment and sustainability. Leadership Theory Furthermore, through the four I’s which are idealized influence, inspirational leadership which is standing by her workforce and the work they do. She pushed everyone to be better not


Working in Teams only personally but also ethically and productively (Leave the Crown in the Garage,2017). Intellectual stimulation was something she was very serious about not only for herself but for those employed by PepsiCo. She once said, “if we are serious about navigating all of the change in the industry, we need to continually educate ourselves (Leave the Crown in the Garage,2017).

Lastly of the four I’s is individualized consideration (Organizational Behavior, 2014) She created “Performance with Purpose, Indra says, “Come up with a vision that not only reflects the direction of a company, but moves people, inspires people to make it a reality (Leave the Crown in the Garage,2017). Nooyi believed that listening was a key trait of being a CEO, she says, “there is a reason we have to ears and one mouth. Nonetheless she treated everyone as people in the process ” Listening to the needs of her employees and appealing to them Indra helped to begin offering onsite childcare at their headquarters and near -site care at other locations, she believed by doing this it would empower employees to build not just a career, but a life (Leave the Crown in the Garage,2017). .Achievement The infamous Indra Nooyi has played an enormous role in the areas that she had been in with her hard work and dedication to striving for something bigger and better. At the year 1980, Nooyi got her master’s degree of public and private management from Yale University, starting her career at the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) which started the beginning of her professional manager’s career. According to this website (www.thefamouspeople.com, N.D) she has “consistently ranked on ‘Forbes’ magazine, ’Fortune’ magazine for five consecutive years from 2006 to 2010, and been named 2009 CEO of the Year by Global Supply Chain Leaders Group.” Challenge

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One of Nooyi biggest career challenge was her offer to change PepsiCo’s product line, which proved to be risky since consumers love junk food. This did not appeal to investors, analysts and some co-workers. She regrouped the product line into three categories “fun for you” (for instance, potatoes chips and soda) ‘better for you”, (diet sodas and snacks) “good for you” changing resources from junk food to healthier alternatives. Despite Nooyi’s efforts to provide healthier products, most of PepsiCo’s profits still come from junk food. However, the company has removed 400,000 tons of sugar from its drinks. Nooyi is an effective leader. Her leadership style was one that influenced, motivated and caused others to contribute to productiveness and effectiveness of the organization. Nooyi advice is to create a vision for your organization. As a leader implementing a purpose that motivates individuals to give their best, she conveys on ideas that will benefit the company and the employees in the long run. Nooyi’s admits leadership is an ongoing process that develops over time and it is not easy. However, if you can get others to follow you, you are a great leader. Power Base The biggest vision that Indra Nooyi had for PepsiCo was to try to attack the obesity rate by making the products of PepsiCo healthier by improving nutritional status (Kager, n.d). When she stepped down as CEO, things seem to have fallen with her due to having to lay employees off to put in more advertising. The power base that Indra Nooyi used in the aid for the resolution is the reward power which is the ability to distribute outcomes that have a positive influence while at the same time taking out a negative influence (Uhl-Bien, Schermerhorn, Osborn, 2014) under position power as well as expert power which is defined as coming from special skills and abilities that others do not possess (Uhl-Bien, Schermerhorn, Osborn, 2014) defined under personal power. Indra Nooyi is widely considered one of the most influential people in the


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business industry which causes others to listen closely when she was trying to come up with new ways to expand and bringing in more revenue. Comparison of Styles Indra Nooyi will be succeeded by Ramon Laguarta who has been with PepsiCo for over 22 years as the PepsiCo president, overseeing global operations, corporate safety, public policy and government affairs, so he is by no means a new face to people of PepsiCo (Lodge, Michelle, 2018). In September of 2018 Laguarta showed his vision for the company which included, “growth, new products, sustainability and promoting women (Lodge, Michelle, 2018).Laguarta “aims to accelerate the company’s overall growth, while achieving the company’s goal of sales growth of nutritious products to outpace the rest of the portfolio by 2025. ” In a recent presentation Laguarta shared that he hopes that the company can grow at 5% by implementing new leadership behaviors that focus being consumer-centric; act as owners; focus and get things done; voice opinions fearlessly, raise the bar on talent and diversity; celebrate success; and act with integrity (Leadership, PepsiCo, Inc.).” Laguarta is keeping PepsiCo sustainable as Nooyi did by using the Beyond the Bottle strategy, this strategy has a goal of offering consumers a wide variety of great-tasting beverages but also more sustainable packaging (Leadership, PepsiCo, Inc.).” There is not a lot of information yet on the full leadership of Laguarta as CEO as compared to Nooyi, since it has been less than a year since the transition, but he seems to be going in a great start. Attributes a Successful Leader Should Possess or Avoid While there are many attributes that a leader should possess and avoid while being successful they must remember the important ones first which would be honesty, communication and an inspiration to others. Honesty is majorly important because without honesty in an

