White Fang -Summary PDF

Title White Fang -Summary
Author Luciana Sánchez
Course Inglés
Institution Universidad Nacional de Jujuy
Pages 5
File Size 76.4 KB
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This classic tale is about a violent, morose, and suspicious wolf-dog who is 'tamed' by the love and kindness of his gentle master....



Chapter 1- The She-Wolf There are parts of North America where it is so cold that it is difficult to live on those conditions. Two men, Bill and Henry were on their way to Fort McGury to bury Lord Alfred. They were carrying the body in a sled pulled by 6 dogs. During the night, the men heard some howls which belonged to hungry wolves looking for food. So, they decided to stop and light a fire in order to keep those wolves away. They also fed the dogs, Henry looked confused because he had counted 7 dogs, but actually there were only 6 dogs. The next morning, the men noticed that a dog, Fatty, was missing. It was possible that the wolves had eaten him. They continued with 5 dogs, but the following day they would lose another dog, Frog. At first, the men didn’t understand why the dogs leave the camp. Then, they saw a white she-wolf, which looked like a shedog. That was the reason the dogs abandoned the camp. After that, Bill decided to shoot the she-wolf, but they only had one gun 3 bullets. They also tied the dogs but they still escaped during the night. When there were only 3 dogs, the wolves started to follow the men but they managed to escape. The following day, another dog, One Ear, escaped and followed the she-wolf. Bill started to follow the dog and then Henry heard the dog cry out of pain, and then 3 gunshots. The wolves had killed Bill and One Ear, and now, Henry was alone.

Chapter 2- Henry is alone Henry continued alone, he helped the last 2 dogs to pull the sled. Henry had a lot of firewood and during the nights he lighted a fire and slept with the 2 dogs beside him. But the wolves continued haunting him. They were around him and the only thing Henry could do was to throw some burning pieces of wood. Unfortunately for him, the wolves became more dangerous and Henry decided to leave Lord Alfred’s coffin in a tree and come back for it later. The journey was faster now, and Henry could cut more wood and light a fire. However, the wolves were still there during the night, Henry tried to scare them with the burning pieces of wood, but the wolves always came back. Eventually, Henry started feeling tired and got sleep. The next day, when Henry woke up, he saw the she-wolf biting his arm, other wolves were around him and his dog had disappeared too. Henry jumped and started throwing pieces of burning wood at them and the wolves ran away. The next morning, the wolves were there once again. Totally desperate, Henry built a circle of fire around him and waited. The she-wolf and the wolves sat outside and waited. In the end, Henry was too tired, he had given up and felt sleep waiting for the end. But… He woke up in the morning, he was alive and there were no wolves. Only 3 men were there, asking him about Lord Alfred.

Chapter 3 - Kiche The she-wolf had escaped when she heard the 3 men’s voices. The other wolves had stayed until the men got closer and then these wolves also left the fire’s circle. The she-wolf was the most intelligent in the pack, she was the leader. It was colder in the forest and there was no food, so the pack of wolves began to separate. The she-wolf and One Eye, an older wolf, stayed together. They caught some mice and rabbits to eat. After a few weeks, the weather began to change and the ice was melting. After that, the she-wolf started looking for something, it was a cave. One Eye didn’t know what happened and then he saw that the she-wolf had 5 cubs and that he was a father. All the cubs looked like her mother, except one, which was gray, just like One Eye. Unfortunately, all the cubs died except for the gray one. One eye also died, he was attacked by a lynx while he was haunting. “ANIMALS KILL OR DIE. THAT IS LIFE ON THE WILD” After a few weeks, the cub began to leave the cave. One day, the cub met some Indians sitting around the fire. The cub got scared and bit the hand of one of the Indian. The Indian hit the cub and it started crying. The she-wolf appeared immediately to defend her cub. The Indians moved back and one of them called out: “KICHE”. Kiche was the she-wolf’s name, she had run away before and had been living with the wolves. She lowered her head and one of the Indian petted her gently.

