WEEK 8 Tutorial - questions PDF

Title WEEK 8 Tutorial - questions
Course Marketing Research
Institution University of Sydney
Pages 2
File Size 71.3 KB
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MKTG1002: Marketing Research Week 8 Tutorial Tutorial Learning Outcomes: 1. Identify approaches to improving questionnaire design; and 2. Develop a questionnaire.

Discussion: How does mode of delivery impact questionnaire design? Administration method Personal administered Telephone administered Self-administered

Question characteristics Lengthy, varied, complex Short, simple, no visual stimuli Simple with detail instructions provided

Activity: Questionnaire Pre-test You have been asked to complete the following questionnaire and provide feedback on its design providing recommendations where needed. Link: https://econusyd.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9zyeGv3glG5gEDA The primary objectives of this research are: 1. To measure purchase intention for Crunchy Puffs cereal; 2. To determine consumer attitude towards Crunchy Puffs cereal; and 3. To identify whether age influences consumer attitude towards Crunchy Puffs cereal.

Activity: Questionnaire Development Samsung would like to conduct a survey to determine the consumer attitude towards their newest Samsung Galaxy mobile phone. The objectives of the research are: 1. To identify consumers intention to purchase the latest model Samsung Galaxy Phone 2. To evaluate consumers perceptions of Samsung Galaxy phones in relation to physical and technical aspects. 3. To compare consumer preference for Samsung mobile phones to that of competitors

As a group, you have been asked to design a questionnaire that would gather the information Samsung require. Your questionnaire should include a range of measures and scales. -


Age o Do you like using an Android product/ how familiar are u with apple/ android products o Yes--- No How long have u been using ur phone for Occupation?

Group Proposal Presentation Week Has your group nominated your preferred week to present (maximum of three groups per week): Week 11, Week 12 or Week 13?

Next Week: Sampling...

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