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organization the people around you will start to not feel comfortable talking to you about their personal lives or feeling uncomfortable working with you because workers would start to lose trust in anything that is going on. Communication is highly imperative in a workplace because without it the operations will become slow moving with production, which will start to cost the company money, and no one wants that. She portrays good communication because she is telling others that are a part of the organization what her plans are and how she will carry them out. A company that begins to lose money will have to cut ties with employees. Inspiration of others is not that easy for a leader to obtain, and a trick to doing so would be to stay calm when the going gets tough and by setting good examples (Hasan, 2018). She inspires others because of where she came from, growing up in India and coming to the states to become the most powerful woman, and by telling others to set goals for themselves while listening to their feedback openly, and to pursue lifelong education (Haigh, 2018). Therefore, as it obviously states Indra Nooyi is a very effective leader, whose leadership approach can be viewed as a role model. Indra Nooyi serves more than just herself and her company. She serves her employees the most because she has solid beliefs in organizational growth, leadership strength and the contribution of her employees. She has the appropriate strategies making her leadership unique especially as a female business leader. Indra Nooyi’s has been very successful in her leadership theory, achievements, her challenges and power base, but most of all is the comparison of leadership styles and attributes she possesses or should avoid.

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7 References

Fickenscher, L. (2011). Indra Nooyi. Crain’s New York Business, 27(26/27), 22. Retrieved on August 16, 2019 from https://search-ebscohost-com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/login.aspx? direct=true&db=ofs&AN=511081238&site=eds-live&scope=site Haigh, M. (2018, October 03). Indra Nooyi shared a work regret on her last day as PepsiCo CEO. Retrieved August 17, 2019, from https://www.cnbc.com/2018/10/03/indra-nooyishares-a-work-regret-on-her-last-day-as-pepsico-ceo.html Hasan, S. (2018, March 19). Top 10 Leadership Qualities That Make Good Leaders. Retrieved August 17, 2019, from https://blog.taskque.com/characteristics-good-leaders/ “Leadership.” PepsiCo, Inc. Official Website. Retrieved on August 16, 2019 www.pepsico.com/About/leadership. “Leave the Crown in the Garage: What I've Learned from a Decade of Being PepsiCo's CEO.” LinkedIn. Retrieved on August 16, 2019 www.linkedin.com/pulse/leave-crown-garagewhat-ive-learned-from-decade-being-indra-nooyi. Lodge, Michelle. “PepsiCo's Leadership Handoff to Laguarta Unlikely to Make Waves.” TheStreet, 6 Aug. 2018. Retrieved on August 16, 2019 www.thestreet.com/investing/pepsico-leadership-handoff-to-laguarta-unlikely-to-makewaves-14674190. Nagle, K. (n.d.). Organizational Behavior. Retrieved August 17, 2019, from https://courses.lumenlearning.com/suny-hccc-orgbehavior/chapter/12-1-taking-on-thepepsi-challenge-the-case-of-indra-nooyi/

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Reingold, J. (2015). Indra Nooyi Was Right. Now What? Fortune, 171(8), 246–253. Retrieved on August 16, 2019from https://search-ebscohost com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/login.aspx? direct=true&db=bth&AN=103123807&site=eds-live&scope=site Uhl-Bein, M., Schermerhorn, Jr. J. R., Osborn, R.N. (2014). Organizational Behavior, Thirteenth Edition. Retrieved from http://gcumedia.com/digitalresources/wiley/2013/organizational-behavior_ebook_13e.php Who is Indra Nooyi? Everything You Need to Know (N.D). Retrieved on August 17, 2019 from https://www.thefamouspeople.com/profiles/indra-nooyi-6440.php...

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