WFC-Semra-Gok PDF

Title WFC-Semra-Gok
Course Work Family and Community 336
Institution Curtin University
Pages 6
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Introduction Within a community lies a network of individuals with a common agenda and interest who collaborate by sharing initiatives and information. Many issues can arise in communities that may have significant effect on individuals, and can be localised to specific regions or types of communities. Community psychology focuses on relationships of individuals with communities and societies (Kloos, Hill, Thomas, Wandersman, Elias, & Dalton 2012). Ecological levels of analysis in community psychology are based on Bronfenbrenner’s approach, which describes communities as webs of social relationships. Bronfenbrenner (1979) described the webs of relationships of individuals using the metaphor of a Russian nesting doll, where the doll was egg-shaped and contained smaller dolls when opened. Bronfenbrenner (1979) conveyed that the metaphor explained how the smallest doll exists within layers of larger dolls, similar to how individuals exist within layers of contexts. Ecological levels also describe the different levels of values, goals, and strategies for intervention between individuals and systems. It assists in clarifying how a single event or issue has multiple causes and connections (Kloos et al., 2012). These multiple layers can overlap and have many of the psychosocial qualities that other layers have. There are five ecological levels which help clarify and explain why community issues arise, including individuals, microsystems, organisations, localities, and macrosystems. The individual level involves individuals at multiple ecological levels, where individuals are influenced and make choices based on their networks such as family and friends, workplace, and neighbourhood (Kloos et al., 2012). Microsystems refer to interaction that directly impact individuals, including families, classrooms, and friendship networks. Organisations have a formal structure that are significant for individuals, and affect who individuals associate with, the resources available to them, and how they define and identify themselves. Localities involve communities in geographic locations where individuals participate in their shared

locality, including rural counties, small towns, and cities. Macrosystems are said to be the larger level of ecological analysis including societies, cultures, political parties, social movements, and multiple levels of government. This level incorporates specific decisions through government policies and promoting ideologies and social norms (Kloos et al., 2012). This report will examine the five ecological levels in the issues identified in the article by Buzacott-Speer (2016), “Backlash to university’s gender pay gap bake sale highlights trend of online behaviour towards women”. This article discusses the concerns for the safety of women after a bake sale at Brisbane University.

- Tension amongst students emerging in the wider school community around discrimination - Concerns about the threatening responses towards the organisers from men, specifically to members of the Women’s Collective, and students on campus - Concerns around online behaviour towards women

Ecological Analysis

Individuals Social, cultural, political? At the individual ecological level, one might identify that the relevant issues extracted from the article “Backlash to university’s gender pay gap bake sale highlights trend of online behaviour towards women” are that the university students involved in the bake sale have received negative backlash from the community on the Brisbane campus; “it’s been a lot more personal attacks against the organisers and against members of the Women’s collective and students of campus”. This emphasises how the bake sale negatively affected the organisers’ safety and mental well-being; "we've had rape threats and death threats by people who were threatened by the existence of a bake sale that could potentially engage with an issue of inequality." It can be assumed that the issue on hand would mostly affect the

feminist community, however, an individual belonging to the feminist community may also occupy several different roles such as being a student or a staff member on campus. It can also be suggested that there was a sense of rejection towards the feminist community, as outlined in the article.

Microsystems Environments person frequently engages in direct/personal interaction with others (families, classrooms, friendship networks). Form interpersonal relationships and share activities. It is understood that at the microsystems level, bi-directional influences have the greatest impact on individuals (Kloos et al., 2012). The article suggests that there is tension between those involved with the bake sale, therefore it can be assumed that there would be damage to individuals’ social context, including their social networks – families and friends, and the setting in which they form these social networks. At the microsystems ecological level, it is suggested that the families and friends of those who have been labelled as being discriminative (organisers, students, university staff) would be affected. Damage caused to the students of Brisbane University may result in clashes, misunderstandings and conflict between social groups. This may result in a decrease of the amount of social support for each other. Individuals also use microsystems through social media, which acts as a chapter of a support group for students.

Organisations (affect who people associate with, what resources are available to them, how they define and identify themselves) - The university board - Members of the UQ Union (UQU) - Members of the UQU Women’s Collective and UQ Women’s Department - UQ Stalkerspace Facebook page

Organisations are a slightly larger aspect of community involving schools, religious congregations, and workplaces. At the organisations ecological level, it is suggested that many organisations operating would be affected from this issue. One organisation may be the University of Queensland Union (UQU). The UQU is an organisation which operates at ___ level and provides service, support and representation to students’ interests (REFERENCE WEBSITE). The UQU has an active role to play in connecting students together who have similar interests, similar to those involved in the bake sale. The tensions surrounding the discriminatory event may force the university board to take action and close down the UQ Stalkerspace Facebook page due to the online backlash "A now-deleted post by a UQ student described the bake sale as 'blatantly discriminatory against men'".

Localities - The wider neighbourhood (those connected to the Brisbane University – shared connections and history) It is suggested that the wider community might be impacted at the localities ecological level. There would be concerns for the safety of women at the Brisbane campus due to verbalviolent backlash. This would also affect those who use the university grounds for public events, or those who are invited to participate in events held at the university location, just as the members of the Women’s Collective for Feminist week were invited.

Macrosystems The Workplace Gender Equality Agency, the Queensland government, and the population of females in Australia all fall under the macrosystems level. Queensland’s 1991 Anti-Discrimination Act, as well as he 1984 Sex Discrimination Act both have strict laws on discriminating against gender “A person must not, by a public act,

knowingly or recklessly incite hatred towards, serious contempt for, or severe ridicule of, a person or group of persons on the ground of the race, religion, sexuality or gender identity of the person or members of the group..” (Anti Discrimination Act 1991).

- (Queensland’s 1991 Anti-Discrimination Act, 1984 Sex Discrimination Act) “A now-deleted post by a UQ student described the bake sale as "blatantly discriminatory against men" and cited Queensland's 1991 Anti-Discrimination Act and the federal 1984 Sex Discrimination Act.” - “The pay gap in Australia currently sits at 17.3 per cent, according to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency”



References Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979). The ecology of human development: Experiments by nature and design. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Buzacott-Speer, E. (2016). Backlash to university’s gender pay gay sale highlights ‘trend of online behaviour towards women. Kloos, B., Hill, J., Thomas, E., Wandersman, A., Elias M.J., & Dalton, J.H. (2012). Community psychology: Linking individuals and communities (3rd ed.). Stamford, CA: Wadsworth Thomas Learning. id=8X0KAAAAQBAJ&pg=PA562&lpg=PA562&dq=WHAT+ARE+ecological+MACROSY STEMS+KLOOS&source=bl&ots=nwB2f370rX&sig=yr_AyLYbi42Jmjt7gNmI4WBOYIw& hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiTu_ifudfOAhWEl5QKHeFtCcQ6AEIOTAE#v=onepage&q=WHAT%20ARE%20ecological%20MACROSYSTEMS %20KLOOS&f=false...

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