Chapter 4 White fangs and the Indians Gray Beaver was Kiche’s master (dueño), Kiche was half dog half wolf. He decided to keep Kiche and her cub. Great beaver also decided to call the cub White Fang because the cub had bitten him with those big white fangs. He also knew that White Fangs was more a wolf than a dog. During those days, the Indians’ dogs attacked Kiche and White Fang because wolves and dogs are not friends. So, the Indians separated Kiche from the rest of the dogs but they left White fangs to walk around alone. The dogs stayed away from White Fangs, except for one, Lip Lip. He liked to fight White Fang, but White Fang was too weak. However; White Fangs beat Lip Lip one day. White Fang was more intelligent and he made Lip Lip follow him and when they were close to Kiche she caught Lip Lip with her teeth. White Fang grew up with the Indians but he wanted to be in the forest with the other wolves. Kiche knew that they would be safer with the Indians. One day, one of Gray Beaver’s friend had to leave the camp. He needed a dog and Great Beaver offered his dog, Kiche, to make him company. While Great Beaver’s friend was leaving in a canoe White Fang tried to follow her mother but they were finally separated.

Chapter 5 The Call of the Wild Slowly White Fang learned to live without his mother. Gray Beaver’s family treated him good and he started enjoying life with them. He felt that they were his family but he sometimes thought about freedom. One day, he and Gray Beaver’s son, Mit-Sah, were in the forest when some boys came and started claiming that that was their part of the forest. Then a fight started and when one of the boys was going to hit MitSah with a golf White fangs attacked the boy and his partners. They started running away shouting “WOLF, WOLF” White Fang had saved the boy and Gray Beaver gave him a big plate of meat. Summer ended and the Indian tribe had to move on in order to hunt and collect food for winter. They were so busy and forgot about White Fangs. He escaped and hide in the forest, Gray Beaver and Mit-Sah were looking for him but then their voices disappeared. White Fang was now free like the other wolves.

Chapter 6 The White Man White Fang enjoyed running and hunting in the forest. However; winter had arrived and food was difficult to find. White Fang returned to the Indian camp but it was deserted. He missed his family and thought it had been a mistake to leave them. So, he decided to find them. Gray Beaver and his wife had stayed near the camp in order to find White Fang. So, one day, Gray Beaver and his son found White Fang while they were hunting a moose. They were happy again, Mit-Sah taught White Fang to pull a sled and White Fang didn’t care about the other dogs or humans. The years passed and during the winter, Indians made hats, gloves and shoes from animal skins and furs. They sold those products to the white men in a town, Fort Yukon. So, White Fang travelled alone with Gray Beaver to Fort Yukon. White Fang considered white men as powerful men with guns. On the other hand, the white men’s dogs were weaker and White Fang beat them easily. Many white men were interested in White Fang but Gray Beaver told them he was not for sale. However, there was an ugly man, ironically called BEAUTY SMITH, who wanted to take White Fang away from the Indians.

Chapter 7- Beauty Smith Beauty Smith was a horrible man and White Fang didn’t like him. One day, Smith went to Gray Beaver’s teepe (chosa) with a bottle of whisky and offered Gray Beaver some. At first, Gray Beaver didn’t like whisky but eventually he started liking it. They drunk whisky every night. The days passed and Smith offered Gray Beaver a box of whiskey, Gray Beaver accepted but the price was high, 300 hundred dollars. It was a high price because Beauty Smith was charging Gray Beaver all the bottles they had drunken before. It was all a trick!! Beauty Smith demanded the money or he would call the police. Gray Beaver was worried and then Smith offered to take the wolf-dog in exchange for the debt. Gray Beaver accepted and gave White Fang to that evil man. Beauty Smith hit With Fang with a golf, he also put the wolf on a cage. Some men came to see White Fangs. They all laughed at him. White Fangs hated it and decided to kill any man laughing at him when he was free.

