Week 9 Example reflection PDF

Title Week 9 Example reflection
Course Legal Problems And Communication
Institution Queensland University of Technology
Pages 2
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EXAMPL EREFL ECTI ON2 Us i n gy o u rk n o wl e d g eo ft h e4 Rsmo d e lo fr e fl e c t i v et h i n k i n g ,c r i t i qu et h ef o l l o wi n g s t ude n te x a mpl eof ar e fle c t i o nt a s k . Y o uwi l l d i s c u s st h i si ng r o u p si nc l a s s . F o rs o meb a c k g r o u n d ,t h i sr e fl e c t i o nc a mef r o ma n o t h e ru n i twh e r es t u d e n t su n d e r t a k e WI L( Wo r kI n t e g r a t e dL e a r n i n g ) .T h es t u d e n ti nt h i ss i t u a t i o nh a ds p e n t6 0h o u r si na c o mmu n i t yl e g a l c e n t r e( n a meo mi t t e d )h e l p i n gt or e s e a r c hap r o j e c t . Reflective practice is beneficial to lawyers working in the public interest, as it enables them to reflect on the importance of their work and to consider what they can do to better improve the lives of others. During my research project at XXX, I found this to be especially true for 'public policy' lawyers, whose work has far-reaching effects on the wider community and are wellpositioned in their roles to effect social change. Our project involved XXX. As a research project, my placement did not involve much in terms of traditional legal work experience, such as client interviewing. However, the process of conducting surveys and collating responses provided a good opportunity to practice inter-personal communication skills which are relatable to client interaction. It had become evident from the background readings conducted in the literature review that a person's cultural background, race, class or socio-economic status will all have direct bearing on a person's decision to seek legal assistance. A deep understanding of these issues is therefore important for good policy-making. As this was my first experience of legal work, the placement was an entirely new experience for me, which caused feelings of uncertainty and anxiety related to how I would perform. However, I found that the legal team at XXX fostered a social atmosphere which I think helped ease my anxiety of working in the placement. I think that it is important to be able to fit into a workplace in order to thrive when things become onerous, that is, to be social enough to hold interesting conversations with colleagues and clients. Although I have always seen myself as a shy, introverted persona lity type, I found it easy to get along well with my group and the lawyers I was working with. The sense of belonging that I felt boosted my confidence and helped manage stress. In thinking about why managing uncertainty such as this would be beneficial in my career, it seems that the whole adversarial trial process is premised on uncertainty as to what the judge’s decision will be, how reliable witnesses will be and how opposing counsel will argue their case.1 It appears that there is a generally accepted 'pervasiveness' in the legal profession and in legal reasoning despite the fact that achieving predictability and certainty is a key objective of a precedent-based legal system.2 It is in light of these observations that I have come to appreciate being exposed to uncertainty whilst still a student, as I have been provided with prior experience that will better equip me to deal with challenges that are likely to increase as my responsibilities as a legal practitioner become greater. The outcome of a case may rest upon variable that are beyond the lawyer's control, but the lawyer's role is to help their clients to identify and manage risk. This became clear in my shadowing experience, 1 George Raitt, 'Preparing law students for legal practice : or, how I learned to stop worrying and embrace uncertainty ' Alternative Law Joumal (2012) 37(4) 264, 265 2 Ibid.


where I was tasked with examining contracts for potential risks. It was a reminder that lawyers are professionals who trade their knowledge and skills as marketable commodities. The fact that I picked this up in a 'community' legal setting makes it all the more indicative that the relationship between lawyer and client is inherently a commercial transaction, but I think it is important for lawyers to remember that they are part of a 'helping' profession that solves the problems of clients.


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