Week1Assignment - graded PDF

Title Week1Assignment - graded
Course Intro to Biomedical Statistics
Institution National University (US)
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Week 1 Assignment BST 322 Dominique Dennis 1-8-2021 BST 322 1. (1 pt) For each of the following (a through d), indicate which is a variable and which is a constant: a. The number of minutes in an hour. Constant b. Systolic blood pressure. Variable c. Freezing temperature of water in degrees Kelvin. Constant d. Ratings of daily anxiety. Constant 2. (1 pt) For each of the following research questions, identify the independent variable and the dependent variable within each case (a through d): a. Does a person’s age affect psychological adjustment following burn injury? Independent- age Dependent-psychological adjustment b. How do physically handicapped children differ from nonhandicapped children with respect to health concepts? Independent- handicapped vs nonhandicapped children Dependent- health concepts c. Do patients with a family support system in place have lower pain ratings than patients with no family support system in place? Independent- with or without family support system Dependent-pain ratings d. Is the intracranial pressure of comatose patients affected by acupuncture treatments? Independent- with or without acupuncture treatments Dependent-icp comatose patients

3. (1 pt) For each of the variables listed below, indicate which is discrete and which is continuous: a. Number of patients in an ICU ward. -discrete b. Length of a chin implant. -continuous c. Number of hospital beds in a step down facility. - discrete d. Tidal volume, measured in mLs, of a patient recovering from surgery. -continuous 4. (2 pts) For each of the variables listed below, indicate whether the measure is nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio: a. Degrees, on the Celsius scale -interval b. Student’s class rank -ordinal c. Ratings of a hospital based on care surveys ranked as “Poor, Fine, Good, Exceptional” -ordinal d. Survival 5 years out after surgery (yes/no) -nominal e. Average cholesterol level of a group of control patients in a study -ratio f. Settings of tick exposure for Lyme disease designated as “Woodland, Park, City, Suburb” -nominal g. HDL Cholesterol levels -ratio h. Faculty rank (Clinical Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Full Professor) -ordinal 5. (2 pts) The following data represent the number of times that a sample of residents in nursing homes who were aged 80 or older fell during a 12-month period. 3







1 1



Week 1 Assignment BST 322 4 0 1

1 1 3

0 1 1

3 1 1

2 1 0

6 1 4

1 3 6

0 2 9

0 1 0

1 0 1

Construct a frequency distribution table for this set of data in StatCrunch, showing the absolute frequencies, relative frequencies, and cumulative relative frequencies. Would it be advantageous to group the data before constructing a frequency distribution? Why or why not? Construct a Summary Statistics table in StatCrunch to list the n, mean, mode, Skewness and Kurtosis of the data. Paste your work from StatCrunch into your assignment. Frequency table results for Results for Falls: Count = 40

Reults for FallsFrequencyRelative FrequencyCumulative Relative Frequency 0 8 0.2 0.2 1 17 0.425 0.625 2 4 0.1 0.725 3 5 0.125 0.85 4 3 0.075 0.925 6 2 0.05 0.975 9 1 0.025 1 No, I do not think it would be a good idea. For the frequency table shows the grouping of the data from lowest to highest. Also, statcrunch does the work and grouping the data before and creating the frequency distribution would be time wasting. Summary statistics:

Column n MeanMode Kurtosis Skewness Reults for Falls40 1.825 14.09981081.8515846

6. (1 pt) Using information from the frequency distribution in Exercise 5, answer the following: a. What percentage of the nursing home residents had at least 1 fall? 62.5% b. What number of falls was the most frequent in this sample? 1 Fall c. What number of falls was least frequent in this sample? 9 Falls d. What percentage of residents had 2 or fewer falls? 72.5% 7. (1 pts) Draw a graphic of the frequency distribution of the data in Exercise 5 using StatCrunch. Copy and Paste your graphic from StatCrunch into your Word document submission. Describe the shape of the frequency distribution in terms of modality and skewness. Is the number of falls normally distributed? 2

Week 1 Assignment BST 322

8. (2 pts) Draw a graphic (bar graph and a pie chart) of the “marital” status of the data set from Week 1’s Discussion question 2 using StatCrunch (the excel file is named “Week 1 Discussion Question 2 Data”). You can also find the file in the “Course Resources” area. Construct a frequency distribution table (showing the absolute frequencies, relative frequencies, and cumulative relative frequencies for marital status). What percentage of the participants are married? Is it meaningful to calculate the cumulative frequency with this data set? Why or why not? Copy and Paste your graphics (including the frequency table) from StatCrunch into your Word document submission.