Chapter 8 - Weedon Scot Beauty Smith had an evil plan to make money out of White Fang. He put him on dogs’ fights. Men came with their dogs and made bets. White Fang destroyed all the dogs in a few minutes. They even put 2 or 3 dogs against White Fangs but he defeated them. Beauty Smith was making a lot of money. However, one day, an old man brought a bulldog. At the beginning, White Fang bit the bulldog but the dog’s skin was thick and White Fang could not hurt him badly. Suddenly, something happened, White Fang accidentally fell to the ground because the size of this bulldog didn’t allow him to put his paws on the dog’s body and when he jumped he fell on his back. Then, the bulldog bit White Fang’s neck. Everybody got excited and wanted the dog to kill White Fang. Fortunately, 2 good men appeared to save White Fang. Their names were Matt and Weedon, Weedon Scoot. Weedon took a big gun and put the gun nose inside the bulldog’s mouth. With his hands and using all his strength, he opened the dog’s mouth. In the end, Beauty Smith, wanted White Fang back, but Weedon Scott gave him some money for the wounded wolf and a punch in the face because of Beauty Smith’s cruelty.

Chapter 9 - California Weedon Scott and Matt took care of White Fang. Matt was afraid of the wolf but Weedon thought that there was some dog in White Fang. White Fang felt like a wolf when he was in danger, and he felt like a dog when he found human’s love. Eventually, White Fang started loving his new master, Weedon Scott. However, Weedon had to return to California and he couldn’t take White Fang with him. So, he decided to leave him with Matt, who immediately locked White Fang in cabin. When Weedon was about to leave, an angry White Fang managed to escape from the cabin and went straight to Weedon’s boat. Weedon then decided to take White Fang with him because he thought that that wolf-dog was special. Finally, the boat arrived to San Francisco, Weedon was worried about White Fang’s behaviour. White didn’t like San Francisco, the cars and people made him nervous. But White Fang did everything his master said and didn’t attack people or even his wife when they got close to Weedon. Her wife was confused and scared of the wolf and asked Weedon why he had taken a wolf to the city. Weedon felt doubtful about all the situation.

Chapter 10 - Man’s world Weedon lived in a farm with his wife, his children, his father and sisters. Everyone was afraid of White Fang, except for Collie, a she-dog who took care of the chickens. Collie followed White Fang everywhere and made his life very difficult. Weedon tried to train White Fang. White Fang knew that every situation that pleased his master was a good thing, and every action that annoyed his master, was a wrong action. However, White Fang made some mistakes. One day, he killed 50 chickens and Judge Scott, Weedon’s father, was really angry with him. Collie, the she-dog, was angry too. Judge Weedon wanted to shoot White Fang if another chicken was killed. But Weedon insisted on proving that White Fang was a good wolf-dog. And he succeeded. Once Weedon showed that a dead chicken annoyed him, White Fang learnt the lesson and didn’t kill more chickens anymore. So, Judge had to admit that White Fang was the best wolf-dog. As for Weedon’s wife, Alice, she didn’t trust in White Fangs, but that situation changed one day. Weedon had gone horse riding to the forest and suddenly a rabbit jumped out, the horse got scared and threw Weedon violently to the floor breaking his leg. Fortunately for Weedon, White Fang was there, so he ordered White Fang to go back to the house and ask for help. White Fang ran as fast as he could and then arrived home. Alice was there and at the beginning she didn’t understand what was happening. But White Fang started making strange sounds and even he barked for the very first time. Then, Alice realized that something wrong was happening to Weedon. So, she took a horse and followed White Fang to the forest where Weedon was and she saved him. From that moment, everyone liked White Fang, even Collie liked him now. They used to go running to the forest and to the woods just like Kiche and One Eye used to. One night, a prisoner who had escaped sneaked into the house, White Fang detected the man and attacked him in the stairs. Both fell down the stairs and a horrible fight started, White Fang killed the man but took 3 gunshots. Everyone woke up and went to see what happened. There, they found White Fang laying on the floor, he was wounded. They called the doctor who said it was nearly impossible for White Fang to survive, he had many broken bones and had taken 3 bullets. White Fang was strong and survived, many weeks before he started walking and then he went to the stable. All the family followed him. There, Collie was laying with some puppies. Those were White Fang’s puppies. At the beginning, Collie growled at him but when White Fang got closer and one of the pups licked him, Collie changed her attitude. Suddenly, White Fang remembered her mother, Kiche, he felt “the call of the wild” once again, but this time he decided to stay with Collie, his pups and the humans for ever.


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