Who is the better hero Jose Rizal or Andres Bonifacio PDF

Title Who is the better hero Jose Rizal or Andres Bonifacio
Course Psychology
Institution International School Of Asia and the Pacific
Pages 1
File Size 24 KB
File Type PDF
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International School of Asia and Pacific...


Whoi st hebet t erher oJoseRi zalorAndr esBoni f aci o? Anat i onalher oi saper sonswhomak essi gni ficantcont r i but i ont ot hedev el opmentof s oc i et y and i s admi r ed f orany ofa numberofqual i t i es ,i nc l udi ng cour age and out s t andi ngac hi ev ement s.Thenat i onalher oi ss eenasar epr esent at i v eofsoci et yasa whol e. Andr esBoni f ac i oi sabr av emanhewantabl oodshedfi ghtf ort heSpani ar ds .Andr es wast hef at herofKKK hei st heonewhofini shedt het yr annyoft heSpani ar dt oour Fi l i pi nopeopl e.Andr esfi ghtf orourf at her l andev ent houghhefightt hr oughbl oodshed buti nor dert ohav eourf r eedom henev err egr etwhathedi df orhi scount r y men.I ti s ni ce t o be i fBoni f ac i o wi l lbe t he her o because he fi ghtourdemoc r ac yt hr ough bl oodshed and i t i s a har d way t o fight and get t he democr acy . I nt heot herhandJ os eRi z alfightt heSpani ar dsusi nghi sbr i l l i antmi ndandt al entof wr i t i ng becauseoft hat ,heex pr es seshi sf eel i ngsandsuffer i ngst ot hehandoft he Spani ar ds .Bec auseofhi st al entandl ov ef orourf at her l andRi z als t andbr av et ofightf or ourf r eedom ev ent houghhes acr i fi cehi sl i f ei nor dert os av ehi sc ount r ymenf ort he s uffer i ng.Bot hRi z alandBoni f aci ohav et hesameai m,t heybot hwantourf r eedom f or bei ng s l av ei n ourown l and.Butt heydon' thav et he same wayoffi ght i ng f orour f r eedom. Though t hey di ffer ed i nt hei r appr oach i n achi evi ng nat i onalpr i de,r ef or m and i ndependence,JoseRi z alandAndr esBoni f aci oar ebot hhi ghl yr egar dedasPhi l i ppi ne her eos .Ri z alwasi nf av orofapac i fi stappr oacht or ef or m,wher easBoni f ac i ooppos ed t heSpani shcol oni alr ul et hr oughmi l i t ar yengagement .Forme,t hebet t erher oi sJose Ri z albecaus ehedi di tsmoot hl yt hr oughhi swor kssuchhi snov el ,poems ,es say sand ar t i c l es .I ti snotneces sar yt hatweshoul dfi ghti nabl oodshedway .I tmuc hi nspi r et ous t oex pr essourf eel i ngt hr oughmaki ngl i t er ar ypi eces,ar t i cl e,poemsors omet hi ngt hat can i ns pi r e peopl e and al so t o awak en t hei rt hought saboutwhathappent oourc ount r ydur i ngt het i meofc ol oni zat i on.When we fi ghtl i k et he wayhedi d we cani ns pi r epeopl et hatt heycan fi ghtagai nstot her peopl et hr oughi nagoodandpeac ef ulway .Idobel i ev ei nmyst and" Ri zali st hebet t er her ot hanBoni f ac i o" . J os eRi z albecomet heNat i onalher obecomet heNat i onalher obecaus ehef oughtour f r eedom i nas i l entbutpower f ulway .Heexpr es sedhi sl ov ef ort hePhi l i ppi nest hr ough hi swor k sr at hert hanaf or ceofaggr essi on.Hewasv er yamaz i ngper sonathi st i meup unt i lnow.I ' v enev ert houghthowpower f ulwr i t i ngi s.I nf act ,i ti st heni cewayt odo.Yes weneedt ofightf orourf r eedom butf ormeI ' dr at herwr i t esomet hi ngt hatcani nspi r emy f el l ow y out h and l et t hem awak e f r om ev er y t hi ng al so i nspi r e t hem. TheOct ober i an12/ 03/ 18...

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