Week 1 Assignment BST 322

Frequency table results for marital: Count = 845

marital FrequencyRelative FrequencyCumulative Relative Frequency Divorced 152 0.17988166 0.17988166 Married 60 0.071005917 0.25088757 Never married 633 0.74911243 1 There are 7.1% married participants. No, cumulative frequency does not matter since if the participants are not married, they are divorced or not married. Which makes the cumulative frequency irrelevant.

9. (1 pt) The following set of numbers represent the scores of 30 psychiatric inpatients on a widely used measure of depression. What are the mean, median, and mode for these data?

41 31 27

27 40 39

32 23 26

24 27 34

21 39 48

28 33 38

22 42 29

25 30 36

35 46 24

27 30 37

If the values of the mean, median, and mode are not the same, discuss what this suggests about the shape of the distribution. Construct a Graphic of the distribution of this data using StatCrunch to prove your point. Copy and Paste your graphic from StatCrunch into your Word document submission. 4

Week 1 Assignment BST 322

Summary statistics:




Means of Depression 32.033333



The shape of this skewed is distributed positively. 10. (1 pt) The following 10 data values are systolic blood pressure readings. Compute the mean, range, standard deviation, Q1, Q3, IQR and variance for these data using StatCrunch. Are there any outliers in this data set? Plot a boxplot to prove your answer. Copy and Paste your work from StatCrunch into your Word document submission.

130 120

125 130

160 130

120 140

170 90

Summary statistics:

Column SBP Readings

Mean 131.5

Std. dev. 22.117113

Range Q1 Q3 IQR 80 120 140



Variance 489.16667

Week 1 Assignment BST 322

The outliers at 90,160, and 170. It’s marker with the pink dots outside the blue box.

11. (1 pt) For each blood pressure in Exercise 10 above, compute a Z score Systolic BP z score 130 -0.011538461538461539 125 -0.052 160 0.178125 120 -0.09583333333333334 170 0.22647058823529412 120 -0.09583333333333334 130 -0.011538461538461539 130 -0.011538461538461539 140 0.060714285714285714 90 -0.46111111111111114 12. (2 pts) The following data designate whether patients in two groups (experimental and control) complied with a medication regimen. The experimental group participated in an intervention designed to promote perceived mastery over health events: Control group Patient # 1 2 Complie ye n d s o Experimental group Patient # 17 1 8

3 n o 19

4 n o 20

5 ye s 21

6 ye s 2 2

7 n o

8 n o


9 no

24 6

10 no



11 no


12 ye s 28

13 no

14 no



15 no

16 ye s

Week 1 Assignment BST 322 Complie d

ye s

n o

ye s

ye s

ye s

n o




ye s

ye s

ye s


ye s

Using StatCrunch, construct a contingency table for these data, computing both row and column percentages, with totals and all labels for each of the four cells and totals. Copy and Paste your StatCrunch table into your Word document submission. Contingency table results: Rows: control group Columns: experimental group

Cell format Count (Row percent) (Column percent) no control


11 (68.75%) (64.71%) experimental 6 (42.06%) (64.71%) Total 17 (56.67%) (100%)

Total 5 16 (31.25%) (100%) (38.46%) (53.33%) 12 13 (31.25%) (100%) (37.46%) (53.33%) 13 30 (43.33%) (100%) (100%) (100%)

13. (1 pts) Below are the values for diastolic and systolic blood pressure for 10 people: Diastolic: Systolic:

90 80 90 78 76 88 80 70 76 74 130 126 140 118 114 112 120 110 114 136

Using StatCrunch, construct a scatterplot that shows the relationship between the two variables. Copy and Paste your work from StatCrunch into your Word document submission. Verbally describe the direction and magnitude of the relationship.


Week 1 Assignment BST 322

Upward magnitude: moderate. Moderate positive direction. 14. (1 pt) Compute the correlation coefficient (Pearson’s r) in StatCrunch to summarize the relationship for the data presented in Exercise 13. How accurate was your description? Correlation between diastolic and systolic is 0.43811963. I would say it is accurate because it supports my moderate positive direction. 15. (2 pts) Below are Global carbon dioxide concentrations and the measured change in Global temperature (Temperature Anomaly) for a period in our recent past: YEAR 1981 1985 1989 1992 1995 1999 2002 2005 2009 2012 2017

CO2 Concentration (ppm) 339.93 343.13 350.17 355.25 360.15 364.05 372.01 380.14 384.12 399.21 419.12

Temperature Anomaly (ºC) .043 .098 .211 .368 .410 .566 .625 .714 .885 1.07 1.20

Using StatCrunch, construct a scatterplot that shows the relationship between the two variables (carbon dioxide concentrations and the measured change in Global temperature). Calculate the r value using StatCrunch. Copy and Paste your work from StatCrunch into your Word document submission. Verbally describe the direction and magnitude of the relationship you find. What does this tell you about Global warming? 8...

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