What is Regression Regression BWSI152 Courseware Beaver Works Summer Institute ed X PDF

Title What is Regression Regression BWSI152 Courseware Beaver Works Summer Institute ed X
Author John Hussey
Course Financial Analysis For The Umd Student Managed Fund (Smf)
Institution University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Pages 7
File Size 436.9 KB
File Type PDF
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BWSI: BWSI152 Medlytics 2020 Module 2: Probability and Statistics > Regression > What is Regression?  Bookmarks

What is Regression?


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Before You Start

Recall from the introduction of this module our motivating problem: "How doesX correlate with Y?"  or  "If I know X, whatdo I expect

Module 1: Introduction to Working with Medical Data

Y will be?" For example: How does a child'sage(X)correlate with hisbody-mass-index(Y)? How does alcohol consumption(X) correlate with liver disease (Y)?

 Module 2:

Probability and Statistics Module 2 Introduction

How do pixels inmammogramimage (X) map to healthy or cancerous cells (Y)? Here,


are random variables which represent quantities of

interest such as exposures/treatments and outcomes/measurements in

Random Variables Knowledge Checks 

Regression Knowledge Checks 

a trial. What we are typically trying to do is leverage data (many realizations or observations of describes how

is related to


) to learn a function


, such that:

Accounting for Confounders Knowledge Checks 

▶ Homework: Probability & Stats Homework

Module 2 Feedback Surveys and Feedback

Let's assumethere exists an unknown function want to learn

Module 3: From Statistics to Inference

, and we

from data.There are two general types of problems:

Regression: maps to continuous-valued (for example, maycorrespond to a patient's respiratory rate)

Module 4: Introduction to Machine Learning

Classification: maps to discrete-valued (for example, may correspond to whether a cell is a normal tissue cell or a cancerous cell) Regression is a statistical modeling technique and is alsothe basis for training many (supervised) machine learning algorithms.In this module

Module 5: Artificial Neural Networks

we will cover the basics of regression and show how we can use it to learn model parameters.

 

Inregression, we assume the function

takes the form:


are the unknown parameters of function . For example,

may include the mean and covariance of a Gaussian distribution, or the coefficients of a polynomial. Given

observed data points (where the -th data point is given by ), the goal of regression is to find the parameter values

thatbest fits the data by minimizing the residuals. The residual of data point is simply the difference between the actual value of the dependent variable

and the predicted value based on the model:

. The residual is therefore:

The least-squares regression method finds the "best" parameter values by minimizing the loss

, which is defined as the sum of squared

residuals :

is typically referred to as a "loss function" (other names include objective function, utility function, fitness function, ...). There are many differentloss functions and a variety ofregularizationoptions, but we will just use the above quadratic loss for now. Depending on the form of the function

(linear, nonlinear, categorical,

etc.), there are different regression algorithms available. In the following sections, we will introduce you to a few of the most common regression techniques.

Regression is often thought of as finding the "best fit curve" that describes the relationship between

and . Consider the toy example

belowwhere we want to learn the relationship between

and .

Here, there are 30 data points

that were generated using a

polynomial function with some additive noise:

As a reminder, apolynomial takes the form:

The purpose of regression is to learn the coefficients

that best fit the

data. Theplots below show the optimal curves (learned using least squares regression) for differentvalues of

. In this unitwe will

introduce several techniques for solving this type of problem.

For the remainder of this module, we assume the student alreadyhas familiarity with the basics of linear algebra and calculus. If you are not yet comfortable in these areas,here are some links you may want to review first: Khan Academy: linear algebra vector math matrix vector products Khan Academy: calculus differentiating polynomials sine and cosine derivatives differentiating products chain rule gradients

Types of Problems 2/2 points (graded)

Fill in the blanks: A _____ problem finds a function variable.

that maps to a continuous random


A _____ problem finds a function variable. classification

that maps to a discrete random


Regression Models 1/1 point (graded)

For the regression model above, the represents _____, the represents _____, and the represents _____. : input random variable; andom variable : output random variable; nknown parameters : unknown parameters; andom variable 


: unknown parameters;

: input random variable;

: input random variable;

You have used 1 of 2 attempts

: output


: output...

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